Scripture Study 2024-01-25

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Summary: (will improve as time permits)

Going over Giants in Genesis (JST 8) (KJV 6). Sons is a Hebrew idiom for followers. Adam ate meat. Adam kept Torah from Alma 12. The Spirit is Torah. Giants are not connected to sons of God. The real Book Enoch has Elohim’s gospel in it. Melchizedek a mortal man in Alma 13. Melchizedek priests are to call repentance. Melchizedek was a peace maker. The message of Enoch in JST Genesis 6. Pray for the promises in Torah. Wicked men claim they are followers of Elohim while claiming true ones are followers of men. Repenting is returning to Torah. Praying for hours on your knees is from the occult. Noah is the one who was wishing men wasn’t created. Noah was perfect because he was sanctified not because no DNA problems. Sanctified by law / holy spirit [behavior]. When you do it right, people say that’s the spirit. Nephi saw Yeshua in 1 Nephi 11-14 not the Holy Spirit. John 14-16 Holy Spirit is IT in Greek and Hebrew.



00:00:00 court on
00:00:01 the okay so today we voted to start
00:00:06 talking about the supposed Giants or
00:00:09 sometimes called Nephilim in
00:00:12 Genesis um and um we’re going to read it
00:00:16 from the jst or inspired or new
00:00:20 translation as it goes by many names
00:00:23 right um and the how Joseph Smith
00:00:27 corrected these passages
00:00:31 um definitely shows it’s not the common
00:00:35 interpretation as in um Giants or
00:00:39 Nephilim um so um definitely this
00:00:43 definit the change is definitely go
00:00:46 against the idea of the Fallen Angels
00:00:48 and being their
00:00:50 fathers correct um and just on that
00:00:54 point
00:00:56 um
00:00:58 Angels don’t have phys physical B so how
00:01:01 could they
00:01:04 um cause a woman to have a baby so I
00:01:08 just leave it at that for now um but I
00:01:12 guess we’ll just start at the beginning
00:01:14 of the chapter and just go through and
00:01:16 talk about it
00:01:18 um but I there is quite a bit of
00:01:22 Corrections that Joseph Smith did here
00:01:24 as we can see
00:01:27 right uh Josh you want to start with uh
00:01:31 verse one I’ll start off
00:01:34 sure and Noah and his sons hearkened
00:01:37 onto the Lord and gave heed and they
00:01:40 were called the sons of God can you
00:01:42 remove that um that yeah thank you um
00:01:46 and it came let’s stop there let’s talk
00:01:48 about this so first of all the sons how
00:01:51 did Noah and his sons be become or come
00:01:56 to the point where they’re called which
00:01:58 is becoming sons of Elohim well I think
00:02:02 it’s interesting that his son Noah and
00:02:05 his sons hearkened unto the Lord and
00:02:08 gave heed and that is why they were
00:02:11 called the sons of God correct so it
00:02:15 wasn’t because they were literally sons
00:02:18 of
00:02:19 Elohim right right right it’s because
00:02:23 they were
00:02:25 following and doing his teachings it’s
00:02:28 because it’s explaining the Hebrew idiom
00:02:32 yes very good yeah
00:02:35 that’s yeah he’s explaining the Hebrew
00:02:38 idiom of Sons of go of son of sons and
00:02:41 daughters which are actually just
00:02:44 followers right right and there’s times
00:02:46 in the Book of Mormon it says the exact
00:02:48 same thing here and also the New
00:02:51 Testament um yes and the simplest thing
00:02:56 is it’s just explaining the Hebrew idiom
00:02:58 of uh son daughter uh meaning followers
00:03:03 right or Apprentice I’m gonna do for the
00:03:05 next verse is I’m gonna read the
00:03:07 uncorrected and then I’m going to read
00:03:09 it back corrected okay sound good all
00:03:13 right and it came to pass when these men
00:03:16 began to multiply on the face of the
00:03:18 Earth and daughters are born unto them
00:03:20 that the sons of God saw that the the
00:03:24 their daughters
00:03:26 were the daughters of men that they were
00:03:29 Fair
00:03:30 and they took them wives of all which
00:03:33 even as they chose of all which they
00:03:35 chose they chose right of all which they
00:03:37 chose so corrected it says and when
00:03:41 these men began to multiply on the face
00:03:43 of the Earth and daughters were born
00:03:45 unto them the sons of men saw that their
00:03:50 daughters were
00:03:51 fair and they took them wives even as
00:03:55 they
00:03:56 chose well this isn’t nearly as uh this
00:03:59 isn’t n nearly as dramatic as when it’s
00:04:02 uh Fallen Angels taking wives of the
00:04:05 daughters of men as they choose right
00:04:08 right in
00:04:10 fact one one thing to bring out when
00:04:12 these men and these men are referring to
00:04:15 the sons of Elohim that was just talked
00:04:17 about right right this they multip these
00:04:20 is a these is a
00:04:22 reflexive
00:04:25 um uh I
00:04:28 believe yeah
00:04:30 pronoun pronoun it’s AED pronoun going
00:04:33 backk hearkening back to the people they
00:04:35 were talking about before right so it’s
00:04:38 saying these guys had children right as
00:04:41 in the began to multiply and their
00:04:43 daughters were
00:04:45 fair and then people the sons of men so
00:04:50 sons of men are those who follow the
00:04:53 natural man way correct versus the holy
00:04:58 way of Elohim right versus the sons of
00:05:01 God correct and it is interesting here
00:05:04 another thing to bring out that Joseph
00:05:07 Smith corrected it that it’s not the
00:05:09 sons of God that were doing um taking
00:05:12 these fair women but it was the sons of
00:05:14 men so those who were not keeping God’s
00:05:16 Commandments right right saw that saw
00:05:19 that um Noah and his son’s daughters
00:05:22 were fair and so the daughters ended up
00:05:24 marrying outside of the faith correct
00:05:28 yeah the
00:05:31 way well on and the Lord said unto Noah
00:05:36 the daughters of thy sons have sold
00:05:39 themselves for behold mine anger is
00:05:42 kindled against the sons of men for they
00:05:45 will not hearken to my
00:05:47 voice wait a minute so this goes along
00:05:49 with the the idiom we talked about sons
00:05:51 of men don’t listen to Yahweh no they
00:05:55 don’t now uh the daughters of thy son
00:05:59 Sons sold themselves meaning they’re
00:06:02 going after the things of the world
00:06:05 rather than the things of Yahweh
00:06:09 Elohim literally making themselves in
00:06:11 his eyes
00:06:13 harlots correct yeah and it came to pass
00:06:17 that Noah
00:06:18 prophesied and taught the things of God
00:06:22 even as it was in the beginning
00:06:27 interesting oh wait wait and it came
00:06:29 past taught the things of
00:06:31 Elohim as it was with Adam so Noah
00:06:36 taught Torah just as Adam had
00:06:42 Torah no no
00:06:46 stop and he so this gets funny here Noah
00:06:51 taught how you could eat
00:06:54 meat yeah Noah taught things as it was
00:06:57 with Adam ahh anyways um that’s not sexy
00:07:02 Stephen stop it oh am I taking away your
00:07:05 Mysteries
00:07:08 Matt hand bringing hand waving you’re
00:07:11 stripping away his Myst I I I’m not
00:07:14 sorry sorry not sorry
00:07:18 no all right and and besides your
00:07:20 argument isn’t with your argument isn’t
00:07:22 with Stephen it’s with the it’s with the
00:07:24 inspired version of the Bible no no it’s
00:07:27 with Stephen because he’s reading it
00:07:28 okay
00:07:30 am I am I am I am I doing doctrinal
00:07:33 Innovations am I
00:07:36 doing yes th Thou Art guilty of
00:07:38 doctrinal innovation by reading the
00:07:40 scriptures well uh I’ll put in the notes
00:07:44 uh how Adam kept Torah from Elma
00:07:48 12 that’s there there you go there you
00:07:52 go and the Lord said my spirit shall not
00:07:56 always strive with man for that he also
00:08:01 is flesh yet his days shall be 120
00:08:07 years okay and the Lord said Noah he’s
00:08:11 going to read now he’s going to read the
00:08:13 corrected version oh okay yeah sorry
00:08:15 about that and the Lord said unto Noah
00:08:17 my spirit shall not always strive with
00:08:20 man for he shall know that all flesh
00:08:24 shall die yet his days shall be an 120
00:08:28 years and and if men do not repent I
00:08:31 will send in the floods upon them so in
00:08:35 120 years if men do not repent I will
00:08:37 send in the floods upon them uh the
00:08:40 floods so th this yeah this goes this is
00:08:44 a double prophecy just
