Who is YHWH? Character and Attributes, part 3, Segment 2

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Who is YHWH? Character and Attributes, part 3, Segment 2


00:00:02 good morning
00:00:03 or good day brothers and sisters um
00:00:07 we’re here I’m Matt Ben once again um we
00:00:12 are finish wrapping up uh characters and
00:00:16 attributes we wrapping up mosiah chapter
00:00:18 4 today the main the main thing about
00:00:21 mosiah chapter 4 is that it shows that
00:00:25 the Commandments of God are given to us
00:00:28 to sh to display his character and
00:00:31 attributes there they’re there for us to
00:00:33 get to know him and so um so the so this
00:00:39 is the so th and this is why we keep the
00:00:42 commandments so that we can know him
00:00:44 because we’ll be like him and uh this is
00:00:47 one of the great this is one of the
00:00:50 great things that’s uh laid out for us
00:00:53 uh in the book of
00:00:55 morm so all righty moving on with
00:00:59 chapter for mosiah verse
00:01:04 21 give me a
00:01:07 second technical difficulty gotta love
00:01:10 it there we
00:01:16 go sorry about that and go ahead Ben if
00:01:20 you alrighty so we’re starting we’re
00:01:23 starting in verse 21 and uh where we
00:01:26 left off we were talking about our
00:01:28 responsibility for to those who have
00:01:31 less than us or less than is less than
00:01:35 they need to
00:01:36 survive and how we’re supposed to help
00:01:38 them uh and uh and now and we’re going
00:01:42 to go into why right here uh it’s here
00:01:46 in mosiah chapter 4: 21 now if God who
00:01:49 has created you on whom you are
00:01:51 dependent for your lives we are
00:01:52 dependent we are dependent upon God for
00:01:55 our lives because everything that we
00:01:57 need um everything that we need to live
00:02:00 was created by Him so we are dependent
00:02:03 on him for our lives and for all that ye
00:02:05 have and are doth Grant unto you
00:02:07 whatsoever ye ask that is right in faith
00:02:12 believing that ye shall receive oh then
00:02:15 how ye ought to imp part of the
00:02:16 substance that ye have one to another
00:02:18 now there’s several little things in
00:02:20 here that are really kind of cool um and
00:02:24 you can that you can um that we can spin
00:02:27 a little bit off of ask whatsoever you
00:02:29 ask that that is right we’ll talk a
00:02:31 little bit about what is right to ask
00:02:34 for and how Yeshua gave us a pattern for
00:02:37 prayer uh to show us how to ask for what
00:02:40 is right we’ll go into every bit and
00:02:42 we’ll go into it uh in in um kind of not
00:02:46 in great detail but in some detail um
00:02:50 now in faith what is Faith again let’s
00:02:53 go back to that definition that was
00:02:55 given to us in mosiah
00:02:57 4:6 I say unto you if you have come to a
00:03:00 knowledge of the goodness of God and his
00:03:02 matchless power and his wisdom and his
00:03:04 patience and his long suffering towards
00:03:06 the children of men and also the
00:03:08 atonement which has been prepared from
00:03:10 the foundation of the world that thereby
00:03:12 salvation might come to him that should
00:03:15 put his with salvation might come to him
00:03:18 now salvation is by faith right
00:03:21 salvation might come to him that should
00:03:23 put his trust in the Lord or put his
00:03:26 trust in yah and should be dilig in
00:03:30 keeping yah’s
00:03:32 Commandments and
00:03:34 continue continue in this faith that has
00:03:38 already been laid out for us even until
00:03:40 the onto the end of his life I mean the
00:03:42 life of the Mortal
00:03:44 body so this is what faith is yeah
00:03:47 because salvation is by faith salvation
00:03:51 comes to those who put their trust in
00:03:53 hia and are diligent in keeping his
00:03:55 Commandments and continue yeah
00:03:59 or
00:04:01 endure i i i there’s a part of there’s a
00:04:04 part of me that more prefers this
00:04:06 continuing this idea of continuing in
00:04:08 the faith rather than enduring to the
00:04:09 end because enduring to the end almost
00:04:11 sounds like a SLO Fest but when you’re
00:04:13 when you talk about continuing to the
00:04:15 continuing in the faith now that is
00:04:17 something I can get behind yeah um so
00:04:22 and that’s really the most important
00:04:23 thing Faith placing your trust in yahwah
