Scripture Study 2024-06-20 Prayer

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Yeshua had Torah written on His heart before He was born which is why He never sinned. No General Conference talks are really worthy to give a lesson on. Talking about Prayer. What is asking amiss. You wont ask amiss when Torah is written on your heart, because you don’t desire anything evil. Nephi was a Mighty and Strong One, Jacob was a redeemer. We should want Torah written on our hearts. Brighamites can’t claim bad translation with Book of Mormon quotes. We are to pray in character, not just saying His name. Torah defines what is right. Seeking to keep Torah with Yeshua has given peace and more understanding. Psalms teaches Torah. Pray three times a day, between the morning, high noon, and between the evenings. App lets us know when the High Holidays are, weekly sabbath, and prayer times. Three times a day connected to the punishment of the law of Moses. Yeshua Himself found time to be alone in prayer. Give your worries to Yeshua your Master. Continual praying could point to praying at the three times of day. Pray from your own heart and not someone else’s. How to pray, not what to pray. How means a pattern. Ask to not give into temptation, and to avoid temptation. More protect me from temptation than lead me not into temptation. Watch and pray always, if you don’t want to be tempted. Watch is to look out and prepare. Moses copied Yeshua in saying love your neighbor. Yeshua praying in agony and earnestly sums up the power of prayer. How much more need do we have to pray more earnestly. Red Heffer points to when Yeshua prayed in the garden and bleeding from every pore. Offer your soul to YHWH in prayer. Addition of always learning and never coming to the truth. People feel to the great and spacious build by hearing one great idea after another. Do what is needed, not planned years in advance. Supplicate is more earnest prayer and for others. Yeshua disciples prayed to Yeshua, who is the Eternal Father, showing Modalism. Prayed with not manner words. Elohim gave them what to pray for. The Holy Ghost / Spirit [Behavior] is Torah.



00:00:00 he go ahead and start
00:00:03 recording okay well hello everybody and
00:00:06 welcome to this evening’s uh discussion
00:00:09 and uh that’s pretty much how I like to
00:00:12 do things uh when I’m presenting I
00:00:14 welcome any um additions that anybody
00:00:18 wishes to add and uh you know I’m I’m
00:00:22 I’m not too not too proud to say I don’t
00:00:25 know everything about uh what what I’m
00:00:29 going to be presenting today um I
00:00:32 will you don’t have to worry about that
00:00:34 because there’s only one that knows all
00:00:38 right and uh he didn’t know all when he
00:00:41 was in the mortal flesh
00:00:44 because uh even um Genesis especially
00:00:48 jst Genesis brings out or is it the
00:00:51 Revelation to Joseph anyways um we have
00:00:54 to double check but
00:00:57 um Men In the Flesh can’t handle all his
00:01:00 glory which deals with works and
00:01:03 knowledge so right that even applied to
00:01:06 Yeshua you didn’t know it all yep yep
00:01:09 but I will say he had Torah written upon
00:01:13 his heart before he was born and that’s
00:01:16 why he didn’t
00:01:17 sin right well that’s the only way he
00:01:20 couldn’t sin uh but yes um so I had a
00:01:25 Priceless opportunity not too long ago
00:01:27 offered to me um by
00:01:30 an Elders corn president of the brigite
00:01:33 LDS uh Church uh type uh to teach a
00:01:37 lesson in their um
00:01:40 priesthood uh
00:01:44 meeting priesthood meeting in quotation
00:01:47 marks um and uh so Ben scoot
00:01:51 over I’m here pause so you can get
00:01:55 something better oh
00:01:58 there yeah um
00:02:01 and I was asked
00:02:04 to give a lesson on one of the general
00:02:10 conference talks from the most recent
00:02:11 General
00:02:14 Conference which really put me in a
00:02:17 quandry because I didn’t feel like any
00:02:20 of the talks are really lesson worthy uh
00:02:25 in any way shape or form and had and
00:02:27 were loose very Loosely based on t
00:02:30 um so uh but I did finally settle on one
00:02:35 and it was from Jeffrey R Holland’s talk
00:02:37 it was the very first talk of the
00:02:38 General Conference actually uh which
00:02:41 unfortunately I believe uh to have been
00:02:43 the best talk of the entire
00:02:45 conference um because it was that good
00:02:48 in the first place right right right and
00:02:50 it wasn’t even that good
00:02:53 uh but at least but at least it graded
00:02:56 out
00:02:57 Pao right well and at least it it gave
00:03:01 me something to work with that I felt uh
00:03:07 that I felt prompted I I should be
00:03:09 sharing uh with the members of
00:03:14 the priesthood km um there at church so
00:03:20 um I I started reading the talk and the
00:03:25 gist of the talk was about prayer and
00:03:28 what is prayer and how should we do it
00:03:32 and uh all kinds of good stuff so let me
00:03:37 grab my little my little notebook
00:03:40 here and grab my
00:03:43 notes so um oh so we’re getting high
00:03:47 tech here we’re getting high
00:03:48 tech oh I’m about as low Tech as you can
00:03:52 get oh I don’t know but it looks like to
00:03:54 me he’s got paper notes not computer
00:03:57 notes
00:04:00 I write everything I do I I write
00:04:03 everything on paper first
00:04:06 always
00:04:08 um and that is just because that’s how I
00:04:12 like to do it um that’s fine I’m a
00:04:14 computer guy I put it in the computer so
00:04:20 um one of the first uh things that came
00:04:23 out of that talk that really stuck out
00:04:27 to me was concerning prayer asking not a
00:04:32 Miss because Elder Holland was talking
00:04:35 about how um his wife had gotten sick
00:04:39 and died and then he got really really
00:04:42 sick and he was close to dying and he he
00:04:46 you know he he was like and you know she
00:04:49 died even though I had prayed very very
00:04:51 hard for her not to die um and he did
00:04:55 end up bearing testimony later on that
00:04:57 his prayer you know his prayers were
00:04:58 answered though not in the way that he
00:05:00 had asked for them to be answered
00:05:04 um but what does it mean to ask not a
00:05:08 miss when we’re praying and we were
00:05:10 talking about this earlier tonight
00:05:12 before uh the uh thank you Stephen I was
00:05:16 about to ask you to pull up the wow you
00:05:18 read my
00:05:20 mind yeah uh not really I take can
00:05:23 educated guess yeah um
00:05:27 so what does it mean to ask a miss and
00:05:30 so to kind of understand what does it
00:05:33 mean to not ask a Miss we need to
00:05:35 understand what a Miss
00:05:37 means uh so here in the 1828 Daniel
00:05:42 Webster dictionary which we all like to
00:05:44 use here I think because
00:05:46 it’s the closest to what was being used
00:05:49 at the time the
00:05:52 church that the restoration
00:05:54 happened it’s very
00:05:58 um conven vent or it’s the word
00:06:01 definitions for
00:06:04 1828 um which is the dictionary when the
00:06:07 Book of Mormon is translated and it goes
00:06:10 along with the
00:06:11 DNC Revelation right so so
00:06:16 um Stephen you want to read uh the first
00:06:20 uh definition for a Miss yeah yeah wrong
00:06:24 faulty out of order
00:06:27 improper as it may not be am missed to
00:06:30 ask advice meaning it would would be
00:06:33 okay to ask for advice right
00:06:36 right and uh Ben you want to read uh the
00:06:39 second definition for the
