Doctrine & Covenants LDS 59 received on Shavuot

Throughout time YHWH has always done things at His appointed times. In the book of Exodus, YHWH frees His people from Egypt and restores His Passover feast (see, Exodus 11-12). The feast days of YHWH have specific meanings and ceremonies associated with them. The feast day that has fascinated me recently, because of the time of year that we find ourselves in, is Shavuot. The basic meaning behind the the appointed feast/time of Shavuot/Pentecost it is the appointed time for YHWH to give us His law ( see also High Holidays, Important Coming Dates, the Torah, Exodus 20, Acts 2, Mosiah 13).

Joseph Smith received the law in a revelation in Doctrine & Covenants (LDS 59)(RLDS 59) (1833 60) (1835 19) (1844 19) on August 7, 1831. Below is a picture from SeekingYHWH LuniSolar Calendar that was designed by a friend, Steven Retz, that takes into account all mathematical calculations that pinpoints this date within YHWH’s calendar year. YHWH calendar is different from man’s changing Gregorian calendar (see Calendar). The significance of this date is that it falls within the appointed time for Shavuot/Pentecost for that lunisolar year. This also happens to be given during a lunar sabbath.

So what is shown, and plain to see, is that this revelation was received by Joseph Smith during the appointed time that deals with giving the law of YHWH. He started to restore His law (see 1 Nephi 13:34) to the restoration movement, which categorically rejected it (see D&C (LDS 84:57)(RLDS 83)(1835 4)(1844 4)). This reminds me of another time when YHWH restored His law and it was rejected. When YHWH led the children of Israel out of Egypt through the Red Sea and then the children of Israel rebelled and gave all glory to a statue of a bull representing Satan (see Exodus 32). Let us look at the main focal point of Doctrine & Covenants (LDS 59)(RLDS 59) (1833 60) (1835 19) (1844 19). To find this we need to understand the basic structure of a chiasm. The main focal point is usually found at the very center of the structure. So the center this chiasm would be at the marker of -D-G. Knowing about Hebrew poetry we can better understand what YHWH wants to tell us from His mind and will, because we see how the stanzas support one another and the focus is at the center. For more information on chiastic structure please see the Chiasmus resource page.