00:04:27 and being diligent in in keeping his
00:04:32 Commandments absolutely crucial that we
00:04:35 understand that that is what faith is
00:04:37 not believing real hard yeah because you
00:04:40 if you believe real hard and you don’t
00:04:42 keep the Commandments well
00:04:45 you’ll that’s great the Devils believe
00:04:49 and tremble
00:04:50 yeah moving forward trying you’re G to
00:04:55 have to click
00:04:57 it there we go uh so now Matt’s going to
00:05:03 go into the Lord’s Prayer Matt’s going
00:05:05 to start reading the Lord’s Prayer and
00:05:06 we’re going to go into what it means to
00:05:09 pray for that ask for that which is
00:05:11 right yeah give me one second there we
00:05:13 go got it all righty so and after this
00:05:17 manner so this is Yahweh or Yeshua
00:05:20 speaking to his disciples after this
00:05:24 manner therefore pray ye uh what chapter
00:05:26 of verse uh it’s Matthew chap 6: 9-15
00:05:30 I’m just going to go ahead and say
00:05:31 verses 9 through1 15 so that way I don’t
00:05:33 have to state every verse um because I
00:05:38 already have there we go after this
00:05:40 manner therefore pray ye Our Father
00:05:42 which art in heaven Hallowed be thy name
00:05:46 okay thy kingdom come well actually
00:05:50 there’s something here there’s something
00:05:51 here already all right Our Father which
00:05:53 are in heaven uh Hallowed be thy name
00:05:56 now when we talk about the name of y the
00:06:00 hallowed name is the hallowed character
00:06:04 and that is what we are to take upon
00:06:06 ourselves is the character of yahwah
00:06:10 Yeshua and so and this is the so yah
00:06:14 Yeshua is uh this is the name that is
00:06:17 hallowed this is the name that what does
00:06:19 hallowed mean made
00:06:22 holy so it’s basically uh so basically
00:06:26 something that is right to do is praise
00:06:28 the father for Torah yeah okay thy
00:06:33 kingdom come thy will be done in earth
00:06:36 as it is in heaven okay so what this is
00:06:39 a really you know the thing you’re going
00:06:42 to notice about all of these
00:06:45 um all the all the items in this prayer
00:06:49 they’re big ticket items that can
00:06:51 include a whole they’re big umbrella
00:06:54 items that can include a whole number of
00:06:56 things um thy kingdom come
00:07:02 pray that people receive the word with
00:07:05 better in better Faith you can pray you
00:07:09 can pray for all kinds of things with
00:07:10 regards to that that that people that
00:07:13 people’s hearts be softened to the word
00:07:15 to the law to
00:07:18 um their need for that their that they
00:07:21 can that their hearts can be pricked
00:07:23 with their with the knowledge of their
00:07:25 sin they may be that they may be
00:07:27 convicted of their need of a savior
00:07:29 these are all good things to pray for
00:07:31 thy will be done in earth as it is in
00:07:33 heaven this is an indicator that we are
00:07:36 not to ask for anything that is not in
00:07:39 his mind and will we need to ask for
00:07:41 that which is in his mind and will and
00:07:42 if we are obeying uh if we are um
00:07:46 obeying the law then it is in his mind
00:07:49 and will to bless us with health um and
00:07:52 those things which we stand in need of
00:07:55 so that we don’t have to worry about so
00:07:57 that we don’t have to worry from day
00:07:59 today so this is so that is
00:08:03 uh so there is that yes as is also
00:08:07 evidenced in what we’re about to read
00:08:09 here give us this day our daily bread it
00:08:14 is all right to ask for those things
00:08:17 that you need yeah remembering
00:08:21 first to to and to ask that his W that
00:08:25 his will be done yes but um and ‘s
00:08:29 another level to this Daily Bread we are
00:08:34 to seek after the mind and will of God
00:08:39 daily and daily bread bread is his
00:08:44 word yes so it is when we partake of the
00:08:49 sacrament the bread represents the
00:08:51 Commandments right law so when we uh
00:08:55 give us this day our daily bread can
00:08:58 also be Tak taken give us this
00:09:02 day not our daily commandment but our
00:09:07 daily understanding our daily increase
00:09:10 to increase pray to have your
00:09:12 understanding increased yeah but also
00:09:14 here’s another thing just on the
00:09:15 physical level again praying for what
00:09:18 you need right