00:08:47 FYI uh one is with the flood of water
00:08:51 and the second is the flood of fire and
00:08:55 brimstone right and so as in I’ll just
00:08:58 say the fire and brimstone 120
00:09:02 jubilees yes 6,000 years yep which goes
00:09:07 with the second coming but the quick one
00:09:11 120 does go along with the flood of
00:09:14 water during right right right right
00:09:16 right so yeah the the Lord often kills
00:09:19 two birds with one
00:09:20 stone
00:09:22 yes and the one thing here uh this
00:09:27 phrase my spirit
00:09:29 that is bringing out how his laws his
00:09:33 ways his Torah is not always among men
00:09:37 in fact that is what
00:09:40 causes uh the flood with Noah and the
00:09:43 flood with the mighty and strong one is
00:09:45 that people are breaking Torah so much
00:09:48 that they are ripe for Destruction
00:09:52 because they are so sinful AKA going
00:09:55 against the law AKA Yahweh spirit is not
00:09:59 with them right right right okay then
00:10:04 verse six or four whatever um there were
00:10:08 giants in the earth in those
00:10:10 days that’s all it says in the King
00:10:13 James version and then the inspired
00:10:15 version it says and in those days there
00:10:17 were giants on the earth and they sought
00:10:21 Noah to take away his life okay so first
00:10:24 off the main mistake that a lot of
00:10:26 people do in their common
00:10:28 interpretations is that they connect the
00:10:30 Giants here to The
00:10:31 Offspring
00:10:33 of the other o object of their erronous
00:10:37 interpretation the uh sons of God being
00:10:40 the Fallen Angels these are erous
00:10:43 interpretations the we are know who the
00:10:45 sons of God were the sons of God were
00:10:48 Noah and his sons and they had daughters
00:10:51 and the people married those daughter
00:10:54 and the and wicked people and those
00:10:56 daughters married themselves to Wicked
00:10:57 people and and uh so these Giants are
00:11:00 completely
00:11:04 divorced from this whole thing up
00:11:08 here right right right right there this
00:11:11 is just a statement oh yeah there were
00:11:14 giants by the way yeah yeah so they were
00:11:16 trying to kill
00:11:17 Noah right right now I will say uh I’m
00:11:21 gonna bring some extra things in but the
00:11:23 Book of
00:11:25 Enoch uh which is not the Book of Enoch
00:11:28 that is prophesied from the scriptures
00:11:30 and we get into that but the Giants in
00:11:33 that book are bigger than the Twin
00:11:36 Towers before they were destroyed yeah
00:11:40 uh that’s really big by the way uh yes I
00:11:44 mean I have um we can go over that text
00:11:46 if you want but that is giant the Giants
00:11:50 that we’re referring to here are
00:11:51 probably more like the jaredites just
00:11:53 very large people you correct so uh I I
00:11:58 agree with what Ben just stated um the
00:12:00 jaredites were like 9 10
00:12:04 feet um take yeah yeah I I I don’t know
00:12:08 exactly that’s the type of size that
00:12:10 there’s being talked about here but
00:12:12 that’s still really really big I mean
00:12:15 yeah yeah that that’s even bigger than
00:12:16 today’s typical uh basketball players
00:12:19 right but if you take a and put
00:12:22 him up to a basketball player you would
00:12:25 say the basketball player is a giant I
00:12:27 would oh yeah but have you seen
00:12:29 Shaquille O’neal He is a
00:12:31 giant
00:12:33 yeah well but the big thing is this is
00:12:36 not Nephilim as been it’s
00:12:39 not uh so-called Angels
00:12:43 mixing with
00:12:45 um men or or daughters that then are
00:12:49 having sex so um let’s pause for one
00:12:52 second
00:12:57 right okay
00:12:59 jst Genesis chapter 8 verse 7 says well
00:13:04 I think it might be fair to do a recap
00:13:07 for
00:13:08 Kelsey oh sure okay you want to give it
00:13:11 then Ben okay
00:13:15 so we started we started in uh chapter
00:13:19 we started here in chapter eight because
00:13:22 this is the chapter that deals with um
00:13:25 the uh sons of God and the daughters of
00:13:27 men and
00:13:29 etc
00:13:30 etc because this is this is addressing
00:13:34 the um false
00:13:37 interpretation of the Nephilim being The
00:13:42 Offspring of fallen angels with the
00:13:44 daughters of men uh this is a the S the
00:13:50 sourcing for that comes from uh it comes
00:13:54 the sourcing for that comes from The
00:13:56 Book of Enoch which actually contradicts
00:13:58 the word of God which is not the Book of
00:14:01 Enoch that we were promised but and we
00:14:04 know because it contradicts the word of
00:14:06 God on multiple levels and it also does
00:14:10 not contain that which uh is Promised
00:14:15 was contained in the book of uh from the
00:14:19 DNC and from the Bible because there’s
00:14:21 promises in both of those works it says
00:14:24 it’s should be in the true Book of Enoch
00:14:27 which is not in the fals that’s being
00:14:29 promoted right so and so we’ll start in
00:14:35 verse one it says and no and his sons
00:14:36 hearkened unto the Lord and gave heed
00:14:38 and they were called the sons of God so
00:14:39 this actually shows us who the sons of
00:14:41 God are they’re knowing his sons and
00:14:44 they’re the sons of God because they
00:14:45 hearkened on the lord gave heed and
00:14:47 obeyed right right so this is where it
00:14:49 goes along how they’re where the Hebrew
00:14:52 idiom of
00:14:54 follower uh or Sons or daughters means
00:14:57 followers because here
00:14:59 here’s a group of people that followed
00:15:02 Yahweh and
00:15:04 did therefore they were then became or
00:15:08 called sons of Elohim right and so this
00:15:12 is again son daughter actually means
00:15:14 follower or Apprentice uh that’s the
00:15:17 Hebrew idiom correct okay and so these
00:15:21 these got I’m in fact just so people
00:15:23 know since been bringing out Apprentice
00:15:26 the Jews in Jerusalem and other
00:15:29 scattered places still use it that way
00:15:33 right so the
00:15:36 um so I’m G to summarize too and
00:15:39 basically because it’s basically pretty
00:15:42 simple um Noah Noah and his sons had
00:15:46 daughters and they were
00:15:48 pretty and
00:15:50 um the uh and and the natural men of the
00:15:53 world were like oh these these girls are
00:15:56 hot you want to marry me and they said
00:15:59 oh sure they’ll do that and so they
00:16:04 married yeah that’s that’s a good
00:16:08 summary yeah yeah and so the Lord and so
00:16:13 the Lord says thy daughters have sold
00:16:15 themselves um seeking because the reason
00:16:21 the way that I the way that I read this
00:16:22 is that the reason that they married the
00:16:24 sons of
00:16:26 men is that
00:16:29 they got an easier life they had it
00:16:32 would it was an easier
00:16:34 life thy daughters have sold them thy
00:16:37 daughter the daughters of thy sons have
00:16:38 sold
00:16:40 themselves and uh my and his and the and
00:16:43 his anger is kindled against the sons of
00:16:45 men why because they will not hearken to
00:16:49 my voice whose voice they hearken to the
00:16:51 voice of men that’s what makes them the
00:16:53 sons of men yeah yeah because Sons is an
00:16:56 idiom for follower yeah yeah yeah and it
00:17:00 came to pass and it came to pass that
00:17:02 Noah prophesied and taught the things of
00:17:04 God even as it was in the beginning so
00:17:06 he taught Torah just like Adam had been
00:17:08 taught Torah and just like he had taught
00:17:10 it to his children and Noah was teaching
00:17:12 that and the Lord said unto Noah my
00:17:14 spirit shall not always strive with man
00:17:17 for that he shall know that all flesh
00:17:19 shall die yet his days shall be 120
00:17:22 years and if men do not repent I will
00:17:24 send in the floods upon them this is a
00:17:26 two-fold prophecy 120 years meaning the
00:17:30 Lord is giving men in that time 120
00:17:34 years to change their ways and listen to
00:17:37 his voice and if they would not repent
00:17:40 then he would send the
00:17:42 floods he also is prophesying of 120
00:17:46 jubilees or 6,000 years that men have to
00:17:51 repent before he sends in the floods of
00:17:54 fire and
00:17:55 brimstone uh called
00:17:59 called on called upon by the mighty and
00:18:01 strong
00:18:03 one and in these days and in those days
00:18:07 there were giants on the earth and they