00:06:42 adverb in a faulty
00:06:45 manner contrary to propriety truth law
00:06:50 or
00:06:52 morality now that’s that’s very
00:06:55 interesting and it got me thinking and
00:06:57 as we were discussing earlier uh tonight
00:06:59 before we actually started uh the lesson
00:07:03 a lot of that has to do
00:07:06 with where the prayer is coming
00:07:10 from um is it coming from us in
00:07:13 accordance with truth law or morality
00:07:18 which we find where in Torah right or is
00:07:23 it coming from somewhere else well the
00:07:25 one thing that I see in both of these
00:07:27 definitions
00:07:33 is that both of them are
00:07:36 about not working according to
00:07:39 function
00:07:41 right right right uh like either against
00:07:44 the law or improper and improper is
00:07:47 because it’s out of order which is
00:07:49 against the law yeah so you’re you’re um
00:07:53 because the very definition of
00:07:55 wickedness is the very definition of
00:07:57 wickedness in the Hebrew uh
00:08:00 in the Hebrew mindset is operating
00:08:01 against
00:08:03 function
00:08:04 correct correct so so before we go on
00:08:09 can can I interject just real quick sure
00:08:12 yeah absolutely let’s go to the
00:08:16 Greek oh
00:08:20 yeah excuse me bless you no that was
00:08:24 allergies that was a
00:08:26 cough oh that was a cough okay my bad so
00:08:29 I I I
00:08:31 just
00:08:34 um I I anyways what I did I I don’t have
00:08:39 all this stuff memorized so I just used
00:08:42 my search
00:08:52 program James 43 I like James 43 that
00:08:56 will be a very strong example of what
00:09:00 we’re talking about here no right um I
00:09:03 mean we can look at any of them but I do
00:09:04 think that one’s a good one um so I’ll
00:09:06 go back to Bible Hub but I also have one
00:09:09 I also have one from second Nei um as
00:09:13 well yes there is one from there it’s
00:09:17 just well I can’t use Bible Hub on that
00:09:19 to show the Greek for the New Testament
00:09:21 oh well yeah because it’s not Greek uh
00:09:24 anyways uh well I I on that issue I do
00:09:28 think the Hebrew or the New Testament at
00:09:32 least the gospels and some of the other
00:09:34 letters were originally in Hebrew and
00:09:38 then translated into Greek and there’s
00:09:40 more coming out on that but anyways okay
00:09:43 yeah yeah yeah so
00:09:46 uh wrong motives I bet that’s going to
00:09:49 be a miss right
00:09:52 yep uh so let’s just do King James ye
00:09:57 ask and receive not ask ye
00:09:59 because you ask a miss that you may
00:10:03 consume it upon your
00:10:05 lusts oh
00:10:07 boy that goes against that goes against
00:10:10 uh the law Thou shalt not covet yeah
00:10:14 yeah it
00:10:15 does um so the bringing standard is a
00:10:19 little different and when you ask you do
00:10:21 not receive because you ask with wrong
00:10:24 motives right that would be that’s
00:10:27 definitely a miss a miss that you may
00:10:30 squander it upon your pleasures so that
00:10:32 goes with lust but anyway so let’s go
00:10:34 look at the Greek word badly evily
00:10:40 wrongly y that’s definitely a Miss yeah
00:10:44 yeah what does it say
00:10:46 here
00:10:48 badly evily wrongly
00:10:52 right evily because it goes against the
00:10:56 directly against the 10 one of the 10
00:11:00 the thing is is that the function of man
00:11:02 is to keep the
00:11:03 Commandments that is the primary
00:11:05 function of man that is our purpose that
00:11:07 is our um it’s what we do it’s what
00:11:12 we’re supposed to do right um and so
00:11:16 this is why not performing according to
00:11:19 function is
00:11:20 evil because you’re act you’re acting
00:11:23 outside of the function that you were
00:11:25 given right right uh and then just to
00:11:28 kind of ADD what Ben is
00:11:30 saying that there’s a phrase a
00:11:35 statement in the scriptures that Yeshua
00:11:39 and and it’s in other places but he
00:11:41 we’ll just go off with Yeshua that we
00:11:44 should pray in his
00:11:46 name
00:11:48 yes I’m getting to that I’m getting to
00:11:50 that no oh okay okay I I’ll be quiet
00:11:53 then if you’re GNA get to that sorry so
00:11:54 I’ll I’ll stop that but yes I am getting
00:11:57 to that um but so now that we know what
00:12:01 a Miss means
00:12:03 right so how do we ask not a miss and it
00:12:07 goes back to what we were talking about
00:12:09 earlier which is in
00:12:13 and having the law written Upon Our
00:12:16 Hearts because when we do we know the
00:12:19 mind and will of
00:12:22 Yahweh right will not ask a miss right
00:12:25 right and I think just to directly say
00:12:28 it more but when you have Torah written
00:12:30 on your heart you won’t go a Miss
00:12:33 because you won’t ask for anything
00:12:35 contrary to Torah right because if it’s
00:12:39 written on your heart you want
00:12:42 it
00:12:44 right exactly I like this verse in
00:12:47 second Nephi chapter 4 and it’s verse
00:12:51 35 let me get it up for you
00:13:04 excuse
00:13:05 me yep second eepi chapter 4 verse 35
00:13:09 it’s the last verse of the
00:13:12 chapter all
00:13:16 right great I I like this verse it’s a
00:13:18 good one um it says Matt you want to
00:13:21 read
00:13:22 it sure yay I know that Elohim will give
00:13:26 liberally to him that askthe my Elohim
00:13:30 will give me if I ask not a Miss
00:13:33 therefore I will lift up my voice unto
00:13:36 thee y I will cry unto thee my Elohim
00:13:40 the rock of my righteousness behold my
00:13:43 voice shall forever Ascend up onto thee
00:13:46 my rock and my neverlasting Elohim so he
00:13:49 says exactly what we’ve just been
00:13:50 talking about in this
00:13:53 verse because what mean actually for
00:13:56 Elohim to be the rock of his
00:13:58 righteousness and if you actually read
00:14:01 second Nephi chapter
00:14:03 4 it’s a great example of not asking a
00:14:08 Miss exactly exactly yeah this so so the
00:14:13 beginning of the chapter is Lehi just
00:14:15 for some context is Lehi finishing or
00:14:19 yeah he’s he’s talking with his children
00:14:20 and then after sorry but uh second Nephi
00:14:25 4 is Nephi Psalms this is Nephi and yes
00:14:29 the second four is Lehi dying at the
00:14:31 beginning oh okay he’s dying at the
00:14:33 beginning oh and then theni gets in the
00:14:36 Psalms okay right then Nephi starts
00:14:39 expressing his gratitude in Psalms for
00:14:42 for the great
00:14:45 goodness go to bed in in his in his
00:14:49 family’s life and in his life but I I
00:14:52 also think it’s really cool in this in
00:14:55 this example of a
00:14:56 prayer offered from the heart
00:15:00 that he doesn’t shy away from his
00:15:02 challenges
00:15:07 correct that some are hard but he
00:15:10 doesn’t run away from them right right
00:15:13 right and that’s one of the things I
00:15:14 like about Nephi because he never did he
00:15:16 never ran away from his
00:15:19 challenges one of the things that I like
00:15:21 about the book of Nephi is the general
00:15:25 overall state that General overall
00:15:27 feeling of optimism that I get as I read
00:15:30 it that HEI was an optimist in my
00:15:34 opinion yeah I would agree with that um
00:15:38 jacobob was more of a realist who had to
00:15:41 deal with all the wickedness of his
00:15:43 people
00:15:46 um well but they’re both they’re both
00:15:48 great in their own right sure sure sure
00:15:51 and I think though that would somwhat go
00:15:53 along with their particular callings
00:15:55 Nephi was the mighty strong one and
00:15:58 Jacob was the Redeemer they had