00:09:19 right if you don’t give the beggar their
00:09:22 daily
00:09:25 bread um if you if you can you know it’s
00:09:30 not expedient that we run faster than we
00:09:33 have strength right but if you can give
00:09:36 the beggar their daily bread and you
00:09:38 don’t give it to them and you pray for
00:09:41 your daily
00:09:45 bread well I don’t I can’t speak for God
00:09:47 and what he’ll do but I can say that
00:09:51 that is
00:09:53 um awfully that seems awfully
00:09:56 shortsighted yeah
00:09:59 and somewhat
00:10:04 hypocritical and forgive us our debts as
00:10:07 we forgive our
00:10:09 debtors well and this is you know this
00:10:12 is this goes back to the Beatitudes
00:10:16 here uh blessed are the merciful for
00:10:18 they shall obtain
00:10:20 Mercy if we forgive uh we will be
00:10:24 forgiven
00:10:26 uh um you know this is like th it
00:10:30 is pray for the Forgiveness of your sins
00:10:34 is one of the greatest is a is a
00:10:39 um is a great uh is a great
00:10:46 um is a great example of praying for the
00:10:49 will of
00:10:51 God
00:10:53 but we need to repent of our
00:10:57 sins we need to actually repent of sins
00:10:59 if we want to be if we want to be
00:11:02 forgiven uh which what does repent mean
00:11:06 repent means to turn away from stop
00:11:10 doing
00:11:11 it um be ye clean that bear the vessels
00:11:16 of the Lord go don’t uh don’t be do
00:11:19 don’t be doing funny stuff when you
00:11:21 don’t think people aren’t looking yeah
00:11:24 um forgive God will forgive all manner
00:11:28 of sin if we learn from
00:11:30 it how do we know what is how do we know
00:11:33 what is sin the only way we know what is
00:11:34 sin is through the law AKA Hing back to
00:11:39 verse 11 give us this day our daily
00:11:42 bread right so these two are actually
00:11:44 connected and you can tell they’re
00:11:46 connect the ideas are connected because
00:11:48 he puts
00:11:49 an in front of forgive us our debts as
00:11:51 we forgive our debtors there’s another
00:11:53 and coming up yeah now the other the
00:11:56 other thing about um
00:12:01 the other thing about this is the uh so
00:12:05 as I was saying yeah the only way we
00:12:08 know what sin is is through the
00:12:09 law so if you have uh if in your mind
00:12:15 the law is no longer valid because
00:12:18 Yeshua came and died on the
00:12:21 cross how do you know you’re not still a
00:12:23 wicked
00:12:24 sinner or how do you know you how do you
00:12:27 know that you’re actually repenting of
00:12:28 your
00:12:30 sins you don’t even know what they are
00:12:33 because you’ve just declared everything
00:12:34 that tells you what sin is to be
00:12:37 invalid so you don’t know you don’t know
00:12:42 for what you need to repent this is why
00:12:45 the this is why the teaching of the law
00:12:47 is so important not that the law saves
00:12:48 us but rather that the law shows us how
00:12:52 it shows us what we need to it shows us
00:12:55 what we need to repent of um so that
00:12:58 when we pray for for the Forgiveness of
00:13:00 our sins we can receive the baptism of
00:13:02 fire yeah um and so we can so we can
00:13:07 repent and be born
00:13:09 again um not a new man not an old man
00:13:13 with new
00:13:15 excuses uh so there is
00:13:19 that and this goes into what we just uh
00:13:24 were um talking uh talking about now
00:13:29 now uh and he continues saying and lead
00:13:33 us not into temptation but Deliver Us
00:13:36 from Evil for thine is the kingdom and
00:13:39 the power and the glory forever amen so
00:13:44 lead us not into
00:13:46 temptation
00:13:52 um this isn’t this isn’t talking about
00:13:55 God actually leading somebody into
00:13:57 temptation right what this is what what
00:14:00 you’re praying for is that you won’t be
00:14:02 tempted above what you were able which
00:14:04 is within the purview of Torah because
00:14:08 it’s in the revealed mind and will of
00:14:10 God that we have a scripture so
00:14:12 therefore it’s within the purview of
00:14:13 Torah that to pray that we not be led
00:14:17 into temptation order to be tempted
00:14:19 greater than we can bear but Deliver Us
00:14:22 from
00:14:23 Evil give us the power and the strength
00:14:26 to give us the P give us power and
00:14:28 strength over Temptation it’s
00:14:30 interesting it comes full circle for
00:14:32 thine is the kingdom and the power so