00:18:10 sought Noah to take away his life now
00:18:13 the main mistake that a lot of people
00:18:14 make is conflating the Giants down here
00:18:18 with the Union of the sons of men God
00:18:21 and the with the false scripture that
00:18:26 with with the falsified scripture that
00:18:27 says the sons of God mingled with the
00:18:29 daughters of
00:18:31 men AKA The Book of Enoch which has
00:18:35 problem or the Book of Genesis
00:18:39 even correct um but yeah
00:18:43 so uncorrected the Book of Genesis has
00:18:46 falsities in it which make the Book of
00:18:49 Enoch seem
00:18:51 legit right correct um and sadly when I
00:18:55 have shown people JS 2 Genesis jst
00:18:58 Genesis
00:19:00 8 people will still say well Joseph
00:19:02 Smith would have accepted it and I’m
00:19:04 like uh not according to what Joseph
00:19:06 Smith corrected the Bible to
00:19:09 so yeah okay so the sons so the point is
00:19:14 that the sons of
00:19:16 God are the that the Giants are not the
00:19:21 union of fallen angels with human women
00:19:25 they’re actual GI Giants were just
00:19:27 Giants
00:19:29 like the
00:19:30 jedit yeah they just like the jaredites
00:19:33 like basketball
00:19:35 players right they were just really big
00:19:37 people and they wanted to kill Noah yeah
00:19:40 that’s where we were yes so in verse
00:19:43 seven it says but the Lord was with Noah
00:19:46 and the power of the Lord was upon him
00:19:48 and the Lord ordained Noah after his own
00:19:51 order oh this is something that we were
00:19:53 talking about earlier yep and commanded
00:19:57 him that he should go for forth and
00:19:58 declare his gospel onto the children of
00:20:01 men even as it was given unto Enoch okay
00:20:06 so look he had to go declare it to the
00:20:09 nonbelievers the children of men yep and
00:20:12 it came to pass that Noah oh wait wait
00:20:15 wait and this is a real kicker even as
00:20:18 it was given unto Enoch this is shows us
00:20:21 that the modern day book of that the
00:20:23 Book of Enoch that we have now is false
00:20:26 and is a lie because it is does not
00:20:29 contain the gospel of
00:20:32 Elohim no it has a whole bunch of weird
00:20:35 stuff yeah I was gonna say it contains
00:20:39 really weird what it contains what it
00:20:42 contains is a whole lot of a cult ritual
00:20:45 and
00:20:46 symbology and it was the work of a
00:20:48 scribe who put edi’s name on
00:20:51 it
00:20:53 right all right verse eight all right
00:20:56 and it came to pass that Noah called
00:20:59 upon the children of men that they
00:21:01 should repent but they hearkened not
00:21:05 unto his words okay so I I want to
00:21:08 Sidetrack a little bit that goes with
00:21:09 this first but see how Noah who had the
00:21:13 same priesthood is Enoch uh which is the
00:21:16 same priesthood that the son of man or
00:21:20 God had right which is namely uh we
00:21:24 mainly call it the mesc priest of the
00:21:27 day but so Elma 13 tells us uh th what
00:21:33 those who have that priest to do and
00:21:35 it’s being shown right here also the
00:21:38 Elma 13 makes it more clear so I’m going
00:21:40 to pause while we go get that
00:21:43 okay so we found in Elma 13 what we’re
00:21:47 looking for uh it’s uh Elma 138 but
00:21:52 we’re going to read a little bit before
00:21:55 we’ll start with
00:21:56 16 uh um Kesley you want to read
00:22:04 16 okay
00:22:07 um now these ordinances were given after
00:22:10 this manner that thereby the people
00:22:12 might look forward on the Son of God it
00:22:15 being a type of his order or it being
00:22:17 his order and this that they might look
00:22:20 forward to him for a remission of their
00:22:23 sins that they might enter into the rest
00:22:25 of the lord well actually we may need to
00:22:28 go up a little bit more
00:22:30 sorry UHC the the thing that these
00:22:35 ordinances are done in the same manner
00:22:37 or these callings were done in the same
00:22:40 manner that the Son of God was done to
00:22:43 to have it look forward to the Son of
00:22:46 God and this actually when you analyze
00:22:51 it with how the Son of God was called
00:22:53 before the foundation of the world shows
00:22:57 that these priesthood holders the mesic
00:22:59 ones because it’s what it’s primarily
00:23:01 talking about here is also done before
00:23:05 the foundation of the world
00:23:07 also and now this to get technical this
00:23:11 is the full mezic priesthood meaning
00:23:14 it’s given to you by the voice of Elohim
00:23:16 himself and not the offices of it it’s
00:23:20 not some other order that some people um
00:23:24 claim in the restoration it’s just the
00:23:26 mezic priesthood but to be the to fully
00:23:30 have it and not just an office of it you
00:23:32 need yahweh’s voice um so I guess I did
00:23:36 not do the best prep for that sorry but
00:23:39 16 is talking about how the ordinances
00:23:41 that are given
00:23:44 to uh is part of the part that talks
00:23:47 about how the ordinances are done to
00:23:49 these mezic priesthood holders to point
00:23:51 to the Son of God and that’s because
00:23:53 it’s talking about the pre-existence
00:23:55 just as the son of God
00:23:58 was ordained preexistence I mean for
00:24:02 that we can look back to 14 hey humble
00:24:05 yourselves even as the people in the
00:24:06 days of melkisedek who was also a high
00:24:09 priest after the same order which I have
00:24:11 spoken who also took upon him the high
00:24:14 priesthood
00:24:15 forever and it was the same melchisedek
00:24:17 to whom Abraham paid tithes he even our
00:24:21 Father Abraham paid tithes of one/ tenth
00:24:23 of all that he possessed and now these
00:24:25 ordinances were given after this man
00:24:28 that thereby the people might look
00:24:29 forward to on the Son of God uh the the
00:24:36 um it being a type of his order so here
00:24:39 we’re talking about the priesthood again
00:24:41 or it being his order the reception of
00:24:43 the priesthood is the ordinances he’s
00:24:45 talking
00:24:46 about this that they might look forward
00:24:48 to him for a remission of their sins
00:24:51 that they might enter into the rest of
00:24:53 the Lord so the uh the the uh the
00:24:59 priesthood the priesthood is given in
00:25:01 the in the
00:25:03 similitude in similitude of the only
00:25:05 begotten
00:25:08 son as in he got it before so anyways
00:25:12 but that’s a Sidetrack one so uh the
00:25:15 main one we want is 18 but maybe we
00:25:18 should I’ll read verse 17 just kind of
00:25:20 lead up to it a little more and this
00:25:24 mezic
00:25:26 was a king over the land of Salem so
00:25:29 this is stating here he’s a real person
00:25:33 a real Mortal person here okay yes
00:25:36 there’s controversies with that who had
00:25:39 his one who had his one turn of
00:25:41 mortality uh good point one turn because
00:25:44 that’s all we have um and they had all
00:25:48 gone astray they were all full of all
00:25:53 manner of
00:25:55 wickedness so his people had all gone
00:25:57 astray they wax strong in iniquity and
00:25:59 Abomination right right so another this
00:26:03 is another support for this is an actual
00:26:05 mortal man if it was the angel of Yahweh
00:26:08 and that he appeared unto wicked men who
00:26:12 weren’t repentant they would have been
00:26:14 destroyed yeah
00:26:17 so uh that’s another evidence that this
00:26:20 is an actual physical mortal man here
00:26:24 okay very yes a righteous right
00:26:29 physical flesh and blood human being yes
00:26:32 yes anyways I just wanted to say that
00:26:34 because I know there’s controverses
00:26:36 about that who wants to read Verse 18
00:26:38 who wants to take 18 well I’ll read
00:26:41 18 if nobody else wants to no go ahead
00:26:45 all right but mzc having exercised
00:26:49 Mighty faith and received the office of
00:26:51 the high priesthood according to the
00:26:53 holy order of
00:26:54 God did preach repentance unto his
00:26:58 people wait wait what did he do with
00:27:00 that high
00:27:01 priesthood preached what did he preach
00:27:05 repentance oh okay no no he you mean he
00:27:09 didn’t preach the Feelgood gospel no he
00:27:12 said y’all y’all suck stop
00:27:16 sucking that’s probably not I mean put
00:27:19 it
00:27:20 bluntly
00:27:21 yeah you’re Wicked
00:27:24 repent and what did going down you’re