D&C (LDS 59) (RLDS 59) (1833 60) (1835 19) (1844 19)
AA 1 Behold, blessed, saith the Lord [YHWH],
A-B are they who have come up unto this land with an eye single to My [YHWH] glory,
A–C according to My [YHWH] commandments [Torah].
A—D 2 For those that live shall inherit the earth,
A—D and those that die shall rest from all their labors,
A–C and their works shall follow them;
A-B and they shall receive a crown in the mansions of My [Yeshua] Father,
AA which I [Yeshua] have prepared for them.
-BA 3 Yea, blessed are they whose feet stand upon the land of Zion,
-B-B who have obeyed My [YHWH] gospel;
-B–C for they shall receive for their reward the good things of the earth,
-B—D and it shall bring forth in its strength.
-B–C 4 And they shall also be crowned with blessings from above,
-B-BA yea, and with commandments not a few,
-B-BB and with revelations in their time—
-BA they that are faithful and diligent before Me [YHWH].
–CAA 5 Wherefore, I give unto them a commandment, saying thus:
–CA-B Thou shalt love the Lord [YHWH] thy God [Elohim]
–CA–C with all thy heart,
–CA—D with all thy might,
–CA—D mind,
–CA–C and strength;
–CA-B and in the name [character] of Jesus [Yeshua] Christ [the Messiah]
–CAA thou shalt serve Him [YHWH].
–C-B 6 Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
–C–CA Thou shalt not steal;
–C–CB neither commit adultery,
–C–CC nor kill,
–C–CD nor do anything like unto it.
–CA-BA 7 Thou shalt thank
–CA-B-B the Lord [YHWH] thy God [Elohim]
–CA-BA in all things.
–CAA 8 Thou shalt offer a sacrifice unto the Lord [YHWH] thy God [Elohim] in righteousness,
–CAB even that of a broken heart and a contrite spirit.
—DA 9 And that thou mayest more fully keep thyself unspotted from the world,
—D-B thou shalt go to the house of prayer
—D–C and offer up thy sacraments [oaths]
—D—D upon My [YHWH] holy day [sabbath];
—D—-E 10 For verily this is a day
—D—–F appointed unto you to rest from your labors,
—D——G and to pay thy devotions unto the Most High [YHWH];
—D—–F 11 Nevertheless thy vows shall be offered up in righteousness
—D—-E on all days and at all times;
—D—D 12 But remember that on this, the Lord’s [YHWH’s] day [sabbath],
—D–CA thou shalt offer thine oblations [offerings] and thy sacraments [oaths] unto the Most High,
—D–CB confessing thy sins unto thy brethren [that you have wronged],
—D–CC and before the Lord [YHWH].
—D-B 13 And on this day [sabbath] thou shalt do none other thing,
—D-B only let thy food be prepared with singleness of heart
—DAA that thy fasting may be perfect,
—DA-B or, in other words,
—DA–C that thy joy may be full.
—DA–C 14 Verily, this is fasting and prayer,
—DA-B or in other words,
—DAA rejoicing and prayer.
–CA 15 And inasmuch as ye do these things with thanksgiving,
–C-B with cheerful hearts and countenances,
–C–C not with much laughter,
–C–C for this is sin,
–C-B but with a glad heart
–CA and a cheerful countenance—
-BA 16 Verily I say, that inasmuch as ye do this,
-B-B the fulness of the earth is yours,
-B–CA the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air,
-B–C-B and that which climbeth upon the trees
-B–C–C and walketh upon the earth;
-B–C-B 17 Yea, and the herb,
-B–CA and the good things which come of the earth,
-B—DA whether for food
-B—D-BA or for raiment,
-B—D-BB or for houses,
-B—D-BC or for barns,
-B—DAA or for orchards,
-B—DAB or for gardens,
-B—DAC or for vineyards;
-B—-EA 18 Yea, all things which come of the earth,
-B—-E-B in the season thereof,
-B—-E-B are made for the benefit and the use of man,
-B—-EA both to please the eye and to gladden the heart;
-B—DA 19 Yea, for food
-B—D-B and for raiment,
-B—D–C for taste
-B—D–C and for smell,
-B—D-B to strengthen the body
-B—DA and to enliven the soul.
-B–CA 20 And it pleaseth God [Elohim]
-B–CB that He [YHWH] hath given all these things unto man;
-B-B for unto this end were they made to be used,
-BAA with judgment,
-BAB not to excess,
-BAC neither by extortion.
AAA 21 And in nothing doth man offend God [Elohim],
AAB or against none is His [YHWH] wrath kindled,
A-BA save those who confess not His [YHWH] hand in all things [Torah],
A-BB and obey not His [YHWH] commandments.
A-BA 22 Behold, this is according to the law [Torah] and the prophets;
A-BB wherefore, trouble Me [YHWH] no more concerning this matter.
AAA 23 But learn that he who doeth the works of righteousness
AA-B shall receive his reward,
AA–C even peace in this world,
AA–C and eternal life in the world to come.
AA-BA 24 I, the Lord [YHWH],
AA-BB have spoken it,
AAA and the Spirit [Torah] beareth record. Amen.

The basic focal point being drawn out in D&C (LDS 59:10) (RLDS 59) (1833 60) (1835 19) (1844 19), which is the heart of the chiasm, is found at the section marked -D-G, we see that one point of the law, which is also recorded in Torah, is “to [properly] pay thy devotions unto the Most High [YHWH]” D&C 59:10. What does the previous statement look like? In basic statements when we keep the law, a.k.a. obey His commandments and observe His feast days and all His appointed times, and serve our fellow men we add to YHWH’s glory. And I absolutely love how the first and last verses states who is saying these things. It is YHWH!

This revelation also clarifies what is acceptable to do on the Sabbath. Do remember that this revelation was received on a lunar sabbath. Opposed to oral traditions of man, and not a part of Torah, we are allowed to prepare our food on the Sabbath day. As we see in verses 9-14 we can prepare our food as long as it is with singleness of heart. If we look at the word prepare in 1828 Webster’s Dictionary we see the following meaning of the word.

1828 Webster’s Dictionary, Prepare
Verb transitive
2. To make ready

To help us better understand what YHWH is saying. It is important to realize what singleness means. Let us look at the definitions from the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary which would have been the standard definition for the word at that time this revelation was received.