00:16:00 different focuses yeah right right yep
00:16:04 they surely
00:16:06 did
00:16:07 so we we know that in order to ask not a
00:16:11 Miss in prayer that we need to
00:16:14 have the law written on our hearts um
00:16:19 and that we have to want it and we have
00:16:21 to want it to be there and we have to
00:16:23 and when we do we know what to pray for
00:16:27 well how should we pray right well in
00:16:31 third Nephi chapter
00:16:37 18 sorry I’m I’m a huge I’m a huge Book
00:16:40 of Mormon nut
00:16:42 I Book of Mormon is my favorite book so
00:16:44 that’s fine
00:16:46 yeah a lot of my scriptures I pull from
00:16:49 The Book of Mormon just because I I love
00:16:51 the Book of Mormon and and and it just
00:16:54 it’s oh well then you were and a b a
00:16:58 bonus when you’re doing that when you do
00:17:00 it with the bamise they can’t say bad
00:17:03 translation no they can’t which is
00:17:05 another reason why I like to quote
00:17:07 primarily from the book of Mor
00:17:08 especially when I’m giving lessons uh
00:17:11 you know at a brigite uh priesthood
00:17:13 meeting anyway I I I have tons of quotes
00:17:17 of Book of Mormon on stuff because they
00:17:19 can’t claim this translation right they
00:17:21 can I’ve seen tons of them try to claim
00:17:25 misinterpretation but right right right
00:17:28 because their interpretation is the only
00:17:30 interpretation you well when you the
00:17:32 thing is is a lot of times when people
00:17:34 claim misinterpretation if you ask them
00:17:36 to provide their interpretation they
00:17:38 can’t oh yeah yeah they just don’t like
00:17:40 what you brought out is what it means y
00:17:42 uh we’re gonna go to verse 19 we’re
00:17:45 gonna start in verse 19 ah
00:17:51 excellent Um Zack you want to read uh
00:17:54 verses 19 through
00:17:56 211 sure
00:18:00 therefore you must always pray unto the
00:18:03 father in my name and whatsoever you ask
00:18:06 you shall ask the father in my name
00:18:08 which is right believing that you shall
00:18:11 receive behold it shall be given unto
00:18:13 you pray pray in your families unto the
00:18:17 father always in my name that your wives
00:18:21 and your children may be blessed okay I
00:18:25 think it’s important here to note that
00:18:26 in my name
00:18:28 it doesn’t mean just throw the name
00:18:30 around like a Talis what oh yeah because
00:18:33 that’s that means anybody can just say
00:18:35 the name and
00:18:39 then that means that these prayers are
00:18:41 all good that means Crusaders the
00:18:44 Crusaders used his name a lot yeah yeah
00:18:48 they and they did they did all kinds of
00:18:50 wonderful things good um good night I
00:18:54 wouldn’t call him wonderful but yes well
00:18:56 actually it depends on which definition
00:18:58 of wonderful you’re
00:19:00 yeah that’s true yeah well okay all
00:19:02 right fair enough so good night
00:19:07 the go Sor wonderful doesn’t always mean
00:19:11 good right um it just means something
00:19:15 that causes you to wonder
00:19:18 uh
00:19:21 yeah but what but back to uh praying in
00:19:24 the
00:19:25 name uh
00:19:28 those things which you pray to the
00:19:30 father in his name they’re in his
00:19:31 character you’re pray his
00:19:36 character you’re supposed to adopt his
00:19:38 character when you pray right well and
00:19:42 and and that goes along actually this
00:19:44 brings out modalism in a way um if you
00:19:49 if you look at it that way because
00:19:52 Yeshua was the was the human character
00:19:57 of God mm yeah right so you’re praying
00:20:02 to the father in the name of the
00:20:05 character that he was when he
00:20:08 condescended yes right because he that
00:20:11 is the character or the behavior the
00:20:16 plan the desires that we should be
00:20:18 praying
00:20:19 in correct correct so how let me just
00:20:23 add real quick in verse 20 it puts a
00:20:27 really good
00:20:29 uh clarification which is in Torah oh I
00:20:31 mean which is right which is defined in
00:20:36 Torah yes yes yes so I I just I need to
00:20:42 get my glasses I guess sorry guys yeah
00:20:45 definitely yeah no I I I think you I
00:20:49 think you were I think you were wearing
00:20:50 the glasses that change that make Torah
00:20:54 right I think you need to put on your
00:20:55 Christian glasses yeah you need glasses
00:20:59 I’ve been there before I like it here
00:21:02 more
00:21:05 sorry I don’t blame I
00:21:10 mean admit let me just say something
00:21:13 that some things in life are a little
00:21:16 harder yes they are you know what I have
00:21:19 more peace and I have more
00:21:22 understanding
00:21:24 yes so I won’t go back and I was not I
00:21:30 was never whole I was never whole in my
00:21:35 life until I
00:21:40 made until I made Yeshua my number one
00:21:43 priority and he led me to the law there
00:21:46 you go quite literally he said know the
00:21:50 law learn my law if you want to see my
00:21:54 face learn my law
00:21:56 [Music]
00:21:58 okay anyway sorry about that I just
00:22:00 wanted to add that that was that was
00:22:02 that was a good addition thank you yeah
00:22:04 it’s just going off the heckling I was
00:22:06 getting so yeah good Heckle
00:22:12 too um so we know we need
00:22:16 to pray to
00:22:19 Yahweh in the name of his character
00:22:26 Yeshua when he condescended come down to
00:22:29 earth right so we know that but what
00:22:31 else let’s go to Psalms let’s go to
00:22:34 Psalms 55 I love the Psalms too the
00:22:36 Psalms are great oh yeah but but there’s
00:22:40 you you you got one problem there those
00:22:42 were written under the old Covenant
00:22:46 okay oh sorry that’s this is not what
00:22:49 this lesson is about we’re not
00:22:50 sidetracking
00:22:53 no sorry I mean okay so I will say even
00:22:57 those who Torah they love the Psalms
00:23:00 even though it uh confirms Torah and
00:23:03 that’s actually nothing but Torah yeah
00:23:06 that that’s actually the point that I
00:23:07 was that’s the point that’s the point
00:23:10 that I was hoping somebody would bring
00:23:11 up from my Heckle is that actually uh 55
00:23:15 let’s go to oh sorry about that yeah no
00:23:18 worries yeah that that was the point
00:23:20 that I was hoping somebody would bring
00:23:21 out for my Heckle is that that’s the uh
00:23:24 that that everybody loves the Psalms um
00:23:29 and they get and a lot of people a lot
00:23:32 of a lot of people who love the Psalms
00:23:34 actually get annoyed when you remind
00:23:36 them that they were written under the
00:23:38 their under their old Covenant right so
00:23:42 let me just Sidetrack with this just
00:23:44 briefly Psalms 119 is a favorite of tons
00:23:49 of
00:23:50 people yep it teaches Torah in every
00:23:53 couplet and I show that in a recent post
00:23:57 I’ll put a link to and know that’s yes
00:23:59 you do my
00:24:01 sh it was a lovely it was it was awesome
00:24:04 I enjoyed yeah I tried to put some nice
00:24:06 little nuggets at the top too hopefully
00:24:09 that’ll help people but you just gotta
00:24:12 you got to put them at the very front so
00:24:14 you can grab people’s attention well
00:24:17 sometimes I put them at the bottom that
00:24:18 time I put at the top but anyways
00:24:20 whatever verse 17 verse 17
00:24:28 so evening and morning and at noon will
00:24:30 I pray and cry
00:24:33 aloud and he shall hear my
00:24:37 voice okay so this evening morning and
00:24:40 noon is actually between the mornings
00:24:44 yep high noon and between the evenings