00:27:27 going the way that you don’t trust me
00:27:29 you don’t want to go the way you’re
00:27:31 going you don’t want to keep doing what
00:27:33 you’re doing trust me and what and how
00:27:35 did they respond they
00:27:38 repented read read the rest and behold
00:27:42 they did repent and mzc did establish
00:27:46 peace in the land in his days and I
00:27:48 think it’s interesting that peace is
00:27:51 connected to repentance right right here
00:27:55 this is an example of mzc being a
00:27:58 peacemaker
00:28:01 yeah he was called The Prince of Peace
00:28:05 for he was the king of Salem and he did
00:28:07 Reign under his father now the multiple
00:28:12 mortal professions people are going to
00:28:14 twist this verse and say see he’s the
00:28:17 Prince of Peace he must be a former
00:28:20 probation of Jesus
00:28:22 Christ yeah and that’s not the case I
00:28:25 mean um if I remember right uh so are we
00:28:28 not my question is this okay are we not
00:28:32 to Aspire to be made over in the image
00:28:34 of Christ yeah
00:28:38 yeah we all would we all not desire
00:28:41 shouldn’t we all
00:28:43 desire I know she just sits by the door
00:28:46 she didn’t even come in hey Kesley uh
00:28:48 mute
00:28:51 please
00:28:53 um so uh go ahead and finish what you’re
00:28:56 saying Ben yeah shouldn’t we all desire
00:28:58 to become Prince a prince of peace yeah
00:29:03 we should we all should be peacemakers
00:29:06 which are princes of Peace um in
00:29:09 addition to that one of the titles of
00:29:12 Yahweh or Yeshua or the same person is
00:29:15 son of
00:29:17 Elohim there are multiple examples at
00:29:21 least Ezekiel that I know off top of my
00:29:22 head where these prophets are called
00:29:25 sons of God and so and so this is once
00:29:29 again another thing showing us that he
00:29:33 is the son because of the Flesh and
00:29:35 because of our flesh we too can be Sons
00:29:38 and Daughters as it were um as in going
00:29:42 back to mosiah 15 but we probably don’t
00:29:44 want to Sidetrack on that today but go
00:29:48 back to go back towards where we
00:29:51 were um in a ver in a verse that we’d
00:29:54 read in the beginning of Joseph Smith
00:29:57 trans ation Genesis
00:29:59 8 uh it talks about uh preaching the
00:30:03 gospel uh preaching the gospel the way
00:30:06 that Enoch taught it and that this is
00:30:08 actually shown to us earlier in the
00:30:11 inspired version of the Bible um I don’t
00:30:16 know if it’s six or five in this okay so
00:30:19 let me pause while we find out which let
00:30:22 me finish okay because Mo I don’t yet
00:30:25 know whether it’s five or six because
00:30:28 Moses one has become in the inspired
00:30:31 version a non chapter but more of an
00:30:34 introduction that tells us how the rest
00:30:36 of Genesis is going what it tells us
00:30:38 about the rest of Genesis that it is a
00:30:41 vision given to Moses right okay so with
00:30:44 that so so with that we’re GNA take a
00:30:48 slight pause figure out whether it’s
00:30:49 five or
00:30:52 six
00:30:54 okay all right so in the The Inspired
00:30:57 version Genesis CH 6 verse
00:31:00 44 we read starting in verse 44 we read
00:31:05 in Enoch’s message of Salvation to the
00:31:08 people of every land except the land of
00:31:11 Canaan which had had the gospel and
00:31:13 rejected
00:31:17 it and it came to pass starting in verse
00:31:20 44 and it came to pass as I journeyed
00:31:22 from the land of Canaan by the sea east
00:31:24 i beheld a vision and lo the heavens I
00:31:26 saw the Lord spake with me and gave me
00:31:28 commandment wherefore for this cause to
00:31:31 keep the Commandment I speak forth these
00:31:34 words and next
00:31:38 page and Enoch continued his speech
00:31:40 saying the Lord which spake with me the
00:31:42 same as the god of heaven and he is my
00:31:44 God and your God and ye are my brethren
00:31:48 why counsel you yourselves and deny the
00:31:50 god of
00:31:53 heaven so first he defines God
00:31:57 that’s the first part of his
00:32:01 message the heavens he made the Earth is
00:32:04 his foot stol the foundation thereof is
00:32:06 his behold he laid it the hosts of men
00:32:09 hath he brought in upon the face
00:32:11 thereof and death hath come upon our
00:32:14 father so first we Define God and death
00:32:17 hath come upon our fathers nevertheless
00:32:19 we know them and cannot deny and even
00:32:21 first the first of all and we know even
00:32:24 the first of all we know we know Even
00:32:27 Adam he was still
00:32:29 alive for a book of remembrance have we
00:32:33 have written Among Us according to the
00:32:34 pattern written given by the Finger of
00:32:38 God this speaks to so many um similar
00:32:44 experiences well God reminds me Moses
00:32:47 restoring Torah this so many similar
00:32:51 experiences between Adam and the uh
00:32:54 children of Israel and it is given in
00:32:56 our own
00:32:57 language and as Enoch spake forth the
00:33:00 words of God the people trembled and
00:33:02 could not stand in his presence so first
00:33:04 he introduces them to God he
00:33:06 reintroduces them to their fallen
00:33:09 State and he said unto them because that
00:33:11 Adam fell we are and by his fall Came
00:33:14 Death and we are made partakers of
00:33:16 misery and woe behold Satan hath come
00:33:19 among the children of men and tempteth
00:33:20 them to worship him and his me and men
00:33:23 have become carnal sensual and devilish
00:33:25 and are shut out from the presence of
00:33:26 God and he’s now he’s showing them that
00:33:29 they’re giving way to their fallen
00:33:31 nature that they’re sinning but God hath
00:33:33 made known unto our fathers that all men
00:33:35 must repent here’s the message of
00:33:37 Salvation
00:33:38 repentance and he called Upon Our Father
00:33:41 Adam by his own voice saying I am God I
00:33:44 made the world and Men before they were
00:33:46 flesh and he ALS he said he also said
00:33:48 unto him if thou Wilt turn on turn unto
00:33:51 me and hearken unto my voice and believe
00:33:54 and repent of all thy transgressions and
00:33:56 be B baptized even in water in the name
00:33:59 of mine only begotten son who is full of
00:34:01 grace and truth which is Yeshua
00:34:04 hamashiach The Only Name which shall be
00:34:07 given under Heaven whereby salvation
00:34:09 shall come unto the children of men and
00:34:11 ye shall receive the gift
00:34:15 of the Holy Spirit Holy
00:34:19 Ghost the law asking all things in his
00:34:22 name and whatsoever you shall ask it
00:34:24 shall be given you asking all things
00:34:30 uh and all things is another it’s a key
00:34:33 phrase for Torah but anyways and our
00:34:36 father Adam spake unto the Lord which
00:34:38 sorry I interrupt you again we are to
00:34:41 pray for the promises in
00:34:45 forah
00:34:47 yes and our father Adam spake unto the
00:34:50 Lord and said why is it that men must
00:34:51 repent and be baptized in
00:34:54 water so so do you see how Enoch is
00:34:58 actually using the tale of Adam’s
00:35:00 baptism to teach people the
00:35:05 gospel well baptism just as Paul brings
00:35:09 out and in other places it’s about the
00:35:13 death
00:35:15 and rising of the Messiah who we uh get
00:35:19 our Salvation through through his Merit
00:35:21 so which is the essence of the Gospel
00:35:24 right I mean there’s a lot in the
00:35:26 baptism act but I’m just going to bring
00:35:28 that part out and this turns this ties
00:35:30 us back to Elma chapter 13 these
00:35:32 ordinances given in similitude of the
00:35:34 only
00:35:36 begotten pointing this to the son
00:35:39 yes and the Lord God and the Lord said
00:35:42 unto Adam behold I have forgiven thee
00:35:44 thy transgression in the Garden of
00:35:47 Eden that’s why and that’s why he needed
00:35:50 to be baptized here came the saying
00:35:52 abroad among the people that the Son of
00:35:54 God had atoned for original guilt
00:35:56 wherein the sins of the parents cannot
00:35:58 be answered upon the heads of the
00:35:59 children for they are whole from the
00:36:01 foundation of the
00:36:03 world and so now we are no longer guilty
00:36:06 for our parents sins we we never were
00:36:10 guilty for our parents because it was
00:36:12 done from before the foundation of the
00:36:14 world but uh but this is but this is why
00:36:19 now we we are only guilty of our own