1828 Webster’s Dictionary, Singleness
1. The state of being one only or separate from all others; the opposite of doubleness, complication or multiplicity.
2. Simplicity; sincerity; purity of mind or purpose; freedom from duplicity; as singleness of belief; singleness of heart.

With singleness referring to purity of purpose than it means that you are cooking with the idea of preserving life and thus keeping the commandment thou shalt not commit murder in Hebrew or as it was not so well translated into English, in Exodus 20:13, Thou shalt not kill. Keeping the commandments is how we show the glory of YHWH on earth. Another level of purity of purpose and mind is to keep our eye, which in Hebrew thought and meaning equals desires, single to the glory of YHWH so that we might live and inherit the earth. As we can learn in LDS church history, the church was placed under condemnation and they were driven out of the land of promise, a.k.a. Zion. They rejected the law of YHWH and the sign that was given to them to become YHWH’s people.

For those who are concerned with keeping Torah and cooking on the Sabbath here are some resources for you to read.

To see all that we have been talking about previously here is the main D stanza of D&C 59 chiasm, spanning verses 9-14.

D&C (LDS 59) (RLDS 59) (1833 60) (1835 19) (1844 19)
—DA 9 And that thou mayest more fully keep thyself unspotted from the world,
—D-B thou shalt go to the house of prayer
—D–C and offer up thy sacraments [oaths]
—D—D upon My [YHWH] holy day [sabbath];
—D—-E 10 For verily this is a day
—D—–F appointed unto you to rest from your labors,
—D——G and to pay thy devotions unto the Most High [YHWH];
—D—–F 11 Nevertheless thy vows shall be offered up in righteousness
—D—-E on all days and at all times;
—D—D 12 But remember that on this, the Lord’s [YHWH’s] day [sabbath],
—D–CA thou shalt offer thine oblations [offerings] and thy sacraments [oaths] unto the Most High,
—D–CB confessing thy sins unto thy brethren [that you have wronged],
—D–CC and before the Lord [YHWH].
—D-B 13 And on this day [sabbath] thou shalt do none other thing,
—D-B only let thy food be prepared with singleness of heart
—DAA that thy fasting may be perfect,
—DA-B or, in other words,
—DA–C that thy joy may be full.
—DA–C 14 Verily, this is fasting and prayer,
—DA-B or in other words,
—DAA rejoicing and prayer.

This section is from YHWH remind us of the sign that shows that we are His people. The sign is the sabbaths. For more information on the Sabbaths please check the Sabbaths resource page.

This reminds me of another time when YHWH restored that which was lost from His people. You might not have guessed it, but we are going to Mt. Sinai. To see what YHWH gave to the children of Israel. YHWH gave them His law initially and after they rejected it, then the law of Moses (see Law of Moses, which is primarily two daily lambs) was added as a punishment for breaking the covenant they made to keep the law. One reason I believe that D&C (LDS 59)(RLDS 59) (1833 60) (1835 19) (1844 19) is a true revelation from YHWH is that it holds within it the same commandments as found in Exodus 20. And also the fact that the revelation in D&C 59 points us back to Torah. In fact in verses 21-24, YHWH tell us to confess His hand in all things/Torah and to keep and obey Torah. It is a beautiful thing to me that D&C 59 was given during the same high holiday as the law was given to the children of Israel and also as the Holy Spirit/ behavior was poured out on the apostles in the New Testament (see Acts 2).

D&C (LDS 59) (RLDS 59) (1833 60) (1835 19) (1844 19)
AAA 21 And in nothing doth man offend God [Elohim],
AAB or against none is His [YHWH] wrath kindled,
A-BA save those who confess not His [YHWH] hand in all things [Torah],
A-BB and obey not His [YHWH] commandments.
A-BA 22 Behold, this is according to the law [Torah] and the prophets;
A-BB wherefore, trouble Me [YHWH] no more concerning this matter.
AAA 23 But learn that he who doeth the works of righteousness
AA-B shall receive his reward,
AA–C even peace in this world,
AA–C and eternal life in the world to come.
AA-BA 24 I, the Lord [YHWH],
AA-BB have spoken it,
AAA and the Spirit [Torah] beareth record. Amen.