00:24:47 no it’s referring to three specific
00:24:49 times
00:24:51 correct and goad and he says and cry
00:24:57 aloud
00:24:59 that’s right it’s well you
00:25:03 know the way I look at it is is if I’m
00:25:05 out on a walk in a public
00:25:09 place um I may pray silently if I’m
00:25:12 praying during that
00:25:13 time or I may wait until I can get home
00:25:16 and be in be in private and then
00:25:20 pray but the the idea is to be moded is
00:25:25 to be moded towards prayer at those
00:25:28 times times um you may not be able to
00:25:31 pray directly at that time but um as
00:25:34 soon as you have an
00:25:37 opportunity but I find I find it
00:25:40 interesting that he says and cry aloud
00:25:43 in connection with three
00:25:47 specifics yes is what I’m getting at
00:25:50 here yes yes right yeah saying that I
00:25:54 that we need to
00:25:55 say prayers well
00:25:58 he’s saying he will cry aloud right
00:26:02 right at those specific
00:26:04 times um and and that is actually what
00:26:09 I’ve been striving much harder to do now
00:26:12 I’ve I’ve since I found out about the
00:26:15 three specific times I’ve been praying
00:26:17 at the three specific times but I’ve
00:26:19 been trying harder and more to cry aloud
00:26:24 at those specific times now Ben I agree
00:26:27 with you that every situation is
00:26:30 conducive to a like if you’re inid of
00:26:32 shopping at Walmart that’s probably not
00:26:35 a good time
00:26:36 to and and start praying right that that
00:26:39 might not be the best time the place for
00:26:43 that my alarm goes off and and I’m at
00:26:45 Walmart or someplace like that I’ll just
00:26:48 I’ll do one in my head I still pray I’ll
00:26:51 just in my head yeah you might not be my
00:26:56 point is is that you can either what you
00:26:58 need to do is make a decision between
00:27:01 whether you’re going to pray at that
00:27:03 time in your head or whether you’re
00:27:06 going to pray at the early pray as soon
00:27:08 as possible through that time um out
00:27:12 loud right and that’s what I’ve and
00:27:15 that’s what I’ve been striving to do is
00:27:17 is to specifically at those three times
00:27:20 to say a prayer out
00:27:22 loud and and and you know I I am blessed
00:27:27 uh at my at my job to have an office
00:27:30 where I can actually close the door and
00:27:33 lock the
00:27:34 door um so that nobody can get in um so
00:27:39 that has made a huge difference um to me
00:27:44 and I’m not saying that a that a silent
00:27:46 prayer in your heart is not effective
00:27:48 that’s not what I’m saying it’s just for
00:27:51 me it’s made it much more personal as I
00:27:54 as I take the time to actually say the
00:27:59 words well one of the one of the things
00:28:02 that I have noticed as we’ve as we have
00:28:06 um doubled down on prayer
00:28:10 times
00:28:14 um is that much more of Our Lives goes
00:28:17 into our
00:28:19 prayers
00:28:21 yes and we pray over far more of the
00:28:24 things that we do
00:28:27 [Music]
00:28:30 nice so so for those who have an Android
00:28:35 I do have an and a free Android app that
00:28:38 tells you when between the mornings high
00:28:41 noon and between the evenings is in your
00:28:44 local I have it oh I have it and I use
00:28:48 well this is this is for those who watch
00:28:51 the video later right yeah um so I’ll
00:28:55 put a link in the notes so you can get
00:28:57 it um um you do need an
00:29:00 Android um and Josh how has this app
00:29:04 changed your
00:29:07 life um soon as you have it as soon as
00:29:10 you have the app how has it changeed
00:29:11 your life what impct well it it it
00:29:15 actually helps me know when real high
00:29:19 holidays are um it helps me to know when
00:29:22 the Sabbath is um the real Sabbath
00:29:26 Yahweh Sabbath and not some man-made
00:29:31 Sunday
00:29:33 um man declared and and it also helps me
00:29:37 to know the
00:29:39 times like the actual times throughout
00:29:41 the day because there’s more than just
00:29:43 between the mornings high noon and
00:29:45 between the evenings there
00:29:47 are that app lists all the times of the
00:29:51 day it has a lot of numbers um so it
00:29:55 really does but it’s amazing for those
00:29:57 who have kids and they take them to the
00:29:59 park um the um civil dusk is a
00:30:05 convenient one because that’s when it
00:30:06 starts getting like that’s when it
00:30:08 really starts getting dark um so but
00:30:12 anyways
00:30:14 um it I’m glad it’s helpful for people
00:30:18 uh I should probably make a web app for
00:30:20 those who don’t have an Android but I
00:30:23 there’s too many things I want to do um
00:30:26 right but the for those who don’t know
00:30:32 uh Daniel 9 is an
00:30:35 interesting issue about the times day of
00:30:38 praying um Daniel nine
00:30:43 was I think it was the evening
00:30:45 obligation which is the evening prayer
00:30:50 um um which is the between the evenings
00:30:53 which is when while it was still in
00:30:58 enforce the law of Moses
00:31:00 punishment was happening so it’s
00:31:03 interesting how these things happen at
00:31:05 specific times and they’re tied to
00:31:07 multiple things which points to Yeshua
00:31:11 right and his
00:31:12 atonement and the times of the day that
00:31:15 we’re supposed to pray is to remind us
00:31:17 that
00:31:18 we’re
00:31:20 praying to Yeshua ultimately as in yeah
00:31:25 father right yeah so
00:31:29 anyways there’s a lot to it you can find
00:31:32 verses in the Book of Mormon talking
00:31:34 about praying three times a day and also
00:31:37 Peter in the New Testament after the
00:31:40 death and resurrection showing is still
00:31:43 valid
00:31:45 yep of course it it’s very important
00:31:48 that we take time to pray to Father
00:31:53 Alone um as well um Yeshua is a perfect
00:31:58 example of this in Matthew chap
00:32:00 14 verse
00:32:05 23 oh excuse me okay sorry I say that
00:32:08 one more time Matthew Matthew Chapter 14
00:32:11 verse
00:32:15 23
00:32:18 click click it was like
00:32:24 nope 14 14 verse 23
00:32:30 it seems to work better you say the word
00:32:32 click
00:32:36 that it’s it’s 14 verse 23 sorry sorry
00:32:41 yeah you go that to the you can just
00:32:44 click the arrow to the side can’t you
00:32:46 move it to CH chapter
00:32:49 14 oh 14 oh sorry sorry sorry chapter 14
00:32:53 I misunderstood sorry Chapter 14 verse
00:32:56 what 23
00:32:58 oh okay I got the 23 I just got the
00:33:00 chapter yeah yeah uh Stephen you want to
00:33:03 read that yeah and when
00:33:06 he uh yes Yeshua had sent the multitude
00:33:10 away Yeshua went up into a mountain
00:33:13 apart from the multitude to pray and
00:33:18 when the
00:33:19 evening well and this I would even say
00:33:23 between the evening had come he was
00:33:25 there alone
00:33:29 so now had to look at Greek and maybe
00:33:32 the uh Hebrew uh shantu stuff also so
00:33:38 this could be actual evening sunset or
00:33:40 it could be between the evenings the one
00:33:42 reason just from just the English alone
00:33:45 that I would wonder if it possibly could
00:33:47 be between the evening is because it’s
00:33:49 pray he’s
00:33:51 praying right right and that’s kind of
00:33:54 what I was thinking as well in
00:33:56 connection with I don’t know enough
00:33:58 information just from the English
00:34:00 translation lot of
00:34:02 translations sometimes lose information
00:34:05 so it’s hard to know so that’s why but
00:34:07 the main point but the main point is
00:34:10 Yeshua