00:14:34 the power to overcome Temptation if we
00:14:38 allow if we also allow the kingdom his
00:14:42 kingdom to come bya our walk
00:14:46 1112 then we will have the power and he
00:14:51 will receive the glory forever and ever
00:14:54 because you see a little bit of the
00:14:55 kingdom of God resides in each person
00:14:58 who walks in
00:15:01 Torah
00:15:03 so yeah but that is but that is because
00:15:07 when we’re walking in Torah we’re
00:15:08 walking in the spirit and the spirit is
00:15:10 the mind and will of God so a little bit
00:15:13 of God is so a little bit of God is in
00:15:17 you when you’re walking in his name or
00:15:21 in his
00:15:23 um or in his
00:15:25 character and just a little bit of of
00:15:29 uh expounding on that idea and Ben’s
00:15:32 kind of gone into verse 12 and forgive
00:15:35 us our debts as we forgive our debtors
00:15:37 14 and 15 basically explains the cause
00:15:40 and effect of that for if you forgive
00:15:44 men their trespasses your heavenly
00:15:45 father will also forgive you but if you
00:15:48 forgive not men their trespasses neither
00:15:51 will your father forgive your trespasses
00:15:55 well and here’s the other thing is this
00:15:56 same principle can be applied to giving
00:15:59 us this day our daily bread yeah um or
00:16:03 lead us not into temptation yeah yeah if
00:16:06 you’re not always walking into the if
00:16:07 you’re if you’re a recovering alcoholic
00:16:10 if you’re a recovering alcoholic and
00:16:12 you’re always walking into a bar you
00:16:14 can’t
00:16:16 really you’re kind of but at the same
00:16:20 time you know not that that’s a sin but
00:16:21 say um not that that’s necessarily a sin
00:16:25 um drink to excess is a sin but drinking
00:16:28 and of itself is not no now the um the
00:16:33 uh but
00:16:39 say you know if you have say you have a
00:16:42 problem with say you have a problem with
00:16:44 coveting and stealing if you’re always
00:16:46 hang if you’re always
00:16:49 U if you’re always looking for
00:16:51 opportunities to do
00:16:53 it how can you have pray not to be led
00:16:55 into temptation
00:16:59 so basically to repent is to have that
00:17:02 Mighty change yeah you got to
00:17:04 have repentance is the change of heart
00:17:07 and we feel the reason that we feel bad
00:17:10 when we do these Terri when we do these
00:17:13 things these bad these wicked things is
00:17:15 because we need to repent and if we
00:17:18 don’t repent then we will continue to
00:17:20 feel bad until we do yes uh and what is
00:17:24 not needed is a what is not needed is a
00:17:26 replacement is to get rid of the
00:17:29 conscience what is needed is simply to
00:17:31 change the way
00:17:34 yes all righty moving on and if you
00:17:37 judge the man that putteth up his
00:17:38 petition to you for your substance that
00:17:40 he perish not and condemn him how much
00:17:42 more just will be your condemnation here
00:17:44 we go we’re this is actually in
00:17:46 continuation from The Lord’s Prayer here
00:17:48 as you can see how much more just will
00:17:51 be your condemnation for withholding
00:17:52 your substance which does not belong to
00:17:54 you but to God to whom your also your
00:17:57 life belongeth and yet you put up no
00:17:59 petition nor repent of the thing which
00:18:02 thou Hast
00:18:05 done this is a an exact expounding of
00:18:09 what we just talked
00:18:11 about um so we when we pray when we pray
00:18:16 for that which is right we have to be
00:18:18 doing that which is right yeah we have
00:18:20 to or at least to the best of our
00:18:22 ability and the best of our knowledge we
00:18:24 have to be doing that which is right
00:18:26 yeah I say unto you go be onto that man
00:18:30 and by the way we’re also supposed to be
00:18:33 increasing our
00:18:35 knowledge just saying I say unto you woe
00:18:38 be unto that man for his substance Shall
00:18:40 Perish with him and now I say unto these
00:18:42 thing say these things unto those who
00:18:44 are rich as as pertaining to the things
00:18:46 of this world so like as I was saying if
00:18:49 you are if you have just barely enough
00:18:51 to get by day to day God uh Y is not
00:18:55 expecting you to go out and beggar your
00:18:58 family
00:18:59 so that you can uh you
00:19:02 know so that you can give to homeless
00:19:08 Joe uh