In Exodus 20 we find the law was restored to Moses and the children of Israel.

Exodus 20
1 And God [Elohim] spake all these words, saying,
AAA 2 I am the Lord [YHWH] thy God [Elohim],
AA-B which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt,
AA-B out of the house of bondage.
AAA 3 Thou shalt have no other gods [judges] before me.
A-BA 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,
A-B-B or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above,
A-B–C or that is in the earth [people] beneath [heaven],
A-B—D or that is in [accepted] the water [revelation] under [in] the earth [hell]:
A-B—-EA 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them,
A-B—-EB nor serve them:
A-B—–FA for I the Lord [YHWH] thy God [Elohim]
A-B—–FB am a jealous God [Elohim],
A-B—-EA visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children
A-B—-EB unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me [YHWH];
A-B—D 6 And shewing mercy
A-B–C unto thousands of them
A-B-B that love Me [YHWH],
A-BA and keep My [YHWH] commandments.
A–CAA 7 Thou shalt not take the name [character]
A–CAB of the Lord [YHWH] thy God [Elohim] in vain;
A–CBA for the Lord [YHWH] will not hold him guiltless
A–CBB that taketh His [YHWH] name [character] in vain.
A-BA 8 Remember the sabbath day,
A-B-B to keep it holy.
A-B–CAA 9 Six days shalt thou labour,
A-B–CAB and do all thy work:
A-B–CBA 10 But the seventh day is the sabbath
A-B–CBB of the Lord [YHWH] thy God [Elohim]:
A-B—DA in it thou shalt not do any work,
A-B—D-B thou,
A-B—D–CA nor thy son,
A-B—D–CB nor thy daughter,
A-B—D–CA thy manservant,
A-B—D–CB nor thy maidservant,
A-B—D-B nor thy cattle,
A-B—DA nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
A-B–CAA 11 For in six days the Lord [YHWH] made
A-B–CA-B heaven
A-B–CA–C and earth,
A-B–CA-B the sea,
A-B–CAA and all that in them is,
A-B–CB and rested the seventh day:
A-B-B wherefore the Lord [YHWH] blessed the sabbath day,
A-BA and hallowed it.
AAA 12 Honour thy father [YHWH]
AA-B and thy mother [Torah]:
AA-B that thy days may be long upon the land
AAA which the Lord [YHWH] thy God [Elohim] giveth thee.
-BA 13 Thou shalt not kill [murder].
-B-B 14 Thou shalt not commit adultery.
-B–C 15 Thou shalt not steal.
-B-BA 16 Thou shalt not bear false witness
-B-BB against thy neighbour.
-BAAA 17 Thou shalt not covet
-BAAB thy neighbour’s house,
-BA-B thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife,
-BA–CA nor his manservant,
-BA–CB nor his maidservant,
-BA–CA nor his ox,
-BA–CB nor his ass,
-BA-B nor any thing
-BAA that is thy neighbour’s.
-BA 18 And all the people saw
-B-BAA the thunderings,
-B-BAB and the lightnings,
-B-BBA and the noise of the trumpet,
-B-BBB and the mountain smoking:
-B–CA and when the people saw it,
-B–CB they removed,
-B–CC and stood afar off.
-B—DA 19 And they said unto Moses,
-B—DBA Speak thou with us,
-B—DB-B and we will hear:
-B—DB–C but let not God [Elohim]
-B—DB-B speak with us,
-B—DBA lest we die.
-B—DA 20 And Moses said unto the people,
-B—DBA Fear not:
-B—DB-B for God [Elohim] is come to prove you,
-B—DB–C and that His [YHWH] fear [reverence]
-B—DB-B may be before your faces,
-B—DBA that ye sin not.
-B–C 21 And the people stood afar off,
-B-B and Moses drew near unto the thick darkness
-BA where God [Elohim] was.
AAA 22 And the Lord [YHWH] said unto Moses,
AAB Thus thou shalt say unto the children of Israel,
AAC Ye have seen that I [YHWH] have talked with you from heaven.
A-BAA 23 Ye shall not make
A-BAB with me gods [idols] of silver,
A-BBA neither shall ye make
A-BBB unto you gods [idols] of gold.
A–CAA 24 An altar of earth
A–CAB thou shalt make unto Me [YHWH],
A–C-B and shalt sacrifice thereon
A–C–C thy burnt offerings,
A–C-B and thy peace offerings,
A–CAA thy sheep,
A–CAB and thine oxen:
A—DA in all places where I [YHWH]
A—DB record My [YHWH] name [character]
A–CA I [YHWH] will come unto thee,
A–CB and I [YHWH] will bless thee.
A-BA 25 And if thou wilt make Me [YHWH]
A-B-B an altar of stone,
A-B–C thou shalt not build it of hewn stone:
A-B-B for if thou lift up thy tool upon it,
A-BA thou hast polluted it.
AAA 26 Neither shalt thou go up
AA-B by steps unto mine altar,
AA-B that thy nakedness
AAA be not discovered thereon.