00:34:11 himself found
00:34:14 time to be
00:34:16 alone in
00:34:19 prayer and if
00:34:21 Yeshua was finding time to be alone in
00:34:25 prayer we should be following that
00:34:29 examle yeah and find that time to be
00:34:32 alone with
00:34:35 Yahweh yep I I find the perfect times I
00:34:39 find for me the perfect time to be alone
00:34:41 with yah in prayer as right as I wake
00:34:44 up yep right as I wake up and right be
00:34:48 and
00:34:49 uh right right as I turn right as I turn
00:34:52 the light off to prepare to go to sleep
00:34:56 because I never go to sleep right away
00:34:57 after I turn the light off right right
00:35:00 right right I sure don’t no
00:35:04 no nine times out of 10 my my mind is on
00:35:07 overdrive from other things that I’m
00:35:09 thinking about and
00:35:12 actually
00:35:14 um the
00:35:16 prayer helps me to calm
00:35:19 down and helps my brain to wrap up its
00:35:24 many different wanderings and
00:35:26 meanderings and and you know it it helps
00:35:29 me to fall asleep so uh maybe it’s
00:35:33 partly because you’re giving your
00:35:35 worries to your
00:35:37 master yes uh that that I believe does
00:35:40 have quite a bit to do with
00:35:43 it so you know yes it is important that
00:35:46 we pray out loud but it’s also important
00:35:50 to continue in prayer even when we’re
00:35:52 not praying out loud uh in our hearts
00:35:55 and there are a few verses uh that that
00:35:58 uh deal with this now on idea just
00:36:05 um right now I’m not sure how valid it
00:36:08 is but I do some validity do see some
00:36:11 validity to it there’s a possibility
00:36:13 praying at between the mornings high
00:36:15 noons and between the evenings is what’s
00:36:17 meant by continual
00:36:20 prayer ah okay I I I don’t that’s an
00:36:25 interesting that is an interesting
00:36:28 um ouch that’s an interesting
00:36:31 perspective on that the one that I had
00:36:34 not thought about because it does pretty
00:36:37 much literally take you through the
00:36:41 day uh every day if you if you pray at
00:36:44 those
00:36:45 times yeah well here’s another and
00:36:47 here’s another thing I was just thinking
00:36:50 about calling upon the name of the Lord
00:36:52 and I’ve just
00:36:54 realized how difficult we were making
00:36:57 the question of what it does it mean to
00:36:59 call upon the name of the
00:37:01 Lord
00:37:04 um and that what it means is to really
00:37:07 pray in his character to really pray in
00:37:12 his
00:37:12 character as in something from your own
00:37:16 heart and not someone else’s well not
00:37:19 only
00:37:21 that
00:37:24 but that your heart is in tune enough
00:37:27 with his that what you’re calling on
00:37:30 that what you’re praying
00:37:32 about is in his mind and will right
00:37:36 right I would say it’s both so yeah
00:37:40 yeah yeah because someone could tell you
00:37:42 something to pray that’s within his mind
00:37:45 and will but it’s not from your heart
00:37:47 it’s from that other person’s heart that
00:37:49 valid and that’s true and that and that
00:37:52 falls under the line of asking a Miss at
00:37:55 that point that and that’s actually and
00:37:57 that’s actually a lot of wrote prayers
00:38:01 actually are scripture quotations formed
00:38:03 up in prayer mode right even uh this is
00:38:08 funny to me probably the one that’s done
00:38:11 the most is uh I’m GNA say yahweh’s
00:38:14 prayer but most people know it the
00:38:15 Lord’s Prayer but he actually
00:38:18 specifically says this is
00:38:21 how to pray not what to pray to pray he
00:38:26 literally said this is how to call upon
00:38:29 this is how to call upon the name of
00:38:31 yopa yes this is what he literally says
00:38:34 there this is the form on how to call
00:38:36 upon the name of
00:38:37 Y yep yeah the how means a
00:38:41 pattern yep yep so I I think it’s
00:38:46 interesting um that in the brigite
00:38:48 tradition uh they they like to try and
00:38:51 and quantify exactly what you should be
00:38:54 praying for right oh you should be
00:38:56 praying to avoid Temptation you should
00:38:58 be praying to to to for those who
00:39:01 mistreat you you should be praying for
00:39:04 good things and bad things and don’t
00:39:06 forget make this horrible unhealthy food
00:39:10 healthy for me oh yeah yeah that too uh
00:39:13 yeah yeah yeah and and even though I’m
00:39:14 not really living the word of wisdom um
00:39:17 please let me live a long healthy life
00:39:20 yes
00:39:21 oh yeah that’s a whole subject but I
00:39:24 will say I I
00:39:27 oh never mind we won’t go into that yeah
00:39:29 yeah that’s different Sid trck that’s a
00:39:31 that’s a that’s a long Sidetrack yeah
00:39:34 that’s a very long Sid trck yeah but but
00:39:39 um here’s here’s the thing that I want
00:39:43 to
00:39:44 stress um one of the most important
00:39:46 things about prayer that I really wanted
00:39:48 to stress to the Brethren was was the
00:39:50 asking not a Miss part right we’re
00:39:54 asking not a
00:39:56 Miss then
00:39:59 whatever we’re asking for will be the
00:40:01 mind and will of Yahweh and his mind and
00:40:05 will is that
00:40:07 we be aware of be wary of and and avoid
00:40:14 Temptation right because if we give into
00:40:18 temptation we are no longer obeying the
00:40:22 law and we no longer have the law
00:40:24 written on our hearts yeah that the
00:40:27 the translation lead us not into
00:40:30 temptation is uh is I do believe that’s
00:40:33 a little bit of
00:40:35 a misnomer Mi it’s a bit of a bad
00:40:38 translation because yah does not lead
00:40:41 anyone into temptation no he does not
00:40:44 right um it’s more uh protect me from
00:40:48 others tempting me into
00:40:51 right yeah it’s more Protec help me to
00:40:55 see help me to see and avoid tempation
00:40:58 yeah we we could go look at the
00:41:00 manuscript but it might be more
00:41:01 something along the lines protect me
00:41:03 from Temptation yes yes we’d have to go
00:41:07 look at the manuscript I don’t know if
00:41:09 we want to Sidetrack on that no
00:41:13 no not not not
00:41:16 particularly uh
00:41:18 anyway
00:41:21 but I like third Nephi chapter 18 verse1
00:41:24 15 and I’ll just read it real quick
00:41:27 says verily verily I say unto you ye
00:41:30 must watch and pray
00:41:32 always lest ye be tempted by the devil
00:41:36 and you be led away captive by him so we
00:41:39 see from that verse right there that
00:41:41 tells me that
00:41:42 prayer plays a key
00:41:45 role in helping us to avoid
00:41:50 Temptation
00:41:54 so not only do we have the law written
00:41:57 in our heart but when we take the time
00:41:58 to pray sit down and
00:42:02 express well the mind and will of Yahweh
00:42:06 it helps us to stay focused and it keeps
00:42:09 us away from
00:42:10 Temptation and I think one word that
00:42:13 probably gets um not thought about a lot
00:42:16 in that uh passage is
00:42:19 watch I knew you’re keeping an eye out
00:42:23 and you’re doing stuff to
00:42:25 avoid uh and
00:42:28 prepare right so it’s not just yeah
00:42:33 like is this anything like the Watchman
00:42:35 on the tower
00:42:37 Stephen could be no it couldn’t be no
00:42:41 actually completely or or maybe it is uh
00:42:45 anyway it’s and and what Ben’s bringing
00:42:49 up we all are supposed to be Watchmen to
00:42:51 a certain extent right yes well yes and
00:42:55 that this is actually stated quite
00:42:57 clearly in uh Leviticus chapter 19 Verse
00:43:01 18 uh let me get it for