00:19:10 you’re there’s specific advice for
00:19:13 people who are in that state who don’t
00:19:15 have so much that they can just
00:19:18 give you know who don’t have who don’t
00:19:21 have more than they need to get by from
00:19:23 day to day week to week month to month
00:19:29 and again I say unto the poor okay now
00:19:32 this is an injunction to the poor ye who
00:19:35 have not and yet have sufficient that
00:19:39 you remain from day to day and this is
00:19:40 also expounding on what Ben just said I
00:19:43 mean all you who deny the beggar because
00:19:46 ye have not I would that you say in your
00:19:49 hearts that I give not because I have
00:19:52 not but if I had I would give and now if
00:19:56 you say this in your hearts you remain G
00:19:58 Guiltless otherwise you are condemned
00:20:01 and your condemnation is just for ye
00:20:03 covet that which ye have not received
00:20:06 this kind of reminds me of the Rich
00:20:08 Young Man in um in the New Testament
00:20:13 right the Commandment uh he says he’s
00:20:16 keeping all the Commandments and so
00:20:18 Yeshua gives him a command gives him a
00:20:21 uh direct injunction related to a
00:20:23 Commandment that he’s not keeping which
00:20:25 is Thou shalt not covet he was coveting
00:20:28 his own
00:20:29 wealth uh and Yeshua says all
00:20:34 right sell all that you have and give to
00:20:37 the poor and take up your cross and
00:20:39 follow
00:20:41 me by the way that wasn’t a personal
00:20:44 commandment for that young man alone
00:20:46 that was a com that was Yeshua
00:20:47 demonstrating to that young man that he
00:20:51 knew what only God
00:20:54 knows yeah and that is what the thought
00:20:58 and intense of his hard work
00:21:06 yes and now for the sake of these things
00:21:09 which I have spoken unto you that is for
00:21:11 the sake of retaining a remission of
00:21:13 your sins from day to day that you may
00:21:15 walk Guiltless before God I would that
00:21:18 you should impart of your substance to
00:21:20 the poor every man according to that
00:21:22 which he ha such as feeding the hungry
00:21:25 clothing the naked visiting the sick and
00:21:27 ministering to their relief both
00:21:29 spiritually and temporally according to
00:21:31 their
00:21:32 wants and see that all these things are
00:21:35 done in wisdom and order for it is not
00:21:37 requisite that a man should run faster
00:21:39 than he has strength and again it is
00:21:41 expedient that he should be diligent
00:21:43 that thereby he might win the prize
00:21:45 therefore all things must be done in
00:21:47 order what’s the what you have to give
00:21:50 to somebody is a knowledge of the Gospel
00:21:53 that’s what you give yeah if you only
00:21:57 have enough money to keep your family
00:22:00 you don’t need to give money but if you
00:22:02 have a knowledge of a knowledge
00:22:05 of uh if you have a knowledge of the
00:22:08 gospel and the testimony of Jesus and
00:22:11 the law the testimony of Yeshua and you
00:22:14 have uh and you have a knowledge of the
00:22:16 law to share that with those who do not
00:22:20 have it is the same spiritually as
00:22:23 giving um of your substance giving of
00:22:26 your money and your substance to the
00:22:28 poor
00:22:32 um but it’s interesting that he connects
00:22:34 this to retaining a remission of your
00:22:36 sins from day to
00:22:38 day um and this is and um and you know
00:22:43 in the
00:22:45 law uh tithing there was a tithe for the
00:22:50 priests and there was a tithe for the
00:22:56 poor and part and we’ve talked about
00:22:58 some of that tithe for the poor which
00:23:00 was that the you were not to take
00:23:03 everything in your as you harvested you
00:23:05 were to leave um some of the fruit of
00:23:07 the field and for the poor so that they
00:23:10 could gather and um be able to eat y um
00:23:15 and so these are the these are all those
00:23:19 kinds of things the law actually makes
00:23:21 provision for people to do
00:23:24 this that’s an important thing see as
00:23:28 you can see here the law is revealing
00:23:32 yahweh’s character he provides for us
00:23:37 yeah another thing that I want to point
00:23:39 out in this little section here will uh
00:23:43 what is the prize let me ask that
00:23:45 question real quick what has the prize
00:23:48 been the
00:23:50 prize is to be is to uh is eternal life