As we see in this chiasm, the A sections cover all those things that we must do pertaining to YHWH and the B sections are pertaining to our behavior and treatment toward our fellowmen. There are two areas that I wish to spend a little bit of time on and those would be the Sabbath and honoring thy Father and thy Mother that thy days may be long in the land.

The first point I would like to visit is the Sabbath the sabbath is the sign that we are YHWH’s people. It is also His seal. All seals carry three things a person’s name, the title they bear, and what authority they hold to make decrees. Within the law of the sabbath is declared His name, title and what authority He speaks with. If we wish to be His people than we must keep His sabbaths (weekly), high holidays (annually) and new moons (monthly/moonly), His new moons and not ours (see Isaiah 1, 66). For further information please see High Holidays, New Moon, Sabbath, Sabbaths resource pages.

The second point can be found in verse 12 of Exodus 20 which states,

12 Honour thy father [YHWH] and thy mother [Torah]: that thy days may be long upon the land
which the Lord [YHWH] thy God [Elohim] giveth thee.

Through good teachers, and my own study, I find the glyphs to be appropriate and correct. Among rabbinical scholars there is a tradition wherein many verses of scripture contain up to four levels of meaning. These levels of meaning are: 1) Pashat which is the literal, face-value meaning; 2) Remez which is the implied meaning of the text; 3) Drash which is the allegorical or symbolic meaning; and 4) Sod which is the mysterious level of meaning. The acronym of these letters spells PaRDeS. These glyphs represent the Remez level. Honour YHWH and His Torah that thy days may be long upon the land which YHWH thy Elohim giveth thee. Did the children of Israel honour YHWH by keeping all things/Torah that YHWH Elohim had given them? No! They lost YHWH’s sabbath and also, as a result, His appointed times (see Lamentations 2:5-6 and Hosea 2:11, below). Were their days long upon the land? No! They were scattered among all the nations of the earth.

Lamentations 2:5-6
A 5 The Lord [YHWH] was as an enemy:
-B He [YHWH] hath swallowed up Israel,
–C He [YHWH] hath swallowed up all  her [Israel] palaces:
—D He [YHWH] hath destroyed His [YHWH] strong holds,
—-E and hath increased in the daughter of Judah
—-E mourning and lamentation.
—DA 6 And He [YHWH] hath violently taken away
—DB His [YHWH] tabernacle,
—DC as if it were of a garden:
–C He [YHWH] hath destroyed His [YHH] places of the assembly:
-BA the Lord [YHWH] hath caused
-BB the solemn feasts and sabbaths to be forgotten in Zion,
AA and hath despised in the indignation
AB of His [YHWH] anger the king and the priest.
Hosea 2:11
AA I [YHWH] will also cause all her [Israel] mirth to cease,
AB her [Israel] feast days,
-B her new moons,
-B and her sabbaths,
A and all her [Israel] solemn feasts.

Is there hope? Yes! YHWH is revealing, to those who seek Him, His law, His ways and His appointed times. The shared resource pages and links in this post are resources that can be tested and proven through practice. But in my experience there is no replacement for coming unto YHWH then to come under His covering, which means to keep HIS law. Regardless of when it were given.

YHWH has restored much (see 1 Nephi 13:34) and will restore more when there is a people who are willing to humble themselves and are following HIS ways.

Honor thy YHWH and the Torah that thy days may be long in the land which YHWH thy Elohim give unto thee. Let us celebrate this wonderful news and repent and do things YHWH’s way. That we may be full of joy and not sorrow. Praise YHWH!

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