00:43:04 you yeah yeah yeah by all
00:43:13 means it may be 18 or it may be 17 but
00:43:16 I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll improv as I get
00:43:19 there you want 19 or 18 first 19
00:43:23 Leviticus n chapter 19 okay chapter 19
00:43:27 you’re saying the verse could be one or
00:43:28 the other yeah it could be one of those
00:43:30 two either 17 or
00:43:33 18 uh yes 17
00:43:36 actually Thou shalt not hate thy brother
00:43:39 in thine heart Thou shalt in any wise in
00:43:44 any wise
00:43:46 rebuke thy neighbor and suffer and not
00:43:50 suffer sin upon
00:43:52 him well I I find the key word in there
00:43:55 to be shall
00:43:58 Thou shalt th shalt well but the in any
00:44:02 wise is actually just as important in
00:44:06 other words Thou shalt in all
00:44:14 circumstances watch your brother you are
00:44:17 your brother’s
00:44:18 keeper yes yeah which is basically he
00:44:22 told King before he cursed him but
00:44:24 anyways uh we are love our neighbor as
00:44:30 what Thou shalt not avenge nor bear any
00:44:33 grudge against the children of th thy
00:44:36 people but Thou shalt love thy neighbor
00:44:38 as
00:44:40 thyself wait a minute wait this this
00:44:43 can’t be right this is Torah and not New
00:44:46 Testament or wait a minute this has got
00:44:48 to be
00:44:49 wrong but I Moses must but it’s not
00:44:53 Moses copied Yeshua oh wait actually he
00:44:56 did didn’t he ah yeah yeah yeah he did
00:44:59 he said it he said but Thou shalt love
00:45:01 thy neighbor as thyself I am
00:45:06 Y and that is the second great
00:45:11 commandment
00:45:13 yeah
00:45:16 boom so in keeping with that um there is
00:45:20 a verse that is very descriptive of what
00:45:24 Yeshua went
00:45:25 through um in The Garden of Gethsemane
00:45:28 and it’s in Luke 22:
00:45:33 44 now keep in mind that while he was in
00:45:36 the garden he was praying for
00:45:39 practically the entire
00:45:46 time said 44 right yeah
00:45:51 44 um Ben you want to read that one and
00:45:56 being Agony he prayed more
00:45:59 earnestly and his sweat was as it were
00:46:02 great drops of blood falling down to the
00:46:07 ground now I closed my lesson excuse me
00:46:12 I closed my lesson with this
00:46:18 verse
00:46:21 this this sums
00:46:24 up the power of
00:46:27 prayer so
00:46:31 beautifully the
00:46:34 greatest act of love that has ever been
00:46:41 done acted out in the history of the
00:46:45 world was
00:46:48 done while
00:46:53 praying and if
00:46:55 Yeshua felt the need to
00:46:58 pray more
00:47:01 earnestly for
00:47:04 us how much more need have
00:47:07 we every day to pray more
00:47:12 earnestly or him who guide us who redeem
00:47:18 us who sanctify
00:47:23 us and bring us into his home
00:47:29 to make us his people to make us his
00:47:34 people and this is how I Clos my
00:47:37 lesson and
00:47:40 um you know this this verse sums up the
00:47:44 power of Prayer in a way that no other
00:47:49 verse could
00:47:52 ever well the thing is
00:47:57 is that as he was
00:48:00 praying it’s through this
00:48:03 process that he
00:48:05 began becoming sin for
00:48:11 us that he that he began the process of
00:48:14 taking on our sins which is what caused
00:48:17 him so much emotional and physical
00:48:20 stress that he actually sweat
00:48:22 blood which prayed and prayed more
00:48:28 earnestly
00:48:30 those which shows you that those in sin
00:48:36 should pray more earnestly because that
00:48:41 more earnestly comes as he becomes
00:48:45 sin and Elma the younger oh wait wait
00:48:48 was another great example of
00:48:50 that yeah yeah yeah yeah um because you
00:48:53 realized he had the sin um so with all
00:48:58 the fad of the red
00:49:00 heffer it points to
00:49:03 this right here this is what the red
00:49:06 heer points to is Yeshua being drenched
00:49:11 in
00:49:12 red and Yeshua is the fatted cat that
00:49:17 died yes and that blood is then placed
00:49:21 upon the altar to cleanse it and Yeshua
00:49:26 is the
00:49:29 altar
00:49:31 yes can I can I offer a scripture yeah
00:49:35 yes please so um Omni verse
00:49:40 26 wait let me get
00:49:45 there what chapter I’m just
00:49:53 kidding somebody’s got
00:49:59 it works when I say it jokes yeah we got
00:50:01 jokes there
00:50:06 goes read do
00:50:09 yeah now my beloved Brethren I would
00:50:12 that you should come un the Messiah
00:50:15 which is the Holy One of
00:50:17 Israel and partake of his salvation and
00:50:19 the power of His Redemption be come unto
00:50:22 him not for your your whole Souls is not
00:50:26 offering unto him and continue continue
00:50:29 in fasting and praying and ENT to the
00:50:32 end and as the Lord or Y we love you
00:50:36 shall be
00:50:39 saved that’s a powerful one there that
00:50:43 is the integral part that praying has
00:50:46 that prayer has
00:50:49 yeah so um that’s really all I have uh
00:50:53 to to offer tonight on prayer but
00:50:57 I’m grateful for the opportunity that I
00:51:00 was given to to kind of share a lot of
00:51:05 scripture uh
00:51:08 with people who need to hear the
00:51:11 scriptures um and I’m I was very
00:51:15 grateful that I was given the
00:51:16 opportunity to do this and I hope that I
00:51:20 was able to you know touch
00:51:24 somebody um
00:51:27 and and if I was then then great and and
00:51:30 and maybe it’s not their time yet but
00:51:33 I’m hoping that a seed was planted so
00:51:36 well you know the interesting thing
00:51:39 is there are so many
00:51:42 people who are so starved for the
00:51:47 scriptures that they don’t even know
00:51:49 that they’re that they don’t even know
00:51:51 that they lack
00:51:52 them they’ve forgotten what they’re like
00:51:56 yep
00:51:59 [Music]
00:52:00 and that
00:52:02 said yeah they’re all looking to other
00:52:05 people to tell them what’s there right
00:52:08 and you know it it wasn’t that long ago
00:52:11 that I was one of those
00:52:13 people always waiting for the next
00:52:15 presentation always waiting for the next
00:52:18 um oh well this guy is’s going to have
00:52:21 something good to say you know um so
00:52:26 that’s an addiction I I remember being
00:52:28 that way when I was a new
00:52:30 age yeah it’s addiction to always
00:52:35 learning and never coming the truth well
00:52:39 and the thing is is that a lot of times
00:52:41 when you’re always bouncing from
00:52:42 presentation to presentation the
00:52:44 presenters will present conflicting
00:52:46 ideas and uh you you you felt so awesome
00:52:51 during the presentation well both have
00:52:52 got to be true so you got to uh so you
00:52:56 know you just sit with it for a while
00:52:57 right you just don’t even think about
00:52:59 the fact that they’re contradicting each
00:53:01 other yeah because you figure out Truth
00:53:03 by feelings right right the one fuzzies
00:53:08 and the butterflies anyways and you know
00:53:11 so the thing is Hey Stephen could you
00:53:13 pull up the scripture of first Nephi I
00:53:16 think it’s uh Nephi it’s either Lehi
00:53:19 dream or Nephi dream that talks about
00:53:22 what the people were doing to get to
00:53:24 this great and spacious building first
00:53:26 Nephi chapter8 11 it’s chapter eight
00:53:30 first Nephi chapter8 yeah you’re right
00:53:33 because that one’s lehi’s I uh ah
00:53:38 click click I don’t know why it works
00:53:41 when I say it oh it didn’t that
00:53:45 time uh should I pause while we find the
00:53:48 verse yeah let’s let’s pause real
00:53:54 quick okay okay so we found the