00:23:55 the kingdom of God now interesting that
00:23:59 he ties this because therefore is a
00:24:01 tying
00:24:03 word all things what is all
00:24:07 things all things is a all things is a
00:24:12 um idiomatic um is an idiomatic
00:24:16 expression for Torah therefore Torah
00:24:20 must be done in
00:24:25 order something to think this idea also
00:24:28 that that idea is also expressed and see
00:24:30 that all these things are done in wisdom
00:24:32 and order all these things uh because
00:24:35 because here he’s talking about the
00:24:37 tithe according to torum yeah uh a tithe
00:24:41 for the poor yeah every person according
00:24:44 to their substance and what is it that
00:24:47 is
00:24:49 tithed the excess yes not that which we
00:24:52 need to get by from day to day just the
00:24:57 excess so he’s commanding them to pay
00:24:59 their tiing
00:25:03 yes or rather he’s teaching them to
00:25:07 right and I would that you should
00:25:09 remember that whosoever among you Borth
00:25:12 of his neighbor should return the thing
00:25:14 that he Borth according as he death
00:25:16 agree or else Thou shalt commit sin and
00:25:19 perhaps Thou shalt cause Thy Neighbor to
00:25:22 commit sin also you know when they um in
00:25:25 the law when they
00:25:29 when something was borrowed and was
00:25:31 destroyed
00:25:33 or uh not returned in the same condition
00:25:36 and not returned in the same condition
00:25:38 then the person who then the person who
00:25:42 borrows that is required uh to make it
00:25:45 up from to the person from whom they
00:25:47 borrowed it yeah as we read in Exodus
00:25:50 224 and if a man borrow ought of his
00:25:53 neighbor and it be hurt or Die the owner
00:25:56 thereof and being not with it he shall
00:25:58 make it good but if the owner thereof be
00:26:01 with it he shall not make it good if it
00:26:04 be an hired thing it came for his hire
00:26:09 okay and so this is the this is the
00:26:11 thing is if you borrow
00:26:14 something without the return it yeah and
00:26:17 return it in as good a condition as you
00:26:19 received it if you do if you if the if
00:26:23 the O if the owner of the say the owner
00:26:26 of the tool brought the tool with them
00:26:27 and it gets
00:26:29 broken to help brought the tool with him
00:26:32 to help you with the with a project that
00:26:34 you’re doing say uh and it gets
00:26:36 broken well
00:26:38 that that’s his hard
00:26:41 luck and it’s um and that’s uh that
00:26:47 there’s no there’s nothing in the law
00:26:49 requiring recompense there
00:26:52 right
00:26:53 right um it’s not requiring recompense
00:26:57 however if you do it there’s it will you
00:26:59 won’t be frowned upon that’s right
00:27:01 you’re you’re not breaking the law to to
00:27:04 to help him buy a new one helping you
00:27:07 out that’s a really so but once again
00:27:11 that com that idea of common courtesy if
00:27:15 he does you know if it is the slothful
00:27:19 and not a wise servant who has to be
00:27:20 commanded in all things yes
00:27:24 precisely and Ben wrap us up with uh
00:27:27 last verses ofap let me so here we go
00:27:31 finally I cannot tell you all the things
00:27:33 whereby ye may commit sin for there are
00:27:36 diverse ways means even so many that I
00:27:38 cannot number them now the reason he
00:27:40 can’t tell us all the ways that we can
00:27:42 commit sin because anything that is not
00:27:44 walking in the mind and will of hia uh
00:27:47 which has been revealed to us in the
00:27:48 Holy scriptures and which can be
00:27:51 revealed to us dayto day as we
00:27:53 pray
00:27:55 um is anything
00:27:58 that is
00:28:00 against you know anything that’s outside
00:28:03 of that is
00:28:05 sin uh so the that’s something that we
00:28:09 so that’s it’s impossible to number how
00:28:12 many ways you can sin yes but this much
00:28:16 I can tell you that if you do not watch
00:28:18 yourselves okay watch yourselves and
00:28:21 your thoughts and your words and your
00:28:25 deeds and observe the Commandments of
00:28:30 Elohim
00:28:31 yes which he gave on siai yes wait and
00:28:36 what else and continue in the face not
00:28:39 just observe the Commandments but do the
00:28:43 Commandments continue in the faith of
00:28:46 what ye have heard concerning the coming
00:28:48 of Our Lord yeah even unto the end of