00:36:21 sins which are for most of us pretty
00:36:24 copious well so
00:36:27 [Laughter]
00:36:28 with or without the atonement we’re not
00:36:30 guilty for what someone else has
00:36:32 done right we’re guilty for our own
00:36:35 decisions and our own actions okay so to
00:36:38 your mind what is this first saying then
00:36:40 Stephen uh so we can read it 56 hence
00:36:43 came the saying abroad the people that
00:36:45 the Son of God hath atoned for original
00:36:47 guilt uh that’s what Adam did and Eve
00:36:52 partaking of the Forbidden the original
00:36:55 guilt now let’s take a little bit we
00:36:59 need to read a little further sir
00:37:00 wherein the sins of the parents cannot
00:37:02 be answered upon the heads of the
00:37:04 children okay so this is T this is tying
00:37:07 this principle to the principal of a to
00:37:10 the principle it’s not a semi callon
00:37:13 it’s just a comma this is another it
00:37:15 says but what about the word
00:37:17 wherein okay let’s go to the dictionary
00:37:23 um let me change the screen
00:37:45 in which thing time respect this is the
00:37:49 thing wherein you have AED in which in
00:37:53 which thing in other words they AED that
00:37:56 they they thought the sins are the
00:37:57 parent no no no now you’re now you’re
00:38:00 applying this definition you’re you’re
00:38:02 applying their application sentence to
00:38:06 uh that the definition is in which in
00:38:08 which thing or in
00:38:11 what that’s the
00:38:14 definition okay so I’m a little that’s
00:38:16 an application sentence that’s just an
00:38:18 application sentence right which is
00:38:21 showing how it should be used right okay
00:38:25 so the wherein
00:38:27 okay in other
00:38:29 words but what this is showing
00:38:31 is that this the thing mentioned before
00:38:35 is where you is the error okay so let’s
00:38:39 go back well yeah okay
00:38:42 so so that’s it’s um you know it’s a
00:38:47 thing that’s mentioned before that is
00:38:49 the
00:38:50 wherein the parents cannot be answered
00:38:53 upon the heads of the children so so
00:38:55 that’s the
00:38:57 the original guilt the sins of the
00:38:59 parents can wherein the sins of the
00:39:01 parents cannot be answered upon the
00:39:02 heads of the children so therefore the
00:39:06 atonement
00:39:09 um this is this is this wearin word is
00:39:14 connecting the what follows to what came
00:39:17 before right so the children will feel
00:39:21 the consequences of sins but uh it’s not
00:39:25 answered upon the heads of the children
00:39:28 and that is because and that that is
00:39:30 because according to this the Son of God
00:39:32 hath atoned for original guilt okay uh
00:39:35 but it’s just this is talking about only
00:39:38 physical death there not all sins well
00:39:41 yeah yeah that I’m I wasn’t saying that
00:39:44 all sin I’m just saying that okay fair
00:39:49 enough okay way I maybe I misunderstood
00:39:52 you but I thought you were applying it
00:39:54 to everything
00:39:57 um well I’m I’m talking about I’m
00:40:01 talking about the results of original
00:40:03 I’m talking about the results I was
00:40:04 talking about the results of original
00:40:06 thing sin so I think we we’re both
00:40:08 talking about the same thing but I think
00:40:09 we misunderstood each other uh maybe
00:40:11 that and that could have been maybe we
00:40:13 just misunderstood I was about I was
00:40:14 about to say that it sounded like both
00:40:17 going about saying the same thing
00:40:19 differently okay that that that can
00:40:22 happen sometimes approach things
00:40:25 differently so maybe
00:40:26 just it’s just a misunderstanding sorry
00:40:29 folks that’s fine okay moving I’m not
00:40:33 going to be able to stick around too
00:40:34 much longer Unfortunately I got an early
00:40:37 day tomorrow yeah okay all right okay so
00:40:40 let’s go let’s go down a
00:40:42 page shabbat shalom Josh yeah shabbat
00:40:45 shalom glad to see you glad to see you
00:40:50 glad to be
00:40:52 here and the Lord spake unto Adam saying
00:40:55 in as much as thy children are conceived
00:40:57 in sin even so when they begin to grow
00:40:59 up and sin conceive in their hearts and
00:41:01 they taste the bitter that they know to
00:41:03 prize the good and okay so this is so
00:41:07 this is now we’re going back to what the
00:41:10 Lord has to say as opposed to what man
00:41:12 has to say the Lord says in as much as
00:41:15 thy children are conceived in sin even
00:41:17 so when they begin to grow up sin
00:41:18 conceive it in their hearts and they be
00:41:20 and they taste the bitter that they may
00:41:22 know to prize the good this is a
00:41:24 statement that we now since we know sin
00:41:27 because of the
00:41:29 law uh it’s when they when we begin to
00:41:31 grow up the law is put the the
00:41:36 law the some knowledge of the law is in
00:41:39 each is in each adult and in every adult
00:41:42 now the reason why Ben says some is when
00:41:45 we fight against it it does leave us but
00:41:49 when we uh go with it we get more and
00:41:53 you can get that real quickly from Elma
00:41:55 129 through 11 well and the whole thing
00:41:58 is is that this some knowledge of the
00:42:01 law is that each one of us has some inan
00:42:05 of things as being right or
00:42:07 wrong right right in in most of the
00:42:10 world there is a fairly Universal
00:42:13 agreement on what they will term moral
00:42:16 law uh and it’s be I would say a lot of
00:42:19 it that is because the the law is in all
00:42:23 adults stated in multiple places
00:42:27 a lot of the details and reasons behind
00:42:29 it will be different because if you’re
00:42:31 not really keeping it you’re not going
00:42:33 to understand that stuff and people for
00:42:36 on on whole on the most part people
00:42:39 don’t even keep the so-called moral law
00:42:42 yes and it is given unto them to know
00:42:44 good from Evil wherefore they are agents
00:42:47 unto themselves and I have given unto
00:42:49 you another law and commandment
00:42:51 wherefore teach it unto your children
00:42:52 that all men everywhere must repent I
00:42:56 turn to Torah or they can in no wise
00:42:59 inherit the kingdom of God for no
00:43:01 unclean thing can dwell there see Torah
00:43:03 shows us how to clean ourselves or dwell
00:43:05 in his presence and we’re not talking
00:43:07 about physical cleansing we’re talking
00:43:09 about actual uh though I do believe
00:43:12 there are some things on cleansing and
00:43:13 Torah but it’s uh yes there are some
00:43:17 ceremonial laws that you have to be but
00:43:20 the but the unclean talking about here
00:43:22 is spiritual unclean I do agree they’re
00:43:25 talking about here right for no unclean
00:43:28 thing can dwell there or dwell in his
00:43:30 presence in the language of Adam man of
00:43:32 Holiness is his name and the name of his
00:43:34 of his only begotten is the son of man
00:43:37 even Yeshua hamashiach a righteous judge
00:43:40 who shall come in the Meridian of time
00:43:43 therefore I give unto you a commandment
00:43:44 to teach these things freely unto your
00:43:47 children saying that by reason of
00:43:49 transgression cometh the fall okay so
00:43:52 now he’s coming back to his point using
00:43:54 the story as the using the using the
00:43:58 known story as the means of transmission
00:44:00 of the
00:44:01 information saying that by reason of
00:44:04 transgression cometh the fall which fall
00:44:06 bringeth death and in as much as you
00:44:08 were born into the World by water and
00:44:10 blood and the spirit which I have made
00:44:12 and so become of dust living Soul even
00:44:14 so you must be born again into the
00:44:16 Kingdom of Heaven of water baptism by
00:44:19 water and of the
00:44:21 Spirit uh and of the spirit baptism of
00:44:25 fire and be cleansed by Blood even the
00:44:28 blood of mine only begotten the baptism
00:44:30 of the this is actually the baptism of
00:44:33 the of the Holy Spirit wherein
00:44:36 sanctification it’s just another way of
00:44:38 saying it yeah wherein wherein his law
00:44:41 is written upon your heart corre that
00:44:43 you may be Sanctified from all sin and
00:44:46 enjoy the words of eternal life and like
00:44:49 right there it just said it Sanctified
00:44:51 from all sin that happens with the