00:53:57 verses and here in uh first Nephi
00:54:00 chapter 8 where you’re going to find out
00:54:03 what how people were getting into the
00:54:05 great and spacious building and how it’s
00:54:07 reminiscent
00:54:09 of how I was and so many people are as
00:54:13 they go as they Bounce from presentation
00:54:15 to presentation just hearing great idea
00:54:17 after great idea most of which actually
00:54:19 when you look into the mind and will of
00:54:21 sha are not that great but will’ll uh
00:54:25 will that will not go into that but to
00:54:29 be short in writing we’ll start in verse
00:54:31 30 of chapter 8 here but to be short in
00:54:34 writing behold he saw the multitudes
00:54:37 pressing forward and they came and
00:54:39 caught hold of the end of the rod of
00:54:41 iron and they press their way forward
00:54:43 continually holding fast the rod of iron
00:54:46 until they came until they came forth
00:54:48 and fell down and partook of the fruit
00:54:50 of the
00:54:51 tree so th those are the ones who were
00:54:54 saved and he also saw other multitudes
00:54:57 what are they doing
00:54:59 feeling their wait a minute wait a
00:55:01 minute f l
00:55:05 i yes maybe we need to go to the
00:55:10 dictionary do we yeah well go let’s go
00:55:13 to the dictionary finish the verse let’s
00:55:14 finish the verse feeling their way
00:55:17 towards the great and spacious building
00:55:19 by the way that’s not heav and
00:55:21 interestingly enough immediately after
00:55:24 that and it came to pass that many were
00:55:27 drowned in the depths of the
00:55:31 fountain and many were lost from his
00:55:33 view wandering in strange
00:55:39 rooms okay so I I I need to check what
00:55:41 feeling actually okay oh yes we
00:55:44 absolutely have we absolutely have to uh
00:55:48 we absolutely have to make sure that
00:55:50 people that that no doubt is left in
00:55:52 people’s mind as to what the definition
00:55:54 of feeling is um
00:56:01 okay perceiving by the touch having
00:56:04 perception expressive of great
00:56:06 sensibility affecting tending to excite
00:56:09 the passions oh what that sounds like
00:56:13 the uh uh continuous to learning and
00:56:16 never coming to truth addiction right
00:56:20 sensibly or deeply affected as I had a
00:56:23 feeling okay sensibly or deeply affected
00:56:26 they read that’s a sentence uh telling
00:56:29 us about that meaning of it sure sure
00:56:31 but even on that point uh as you were
00:56:33 stating people feel that the
00:56:36 contradicting lessons were both true
00:56:39 right right it just felt good right the
00:56:44 sense of touch the sense by which we
00:56:46 perceive external objects which come in
00:56:49 contact with the body obain ideas of
00:56:51 their tangible qualities one of the five
00:56:54 senses
00:56:56 also sensation the effect of
00:56:59 perception oh that sounds like so so
00:57:03 this so This actually goes into
00:57:05 something that um that you learn pretty
00:57:10 quickly when you’re
00:57:13 um that you that you learn pretty
00:57:16 quickly when you’re working in certain
00:57:18 quarters and that is that most people
00:57:21 dwell in the land of perception and
00:57:24 therefore they dwell in their feelings
00:57:25 and are easily manipulated yep yep um
00:57:30 instead of this is why people feel their
00:57:33 way to the great and spacious building
00:57:36 it’s
00:57:38 Sensational oh it
00:57:39 is it’s very
00:57:42 Sensational um and so they feel their
00:57:45 way there uh but the the whole thing
00:57:49 is the
00:57:51 person who can have the person who can
00:57:54 have
00:57:56 the person who can who can have
00:57:59 perspective will always control those
00:58:03 who are stuck in
00:58:06 perception uh just like uh passive
00:58:10 learning instead of active learning
00:58:14 right happens and most of these places
00:58:17 that do this they probably complain
00:58:19 about how the teaching goes on in these
00:58:21 Public School Systems but yet they go
00:58:24 somewhere and eat it up
00:58:27 now right we will also say guess and I’m
00:58:31 going to go to Moroni uh six but this
00:58:35 came from the Greeks this is how the
00:58:38 Greeks teach this is where you see
00:58:40 pretty much
00:58:42 everywhere in Christian and Jewish
00:58:45 teachings nowadays which actually goes
00:58:48 well because because the both the
00:58:50 because the Jews the Christians and the
00:58:54 Muslims all steeped El heavily in Greek
00:58:57 philosophy in the middle AG in fact
00:59:00 there’s a guy out
00:59:03 there uh that he thinks he’s thoughtful
00:59:07 and that’s what his favorite thing to do
00:59:09 is is to bring all his thoughts back to
00:59:11 Greek
00:59:12 thought that’s not
00:59:14 scripture so this this verse but here uh
00:59:19 and their meetings were conducted by oh
00:59:22 so this is moronai 69 and their meetings
00:59:24 were conducted by the church after the
00:59:27 manner the workings of the spirit
00:59:30 so uh do what’s needed at the time not
00:59:34 something planned a year in advance and
00:59:36 by the power of the Torah for as the
00:59:40 power of the Torah LED them whether to
00:59:43 preach or to exhort to pray to
00:59:46 supplicate to sing even to do as it was
00:59:49 done so basically do what the people
00:59:53 need at the time don’t be
00:59:57 and that showing that you’re smart and I
01:00:01 know so much help the people if you so I
01:00:06 have a question how you’re
01:00:08 smart you’re not being led by the power
01:00:11 of Torah you’re being have question by
01:00:15 your ego sorry go ahead yeah he has a
01:00:18 question what’s the difference
01:00:21 between praying and supplicating
01:00:26 because I’d always thought they were
01:00:28 roughly the same but they’re listed
01:00:31 separately and if they’re listed
01:00:32 separately they’re listed separately for
01:00:34 a reason yeah and it says or so that is
01:00:37 different so let’s go look at the 18208
01:00:44 dictionary so so after this I have
01:00:47 another scripture to offer okay don’t
01:00:50 let me forget
01:00:52 Zach yeah so supplicate
01:01:03 uh so I would say from this definition
01:01:05 more earnestly so it’s more Earnest
01:01:08 prayer well for my from my understanding
01:01:12 the the
01:01:14 prayer uh the supplication is the prayer
01:01:18 in behalf of
01:01:20 somebody it’s a specific kind of prayer
01:01:23 it’s a prayer in behalf of someone
01:01:25 someone else for aing for someone else
01:01:29 right so Luke
01:01:32 2244 said it exactly correctly he prayed
01:01:35 more earnestly he supplicated the father
01:01:39 on our
01:01:41 behalf and so when and so when Luke
01:01:45 describes that as praying more earnestly
01:01:47 that’s what he’s talking
01:01:50 about interesting okay
01:01:56 uh well supplicate I only found it in
01:02:00 two places
01:02:04 um so supplicate him for
01:02:09 protection so that’s they fear their
01:02:13 Elohim and supplicate him for their
01:02:15 protection right right for their so
01:02:17 that’s themselves and others right yep y
01:02:21 so it does include the others and
01:02:23 they’re meeting and that’s the one we
01:02:24 just read so which
01:02:26 context in what’s going on there um but
01:02:30 in
01:02:32 35410 it
01:02:34 does uh part of it is for others it’s
01:02:37 not all of it right
01:02:41 right but it this the supplicate the
01:02:45 prayer uh I’m I’m thinking that prayer
01:02:50 um there might just be two different
01:02:52 kinds of and two different modes of
01:02:54 prayer the supplication being the asking