00:28:51 your lives you must perish so we keep
00:28:54 the
00:28:55 law because we have been saved yes and
00:29:00 we continue in that Faith once again
00:29:02 talking a real quick thought back to
00:29:05 Hing back to this idea of the love of
00:29:08 someone if we love Elohim we will keep
00:29:13 his
00:29:14 Commandments and continue in the faith
00:29:16 of what we have heard concerning the
00:29:18 coming of Aron even unto the end of your
00:29:22 lives ye must perish and now oh man
00:29:26 remember and perish not now there’s a
00:29:27 reason Reon why I didn’t use the
00:29:30 personal name here because this is a
00:29:31 reference to the fact
00:29:35 that yah Yeshua is our Master our Adon
00:29:40 the Lord who must be
00:29:43 obeyed and if we do not obey him and if
00:29:46 we or if we do not continue in the faith
00:29:48 that he will return that he W that he
00:29:51 has redeemed us of our sins we must
00:29:55 perish y so it’s more so remember yeah
00:29:59 remember and part of remembering is
00:30:02 doing so and because if we walk in the
00:30:06 mind and will of yopa as revealed to us
00:30:09 in the Holy scriptures we will be like
00:30:12 him
00:30:13 yes these are
00:30:16 instructions not on how to be
00:30:19 saved but how to walk in the character
00:30:23 of him who saved
00:30:25 us so that’s this is that I want to
00:30:29 leave that message with you in the name
00:30:30 of Yeshua hamashiach me am mean and I
00:30:35 just want to go ahead and bear my uh
00:30:38 testimony of um all these things that
00:30:42 we’ve taught in these last uh four
00:30:45 videos stemming from mosiah chapter 4 is
00:30:49 that they are true um and we need to
00:30:53 apply them we need to apply them we need
00:30:55 to exercise that faith
00:30:58 and as it said as he said uh as king
00:31:01 Benjamin said at the end in verse
00:31:04 30
00:31:06 observe the Commandments and do them
00:31:09 because we have been
00:31:12 saved remember that brothers and sisters
00:31:15 remember that we
00:31:17 are uh we can only
00:31:19 become children which is an idiomatic
00:31:22 expression uh Hebrew Ematic expression
00:31:25 in the scriptures for followers
00:31:29 if we do those things that he
00:31:33 Yeshua Yahweh
00:31:36 elim has asked us to do and I leave this
00:31:40 with you in the name of Yeshua
00:31:43 hamashiach
00:31:45 amen once again thanks so much for
00:31:47 watching this video I do hope you got
00:31:49 something from it uh we certainly did
00:31:52 enjoy talking about this and preparing
00:31:54 this uh
00:31:55 material please remember to like
00:31:58 subscribe and share this video uh with
00:32:00 your friends this word needs to get out
00:32:02 we do put we do put a fair d a fair
00:32:04 amount of effort into this stuff so I
00:32:06 hope that U I hope that you can
00:32:10 uh I hope that it helps I hope that it
00:32:12 helps you understand um the importance
00:32:19 of The Commandments as a means of
00:32:23 knowing the character and assuming the
00:32:26 character yeah
00:32:28 of the person of that God who has saved
00:32:32 us yes who personally paid the sin debt
00:32:37 and the debt of a broken Covenant the
00:32:39 Covenant that our fathers broke
00:32:43 yeah that we can uh that
00:32:48 we and the renewing of that and the
00:32:51 subsequent renewing of that Covenant
00:32:54 because the New Covenant that’s because
00:32:55 the new law that’s written Upon Our the
00:32:57 law of the New Covenant that’s written
00:32:59 Upon Our Hearts is still Torah and
00:33:02 that’s according to Jeremiah according
00:33:04 to original scripts yeah the law is
00:33:07 still
00:33:08 Toral it’s just written on our
00:33:11 hearts um it’s written on the hearts of
00:33:13 the saved so if it’s not written on your
00:33:16 heart if you don’t love
00:33:18 Torah um well perhaps it’s because you
00:33:22 don’t know it well enough right and
00:33:24 perhaps it’s because you were taught
00:33:27 that it’s not approp that it’s um not
00:33:29 appropriate to follow
00:33:33 anymore but if you’re not following it
00:33:37 that’s a sign that you’re not under the
00:33:39 New
00:33:41 Covenant according to Jeremiah because
00:33:44 that law will be written on your heart
00:33:46 yeah I implore you to consider these
00:33:49 words absolutely thanks so much for
00:33:52 watching I hope you have a wonderful
00:33:54 evening