00:44:52 baptism of the holy spirit so this is
00:44:54 the gospel that the those of the higher
00:44:57 order H and that Enoch taught that you
00:45:01 don’t find in The socalled Book of
00:45:05 Enoch this is why you know that that is
00:45:08 not the Book of
00:45:10 Enoch because he doesn’t it doesn’t
00:45:12 teach these things no it teaches a whole
00:45:14 bunch of weird stuff for that’s probably
00:45:18 the best way to say I don’t know what
00:45:20 else to call it but anyways but yeah
00:45:23 it’s uh for what it does teach is
00:45:28 um
00:45:32 uh what it does teach is that heaven
00:45:36 that the heavens are at war with each
00:45:37 other are at war with
00:45:39 themselves um which is not a true
00:45:44 God with
00:45:45 himself it has a lot of falsities um
00:45:50 including the calendar uh including the
00:45:53 Giants or Nephilim including the the
00:45:56 size of so-called Giants including
00:46:00 how um the Earth during the flood the
00:46:05 Earth changed and the Book of Enoch says
00:46:08 it didn’t and even the Tanakh says it
00:46:10 changed so there’s tons of problems with
00:46:12 that book but anyways um I should make a
00:46:15 resource page of a lot of stuff I’ve
00:46:17 found but it’s hasn’t been a Hy well I
00:46:20 mean I just wanted to point out that
00:46:22 this is the same gospel it is the same
00:46:28 gospel that has been taught from the
00:46:31 beginning Faith
00:46:34 repentance baptism by water fire and the
00:46:39 Holy Ghost it’s the same gospel yes uh
00:46:44 it’s always the same um and that’s why
00:46:47 it’s the Everlasting Covenant because it
00:46:51 doesn’t change uh right some but and
00:46:55 unless it’s to add unless it’s to add an
00:46:57 element of
00:46:59 marriage uh well uh I don’t believe
00:47:02 briam young was a prophet of the god of
00:47:06 Abraham Isaac and Jacob so um yeah I I’m
00:47:10 I I’m I’m
00:47:12 being I I know you’re being factious but
00:47:14 I’m just throwing out that out there um
00:47:17 yeah since we’re on recording probably
00:47:20 um so I think we’re on verse eight now
00:47:24 right yeah
00:47:27 uh I’ll take a turn reading uh and it
00:47:30 came to pass that Noah called upon the
00:47:32 children of men or you know the
00:47:34 followers of the natural flesh that they
00:47:38 should repent as in you know change your
00:47:40 ways because you’re following the
00:47:41 natural man but they hearkened not unto
00:47:44 his
00:47:46 words so Noah who had the mesic
00:47:49 priesthood here uh is
00:47:51 telling Sinners to repent and they
00:47:54 didn’t what is well you know and it just
00:47:57 goes to show that just being just being
00:48:00 endowed with the power of God is not
00:48:02 going to ensure the success in terms of
00:48:05 numbers of
00:48:06 converts of your work oh no uh John the
00:48:10 Baptist I mean he had some uh Jeremiah
00:48:15 probably had even
00:48:16 less right um he had some but very few
00:48:22 Jeremiah over the course of his life had
00:48:24 to deal with people who did not believe
00:48:26 and would take action against him
00:48:29 because of what he prophesied oh yeah uh
00:48:32 to the point of being kept in a
00:48:35 hole literally for many
00:48:39 years and also
00:48:42 um being accused of being against the
00:48:45 state of being accused of be of being
00:48:47 against the state of Judah because he
00:48:49 told them not to flee to
00:48:51 Egypt after the Babylonian captivity had
00:48:54 occurred right right well they he this
00:48:58 is where I think they accused him
00:48:59 against the state even before that to
00:49:02 but any no but this is even after he’s
00:49:05 been freed from the prison because
00:49:06 zedekiah is no longer in charge sure
00:49:09 they’re still accusing him because he’s
00:49:12 telling them not to follow what they
00:49:14 want to do sure sure they’re afraid
00:49:16 which is funny because they want to go
00:49:18 somewhere else instead of staying right
00:49:20 so but anyways um they’re just
00:49:23 Hypocrites um but not to Sidetrack on
00:49:27 that uh Sharon you want to read nine so
00:49:31 uh just so you’re
00:49:32 aware um cross outs were removed from
00:49:36 the King James and the balids were added
00:49:41 or restored depending on how you want to
00:49:43 think about it I would restored is a
00:49:45 better word in my mind but just to write
00:49:48 this first part and also after that they
00:49:51 heard him would be how you read it for
00:49:53 king or for the J the yeah don’t read
00:49:57 the
00:49:59 cross and also after that they had heard
00:50:03 him they came up before him saying
00:50:07 behold we are the sons of God have we
00:50:11 not taken unto ourselves Daughters of
00:50:16 men and are we not eating and drinking
00:50:20 and marrying and giving in marriage and
00:50:23 our wives bear unto us
00:50:27 in way children
00:50:30 children children is
00:50:33 not be unto
00:50:36 us children and the same are Mighty Men
00:50:41 which are like unto
00:50:43 them
00:50:45 and let me move the
00:50:48 picture move it okay of old men great
00:50:53 reown and they hearken not to the word
00:50:56 Noah yeah so what’s happening here they
00:51:01 twisting it they’re calling themselves
00:51:04 the sons of God right which happens
00:51:07 today where uh lots of groups including
00:51:12 restoration breakoff groups will say
00:51:15 they’re following Elohim when they
00:51:17 actually are
00:51:19 not and they call they claim they are
00:51:23 when they’re not actually doing what
00:51:24 they say and so here they’re doing the
00:51:26 exact same thing and they and they’re
00:51:30 and they say that those who
00:51:32 do follow Elohim are practicing are
00:51:36 children of men or they’re following
00:51:38 after the Commandments of
00:51:41 men and doctrinally
00:51:43 innovating right it’s it’s right there
00:51:46 in that verse the same thing that’s
00:51:48 going on today happened back in Noah’s
00:51:51 day there’s nothing new Under the Sun
00:51:57 and this and for this cause because they
00:52:00 believe themselves to be following yah
00:52:04 even though what they receive is against
00:52:07 what is in his
00:52:14 word they will they will succumb to the
00:52:19 flood um yes they get
00:52:24 drowned uh
00:52:26 um so let me go to the next one I’m just
00:52:30 I’m trying to do a couple things at once
00:52:32 or yeah you read that Sharon you want to
00:52:36 read
00:52:40 11 and it came to pass that Noah
00:52:43 continued his preaching unto the people
00:52:46 saying hearken and give heed unto my
00:52:49 words believe and repent of your sins
00:52:52 and be baptized in the name of Jesus
00:52:54 Christ the Son of God even as our
00:52:57 fathers did and ye shall receive the
00:53:00 holy ghost that ye may have all things
00:53:03 made
00:53:04 manifest oh my word he tees the exact
00:53:08 same gospel that Enoch
00:53:10 taught Oh you mean it uh God doesn’t
00:53:13 turn to the left or to the right sorry
00:53:16 the exact same gospel that Enoch taught
00:53:20 y now one thing I I know people will
00:53:23 claim this even to day but the problem
00:53:27 is they forget what this repent
00:53:30 is repenting is returning to Torah
00:53:35 returning to God’s
00:53:37 ways not some way that you have imagined
00:53:41 after hours on your knees oh yeah I’m
00:53:46 just gonna say praying hours on your
00:53:48 knees is a teaching from Satan in the
00:53:53 occult it is a show of
00:53:57 piety
00:53:59 unless God has that much to say to
00:54:02 you yeah this is just where they just
00:54:04 keep asking for what they want and
00:54:06 instead of the promises that are in
00:54:08 Torah which is actually against the
00:54:10 verse that we read not too long
00:54:15 ago so the it’s not about the amount of
00:54:19 time it’s about the
00:54:21 quality uh well and then also um about
00:54:24 the quality asking which is determined
00:54:26 by how close it matches with Torah right
00:54:29 and that you are keeping Torah yourself
00:54:33 right because the prayer of the wicked
00:54:35 and because the prayer of the uh the
00:54:38 prayer of the wicked is an Abomination
00:54:40 before the Lord yep and that is uh
00:54:44 Proverbs or Psalms it’s probably in both
00:54:47 we can go look it up if we’re worried
00:54:49 but anyways we’ve done that before um
00:54:52 it’s in the Book of Mormon 2 it’s in a
00:54:54 lot of places but anyways okay and here