01:02:56 and the reg the prayer is just the
01:02:58 communication with our Father in heaven
01:03:00 where we’re praising him in prayer and
01:03:02 what have you and all that good
01:03:05 stuff so that I think that may be why
01:03:09 there’s a why there is a um difference a
01:03:15 difference and I do believe that in both
01:03:18 of these instances what they were
01:03:20 supplicating for protection or
01:03:22 deliverance from was directly in their
01:03:25 face
01:03:29 I one in the one instance in the one
01:03:32 instance that’s clear in the one
01:03:33 instance that’s clear not so clear I
01:03:36 would say that’s even clear here because
01:03:38 here I do would say uh Moroni 69 has the
01:03:42 context of doing what’s
01:03:44 needed right now AK what’s in your face
01:03:47 so right yeah right because this is not
01:03:51 something that’s planned
01:03:52 beforehand now which is what we do most
01:03:55 of the time right sometimes we go off
01:03:57 with some plans but most of the time
01:03:59 it’s off this off the power of Torah
01:04:03 right so uh and and because of the power
01:04:06 of Torah there’s been times I haven’t
01:04:07 recorded because it was too personal for
01:04:10 someone right so
01:04:13 anyways um so I think uh Zach wants to
01:04:17 share something with us now yes yeah uh
01:04:20 third Nai chapter
01:04:23 19 uh verses 24 through
01:04:27 26 H
01:04:31 yes I think I know which one this
01:04:37 is we are yeah
01:04:41 okay
01:04:44 yep what do you want to do you want I’ll
01:04:47 go ahead I’ll go ahead and read okay it
01:04:50 came to pass that when Yeshua had thus
01:04:52 prayed unto the father he came unto his
01:04:56 disciples and behold they did still
01:04:58 continue without ceasing to pray unto
01:05:00 him and they did not multiply many words
01:05:04 for it was given un to them what they
01:05:05 should pray and they were filled with
01:05:09 desire it came to pass that Yeshua
01:05:11 blessed them as they did pray unto him
01:05:14 and his countenance did smile upon them
01:05:17 and the light of his countenance did
01:05:18 shine upon them and behold they were as
01:05:21 white as the countenance and also the
01:05:24 and also the garments of Yeshua
01:05:26 and behold the whiteness there outed
01:05:28 exceed all whiteness he there
01:05:33 even yeah even there could not could be
01:05:37 nothing upon the Earth so white as the
01:05:38 whiteness thereof and Yeshua saith unto
01:05:41 them on nevertheless they did not cease
01:05:44 to
01:05:48 pray there’s evidence that Yeshua is
01:05:52 indeed one with yah they are the
01:05:56 same I agree with that I might just say
01:05:59 it a little more directly in the Greek
01:06:01 mind he is the very Eternal Father who
01:06:05 is the only one we are to pray to this
01:06:09 shows
01:06:10 modalism
01:06:13 yes uh
01:06:16 because did not tell them to change it
01:06:20 showing it was not
01:06:22 wrong right and also some of these
01:06:26 or some of these sayings in verse
01:06:29 24 that didn’t multiply many words was
01:06:34 it was given to them what they should G
01:06:37 for from Elohim not from another person
01:06:41 right now the the interesting the
01:06:43 interesting thing that I see there is
01:06:46 this is evidence that the
01:06:50 um that the Torah are written
01:06:54 instructions
01:06:56 is a manifestation of the mind and will
01:06:58 of Y which is the holy spirit yep but
01:07:03 this is another manifestation where the
01:07:06 words in the very moment are given to
01:07:09 you by
01:07:12 Revelation yep and and that is
01:07:17 because you have the mind and will of
01:07:20 Yahweh written on your heart and you are
01:07:24 filled
01:07:27 with
01:07:28 desire you are filled only that yeah
01:07:32 that’s
01:07:34 it so I let me see if I can find it so
01:07:37 let me pause real quick before I um I
01:07:40 was gonna bring out something else oh
01:07:42 okay go ahead Zack I think I think Ben
01:07:45 brought this up once like a while ago
01:07:50 verse 25 his countenance did smile upon
01:07:53 them and uh light of his countenance to
01:07:56 shine upon him I think it was a that’s
01:07:59 reverence
01:08:01 scene I don’t remember exactly what it
01:08:06 is it’s the Shina Glory yeah
01:08:10 that it’s the what the shakina
01:08:15 glory okay that is the glory that is the
01:08:19 glory of yoa in his house oh okay okay
01:08:22 the glory of yoa in his kingdom
01:08:28 which makes sense with the rest of the
01:08:31 description in the verse
01:08:35 right yep y
01:08:41 right yeah now there’s a lot of people
01:08:44 who there’s a lot of Christians who
01:08:45 throw that term around and turn it into
01:08:47 kind kind of Loosey Goosey every time
01:08:50 they feel every time they feel
01:08:53 sensations of some kind oh the kind of
01:08:55 Glory of God is
01:08:59 here that’s uh just because you can say
01:09:02 the words doesn’t mean that the glory is
01:09:05 there
01:09:07 right oh okay isn’t it also the
01:09:13 referen lus ver yes that is also this
01:09:20 actually also this is a fulfillment of
01:09:23 the prayer of the Levites over the
01:09:25 children of Israel that they were to
01:09:27 invoke the blessing that they were to
01:09:29 invoke upon the house of Israel every
01:09:33 year at
01:09:36 um I forget which Feast it was but it’s
01:09:39 one of the feasts where there one of the
01:09:42 um Pilgrim pilgrimage
01:09:45 feasts and they invoke this blessing
01:09:48 upon
01:09:50 them um the ironic blessing
01:09:56 hey can we can we pause uh for a minute
01:09:59 yeah
01:10:02 yeah okay so I found what I was looking
01:10:04 for
01:10:06 um so using one of my search tools but
01:10:10 anyways
01:10:12 so um here in second Nephi
01:10:17 33 uh but behold there are many that
01:10:20 Harden their hearts against the Holy
01:10:23 Spirit just like
01:10:25 uh in the Old Testament talks about
01:10:28 Harden your heart against
01:10:30 Torah heart goes a lot with Torah now
01:10:33 it’s also interesting here uh in the
01:10:36 same here’s like an AB going on here
01:10:40 wherefore they cast many things which
01:10:42 are
01:10:44 written and what’s written Torah is
01:10:49 written Este steem them as things as not
01:10:52 which is just like hardening here this
01:10:55 this is probably just a quick guess an
01:11:01 A C CBA right there in that verse yeah
01:11:07 probably because it’s putting uh not
01:11:10 hardened Together written Holy Spirit
01:11:13 together no place than cast Together
01:11:16 cast many things away yeah yeah so
01:11:19 showing that those things are tied
01:11:22 together as I have claimed for a long
01:11:27 time uh and then here let’s go look at
01:11:29 verse one and now I Nephi cannot write
01:11:31 all write all the things which are
01:11:34 taught among my people neither am I
01:11:37 Mighty in writing I like unto speaking
01:11:40 for when a man speaketh by the power of
01:11:43 Torah the power of Torah carth it onto
01:11:46 the hearts of the children of men oh
01:11:48 wait a minute what’s supposed to be
01:11:49 written on the
01:11:51 heart H hor oh yeah
01:11:56 and if that Torah is WR and if that
01:11:59 Torah is written on your heart it is the
01:12:02 minded will of hia can easily
01:12:05 communicate to you in the moment the
01:12:07 words you are to say or what you are to
01:12:11 do which goes along with what Lehi said
01:12:15 about
01:12:16 Nephi right yeah
01:12:19 yeah
01:12:21 yeah so that’s awesome all right I think
01:12:24 with that it’s probably time to stop now