00:54:57 and I like verse 13 because it takes the
00:55:00 repenting off of the Lord because Yahweh
00:55:03 has no need to
00:55:05 repent that is a very good correction
00:55:08 right and it repented Noah and his heart
00:55:11 was
00:55:13 pained that Yahweh had made man on the
00:55:17 earth and it grieved him at his
00:55:22 heart so was Noah here is whose wishing
00:55:28 man wasn’t
00:55:34 created and you know
00:55:38 what I can see evidence of that in other
00:55:41 prophets as well especially
00:55:45 Jeremiah why uh with what they did to
00:55:48 Jeremiah I don’t blame him for thinking
00:55:51 that way so I I it is not
00:55:57 it and from the Lord’s response to it
00:56:01 here his
00:56:04 Noah not Noah wishing that man had not
00:56:07 been
00:56:09 created doesn’t seem like it was a
00:56:12 sin correct and and the same thing
00:56:15 happens in verse jst
00:56:19 15 um and I’ll read this one for it
00:56:23 repented Noah that I created them that I
00:56:27 Yahweh created men and that I Yahweh
00:56:31 have made them and Noah hath called upon
00:56:34 me for they have sought his
00:56:38 life and so to protect and so because
00:56:42 Noah and his sons were righteous and
00:56:45 they would have been destroyed by the
00:56:48 Wicked the Lord protected them with a
00:56:52 flood correct
00:56:55 which when it comes to uh the second
00:57:00 flood of fire and brimstone it will to
00:57:04 protect those in yahweh’s Kingdom from
00:57:07 the sons of
00:57:09 preditions because the sons of
00:57:10 preditions have gotten will have gotten
00:57:13 so bad that well when it comes there’s
00:57:16 no turning back when it
00:57:20 comes Zion will be besieged to the neck
00:57:24 and the Believers in Jerusalem likewise
00:57:27 yes
00:57:30 yeah um so there’s multiple reasons why
00:57:33 it’s needed one that people are just so
00:57:36 wicked and they’re ripe and and another
00:57:41 thing it is time for Yahweh to come back
00:57:43 and so it has to be
00:57:45 cleansed
00:57:46 um no unclean thing can dwell in his
00:57:49 presence or he cannot dwell on an
00:57:51 unclean thing yeah yeah so it has to be
00:57:55 cleansed but
00:57:56 anyways um let’s see I’ll read 16 and
00:58:01 thus Noah found Grace in the eyes of
00:58:05 Yahweh as in he was
00:58:09 Sanctified another way to put this Grace
00:58:13 was found in
00:58:16 Noah
00:58:18 yes yes because he kept Torah uh because
00:58:21 that’s when uh you get Grace Grace is
00:58:25 another word for
00:58:27 sanctification also and Grace is
00:58:31 also there’s a there’s there is a word
00:58:34 that is translated that can be
00:58:36 translated as Grace that is also
00:58:41 Torah do you know where that is right
00:58:43 off and we could look at that I I
00:58:45 something that I read in the uh it’s a
00:58:47 footnote that I read in
00:58:50 um uh Hebrew gospels okay so let me
00:58:54 pause while we try to find
00:58:55 it all
00:58:57 right so sadly we couldn’t find what
00:59:00 we’re looking for um if we find it
00:59:03 another time we’ll bring it up in
00:59:05 another scripture study so yes that
00:59:08 sounds good um uh I does anybody
00:59:12 remember the verse number we’re on oh I
00:59:15 think I think it was 15 y actually I
00:59:20 just read we were started 16 we
00:59:23 started
00:59:25 uh I guess I can read it and thus Noah
00:59:27 found Grace oh yeah in the eyes of
00:59:30 Yahweh and we’re just saying how he got
00:59:33 sanctification um anyways uh for Noah
00:59:38 was a just man
00:59:40 just um means someone who is keeping the
00:59:45 law and perfect uh another example how
00:59:50 uh be there for perfect points to
00:59:55 sanctification this is and and because
00:59:58 this points to sanctification we also
01:00:00 know that it does not point to being
01:00:03 perfect in your genetic
01:00:05 code oh yes that is another heresy that
01:00:09 goes along with this stuff when it says
01:00:12 that he was perfect in his generation it
01:00:14 does not mean that he was perfect in his
01:00:17 genetic code it means that he literally
01:00:20 in his
01:00:21 lifetime was without sin
01:00:26 yes was
01:00:28 per okay uh you want to read the next
01:00:32 verse b or actually let’s have H Sharon
01:00:35 read it you want to read 17 17
01:00:43 yeah do what’s the 11 12 oh so 17 is
01:00:48 King James I mean sorry 17 is jst 11 12
01:00:53 is King James
01:00:55 that’s the King James verification right
01:00:58 right so it’s got that because of all
01:01:00 the adding you see right sometimes or
01:01:03 even sometimes when they’re not it’s a
01:01:05 little different which I find weird but
01:01:08 anyways the Bold is justt
01:01:12 versification the nonbold is King James
01:01:17 versification so
01:01:19 read uh I can’t highlight it read that
01:01:25 the Earth was corrupt before God and it
01:01:30 was filled with violence and God looked
01:01:33 upon the Earth and behold it was corrupt
01:01:36 for All Flesh had corrupted its way upon
01:01:40 the
01:01:42 Earth
01:01:44 okay so when the the people on the Earth
01:01:47 yeah yeah this is talking about all of
01:01:50 people on the Earth are corrupt and
01:01:53 filled with sin yeah yeah Corruptions
01:01:55 upon the whole face of the earth is what
01:01:57 this is saying because everybody’s
01:01:59 sinning except Noah and his
01:02:03 family this is before flood yeah this is
01:02:07 just before the flood just this is the
01:02:09 state of things just before the
01:02:13 flood which nowadays yeah what is very
01:02:17 much like nowadays it’s GNA actually
01:02:19 sadly it’s going to get
01:02:21 worse it’s G to get more like this
01:02:25 right right um and also another time
01:02:29 that’s described that this goes along
01:02:31 with is the days of Sodom Gomorrah when
01:02:33 lot was
01:02:36 there where not only were it’s basically
01:02:41 all of mankind existed for each
01:02:45 person that as an operation of their
01:02:48 whims and
01:02:50 desires correct
01:02:53 um or in other words the statement the
01:02:57 bold-faced statement of Lucifer of
01:02:59 luciferianism and statement and uh and
01:03:03 Satanism yeah they they completed the
01:03:05 great work do as
01:03:08 thou the whole the
01:03:10 law yeah which they are pushing onto
01:03:14 society and society’s accepting it more
01:03:16 and more um which is
01:03:20 sad um which is why the Earth is
01:03:23 becoming corrupt
01:03:27 and so
01:03:29 um which is why that Malachi brings out
01:03:33 how a
01:03:35 modernday
01:03:37 uh messenger or Elijah um Elisha the
01:03:43 needed to come who is Joseph Smith that
01:03:45 helps bringing people back to the law
01:03:48 which he did he got he got the pro
01:03:51 started he brought he brought forth The
01:03:52 Book of Mormon and the do and Covenants
01:03:56 without
01:03:58 which I will I will state that it is
01:04:01 very hard for us to actually get back to
01:04:03 the original intention of the Bible I
01:04:06 would add the jst also yeah and the jst
01:04:10 without these works it’s very hard for
01:04:12 us to get back to the original intent of
01:04:14 the law because man has corrupted it
01:04:17 with his uh man has corrupted much man
01:04:22 has done much corrupting of scripture
01:04:24 yeah and there there’s a lot of places
01:04:26 even just some of the stuff that we’ve
01:04:27 read even just today that shows how what
01:04:31 Joseph Smith restored really makes
01:04:34 simpler was necessary necessary correct
01:04:39 understanding yeah I’ll I’ll go with
01:04:41 necessary I’ll go with with
01:04:44 with for the understanding that the
01:04:48 law is what will be the ruling the laws
01:04:53 the mind and will of God and will be the
01:04:55 ruling force of Zion which is uh even
01:04:59 described that way in lexes on faith 5
01:05:03 right um so but anyways and since the
01:05:07 law is the mind and will of God and the
01:05:09 Holy Ghost is the mind and will of
01:05:13 God yeah oh in fact um on that and since
01:05:17 we just talked about sanctification let
01:05:18 me share something that I made a
01:05:21 connection on today along those lines
01:05:23 that I think you will
01:05:26 enjoy I I usually enjoy most of your
01:05:31 connections if I end up even if I end up
01:05:33 fighting with you about them uh you have
01:05:35 that in the past but anyways not so much
01:05:38 now but okay so Elma 13312 oh we were
01:05:42 just there anyways so here uh oh let me
01:05:47 make this a little bigger for you guys I
01:05:50 can’t see is that big enough or do you
01:05:52 need it bigger yeah it’s big enough if I
01:05:55 Trum bone with my glasses a little bit
01:05:58 I’ll be able to read that okay all right
01:06:00 so I I’ll read the first one and then
01:06:02 then you read the next one Amma 13:12
01:06:05 now they being Sanctified by the Holy
01:06:09 Spirit ghost slash Torah okay and this
01:06:13 will make clear as we go do a little bit
01:06:15 more here but for sure by the Holy
01:06:18 Spirit right is it my yes is it my turn
01:06:21 no let me finish having their garments
01:06:23 made white being pure and spotless
01:06:26 before
01:06:27 Elohim uh could not look upon sin sa it
01:06:31 with ADH horen and there were many
01:06:35 exceeding great and many whose were made
01:06:38 pure and entered into the rest of Yahweh
01:06:41 the Elohim so this is for those who
01:06:44 can’t see it this is talking about
01:06:45 sanctification of course it just said
01:06:47 being Sanctified and then it’s uh
01:06:49 describing it right and Sanctified by
01:06:53 the Holy Spirit Spirit which Speaking of
01:06:55 which I’m almost done with a post about
01:06:59 uh how we get
01:07:03 Sanctified fact the fact that we
01:07:05 actually have some responsibility to
01:07:07 that yeah yeah which is why um I believe
01:07:12 when Nephi uh prayed to have the bands
01:07:17 burst they were just loosened but
01:07:19 anyways now um we were Sanctified by the
01:07:24 Holy Ghost now Ben you want to read 88
01:07:27 DNC
01:07:27 8834 again verily I say unto you that
01:07:31 which is governed by law okay I want
01:07:34 hold on I want to put emphasis by law
01:07:37 AKA Torah aka the Holy
01:07:41 Spirit yeah is also preserved by
01:07:48 law and and even perfected which goes
01:07:51 along with what we talked about earlier
01:07:53 even been Sanctified oh wait a minute so
01:07:56 wait a minute wait a minute here are we
01:07:58 Sanctified by the law or by the Holy
01:08:01 Spirit or as I teach and claim the holy
01:08:06 spirit is the
01:08:09 law and therefore there’s no
01:08:11 contradiction yeah because it’s the same
01:08:13 thing it’s just a different term for the
01:08:15 exact same thing the re in fact along
01:08:19 these
01:08:20 lines some words in the tan the Old
01:08:24 Testament in
01:08:26 Hebrew um where it’s translated as holy
01:08:31 can also be translated as
01:08:36 Sanctified that is uh now yeah and
01:08:41 spirit one meaning of holy the primary
01:08:45 meaning of holy is other than is
01:08:48 something of is something greater than
01:08:49 this world something other from this
01:08:51 world something different from this
01:08:53 world and that which is Sanctified is
01:08:56 definitely
01:08:57 holy though not all things holy are
01:09:00 necessarily
01:09:02 Sanctified right and um when when we’re
01:09:06 doing holy things and we are doing it
01:09:09 completely and have done it through
01:09:11 Yahweh we become
01:09:12 Sanctified and then another definition
01:09:15 of spirit is
01:09:18 behavior when we are Sanctified we’re
01:09:21 keeping the holy Behavior
01:09:24 what is it the people what do it the
01:09:27 people say when
01:09:29 you’re going when you’re when you’re
01:09:33 um when you’re
01:09:36 uh when you’re when you’re uh Spirits
01:09:40 when your spirits are rising and you’re
01:09:42 commit to and you commit to doing
01:09:45 something right what do they say they
01:09:46 say that’s the spirit
01:09:49 yeah that’s true that’s a good
01:09:52 connection there yes
01:09:57 yeah I like
01:09:59 that that’s the
01:10:04 spirit yeah and because you’re doing it
01:10:07 right as in you’re doing the right
01:10:09 Behavior right anyways okay well I I
01:10:13 that goes along with the going and I
01:10:14 figured you would like that because
01:10:15 that’s a good connection showing that
01:10:18 the holy spirit is
01:10:21 Torah right there’s I’m I’m getting more
01:10:24 of
01:10:25 those anyways I’m getting better to
01:10:27 bringing it out um well and the thing is
01:10:32 is that those verses which people use to
01:10:35 say that the Holy Spirit can’t be
01:10:37 Torah they misconstrue their meaning
01:10:40 they misconstrue their
01:10:42 meaning when it says that the spirit
01:10:44 will not always strive with man that
01:10:46 does not indicate that the spirit is a
01:10:49 man right the so the best one I know of
01:10:53 is is in first
01:10:58 Nephi uh I think 12 or
01:11:01 13 where they say the spirit is talking
01:11:04 to Nephi and they try to say that’s the
01:11:06 Holy Spirit but if you go look through
01:11:09 that whole
01:11:10 section um 1 Nephi 11-14 it’s one entity
01:11:15 that’s talking to Nephi and sometimes he
01:11:19 refers to that one entity as the angel
01:11:22 of Yahweh and and then in the conclusion
01:11:26 marks in 1 Nephi 14 it brings out how
01:11:29 only one person was talking to him and
01:11:31 it was the angel of Yahweh which is
01:11:33 Yahweh which is
01:11:35 Yeshua
01:11:37 so it’s not the so Nephi went to the
01:11:40 high mountain he saw
01:11:44 Yeshua he saw
01:11:46 Y and received
01:11:49 vision of the plan that God has for this
01:11:53 world
01:11:57 yeah he saw the role that Joseph Smith
01:12:00 would play in it and restoring much but
01:12:02 not all and then later you saw the role
01:12:04 of the might and strong one that he
01:12:05 would restore everything in first Nei 14
01:12:08 but
01:12:09 anyways um there’s a lot of history and
01:12:12 prophecy in those chapters once but the
01:12:15 the the yeah so the other part that
01:12:18 people will look to the state that the
01:12:21 Holy Ghost is a personage
01:12:25 is the fact that Yeshua refers to him is
01:12:30 stated is the bad translation that we
01:12:33 have in John which has Yeshua referring
01:12:37 to the holy to the Holy Spirit Holy
01:12:40 Ghost as him or
01:12:44 he that’s a case of bad translation
01:12:46 because the word actually indicates
01:12:50 simply that one it
01:12:54 it or it could yeah it’s it um and so we
01:12:58 can I’ll just show you notes but uh I
01:13:02 have notes on this that we should go
01:13:03 over sometime in the
01:13:07 Greek um and the Hebrew even it um is an
01:13:12 it a
01:13:15 that um right that here’s a that the
01:13:19 idea is that yes it’s is that
01:13:24 and I have the same and so this is the
01:13:26 Greek so the same thing going on in the
01:13:29 Hebrew it is uh an it or a that um yeah
01:13:35 so the qu so the point is that until
01:13:39 very recently when everybody’s pronouns
01:13:40 started getting uh messed up most people
01:13:44 did not refer to themselves as it that
01:13:47 or some other form of that of this kind
01:13:50 of
01:13:51 thing yeah
01:13:54 um even with the pronoun issues people
01:13:57 don’t refer to themselves as it that I
01:14:00 know of other than Mr it Adams that’s
01:14:05 the only one that I know of you haven’t
01:14:07 been to college recently uh yeah I
01:14:10 haven’t been to college
01:14:13 recently there’s all kinds of J going on
01:14:17 what do you want to say Sharon go ahead
01:14:19 cousin cousin it oh yeah cousin it okay
01:14:24 yeah uh that’s the only one I know of
01:14:27 people referring a person as an it but
01:14:30 you’re right I haven’t gone to
01:14:33 college you haven’t been to college
01:14:35 recently there’s all kinds of people who
01:14:38 my preferred pronoun is
01:14:41 it okay I didn’t know it was that far I
01:14:44 I knew there was people liked to be
01:14:46 referred as they as I think they’re
01:14:48 trying to do Majestic plural stuff right
01:14:52 right right
01:14:54 there are there are people in college
01:14:56 who hate themselves sufficiently to call
01:14:58 themselves
01:14:59 it okay that’s a new one for
01:15:05 me so the point is is that until but
01:15:09 this but this but that was not going on
01:15:13 this broadened knowledge of pronouns
01:15:16 that was not going on during the time of
01:15:18 Yeshua in in the
01:15:21 Greek compl
01:15:26 so I’m done are we done I got to go okay
01:15:31 Shar I hope you I hope you I hope uh
01:15:34 that we I I hope you to see you
01:15:39 again right I think I always I don’t
01:15:43 know why I say that maybe it’s because I
01:15:45 think maybe because I’m worried that
01:15:47 people that