Scripture Study 2024-02-24

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Summary: (will improve as time permits)

Joseph Smith taught Law of Moses is different than Torah. Mighty and Strong One will restore All things which is Torah. Sliver is symbolic of justification and gold is symbolic of sanctification. Temple Institute is using an invalid alter according to Torah. Paul teaches about three different laws which causes much confusion. Oral law is arguments of rabbis. Confusion is to the same degree that the error was done. Scriptures focus on Abraham because of the crossing over we need to do as he did, and because Yeshua is born throw his descendants. Carnal dealing with blood and death. The Levites performed the Carnal law, not anyone else. Isaiah 52 shows that the Mighty and Strong One and his helper will be missionaries. Elohim hates unrepentant sinners. Joseph Smith did not build temples, did build houses of YHWH. Talking about Doctrinal innovating. Expounding 2 Nephi 25 related to Law of Moses. 1828 Webestr’s Dictionary of declare means to make clear. Repent sufficiently means repenting when one finds out they are doing something against YHWH’s Torah. Must see Elohim face to face before you get specific instructions. 2 Nephi 2 brings out that everyone gets enough time to repent making baptisms for the dead invalid. JST makes different between Torah and Law of Moses more clear. Red heifer deals with Yeshua’s atonement. The two goats for day of Atonement points to Yeshua’s atonement because He took our sins upon Him. Dead works because they were given because of sin which makes us dead. Paul states if you are still doing Law of Moses you are denying Yeshua’s atonement. Book of Hebrews brings out how the Levities did the Law of Moses daily, and Yeshua the promised Messiah did His sacrifice once. Carnal Commandments deals with death. Expounding 3 Nephi (LDS 9:14-22) (RLDS 4:42-52). Modalism in scriptures. Chiasmus give depth and understanding. Broken heart and contrite spirit is what has always been required to receive Yeshua’s atonement. YHWH’s holy prophets will not make others dependent upon them but show how to go to Yeshua. We need to be followers of Torah, but we start we need a teacher to teach us Torah.



Now the purpose in himself [Yeshua/Jesus] in the winding up scene of the last dispensation is, that all things pertaining to that dispensation should be conducted PRECISELY in accordance with the preceding dispensationS. And again, God purposed in himself that there should not be an eternal fulness, until every dispensation should be fulfilled [taught] and GATHERED TOGETHER IN ONE … therefore he set the ORDINANCES TO BE THE SAME FOR EVER AND EVER …
… thus we behold the keys of this priesthood consisted in obtaining the voice of Jehovah, that he talked with him [Noah] in a familiar and friendly manner, that he continued to him the keys, the covenants, the power and the glory, with which he blessed Adam at the beginning; and THE OFFERING OF SACRIFICE, WHICH ALSO SHALL BE CONTINUED AT THE LAST TIME; for ALL THE ORDINANCES AND DUTIES that ever have been required by the priesthood, under the directions and commandments of the Almighty in any of the dispensations, SHALL ALL BE HAD IN THE LAST DISPENSATION. Therefore ALL THINGS HAD UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE PRIESTHOOD AT ANY FORMER PERIOD SHALL BE HAD AGAIN, BRINGING TO PASS THE RESTORATION spoken of by the mouth of all the holy prophets; then shall the sons of Levi offer an acceptable offering to the Lord [YHWH]. ‘And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord’ Malachi 3:3-4 [3 Nephi (LDS 24:3-4) (RLDS 11:6-7)].
The OFFERING OF SACRIFICE has ever been connected and forms a part of the duties of the Priesthood. It [offering of sacrifice] began with the Priesthood, and WILL BE CONTINUED UNTIL AFTER THE COMING OF CHRIST [THE MESSIAH], from generation to generation. We frequently have mention made of the offering of sacrifice by the servants of the Most High in ancient days, PRIOR TO THE LAW OF MOSES, WHICH ORDINANCES WILL BE CONTINUED WHEN THE PRIESTHOOD IS RESTORED WITH ALL IT’S AUTHORITY [Joseph Smith did not restore everything put did got it started], POWER AND BLESSINGS.
… THESE SACRIFICES, as well as every ordinance belonging to the Priesthood, will, WHEN THE TEMPLE OF THE LORD [YHWH] SHALL BE BUILT [FUTURE], and the sons of Levi be purified, be fully restored and attended to in all their powers, ramifications, and blessings. This ever did and ever will exist when the powers of the Melchizedek Priesthood are sufficiently manifest; else HOW CAN THE RESTITUTION OF ALL THINGS spoken of by the Holy Prophets be brought to pass. IT IS NOT TO BE UNDERSTOOD THAT THE LAW OF MOSES [DAILY PERFORMANCES AND ORDINANCES] WILL BE ESTABLISHED AGAIN with all its rites and variety of ceremonies; this has never been spoken of by the prophets; BUT THOSE THINGS WHICH EXISTED PRIOR TO MOSES’ DAY, namely, SACRIFICE, WILL BE CONTINUED.
It may be asked by some, what necessity for sacrifice, since the great sacrifice was offered? In answer to which, if repentance, baptism, and faith existed prior to the days of Christ, what necessity for them since that time?
Joseph Smith, History of the Church Volume 4 pages 211–212, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith pages 172–173, Doctrines of Salvation Volume 3 page 94, The Words of Joseph Smith pages 38-44

2 Nephi (LDS 25:23-28) (RLDS 11:43-54)
AA 23 For we labor diligently to WRITE,
AB to PERSUADE our children, and also our brethren,
-BA to believe in Christ [the Messiah],
-B-B and to be reconciled to God [Elohim];
-B–C for we know that it is by grace that we are saved,
-B-B after [despite] all we can do.
-BA 24 And, notwithstanding we believe in Christ [the Messiah],
–C we keep the law of Moses [daily performances and ordinances],
—D and LOOK FORWARD with steadfastness UNTO CHRIST [THE MESSIAH],
—-E until the law [of Moses, TYPES OF THINGS TO COME] shall be fulfilled.
—–F 25 For, for this END [PURPOSE] [LOOK FORWARD UNTO THE MESSIAH] was the law [of Moses, daily performances and ordinances] given;
—-E wherefore the law [of Moses, TYPES OF THINGS TO COME] hath become dead unto us,
—D and we are made alive in Christ [the Messiah] because of our faith;
–C yet we keep the law [of Moses, daily performances and ordinances] because of the commandments.
-BA 26 And we TALK of Christ [the Messiah],
-BB we REJOICE in Christ [the Messiah],
-BA we PREACH of Christ [the Messiah],
-BB we PROPHESY of Christ [the Messiah],
AA and we WRITE according to our prophecies,
A-B that our children may KNOW to what source they may LOOK for a REMISSION of their sins.
A–C 27 Wherefore, we speak concerning the law [of Moses, LOOK FORWARD UNTO THE MESSIAH] that our children may know the deadness of the law [of Moses, daily performances and ordinances];
A–C and they, by knowing the deadness of the law [of Moses, daily performances and ordinances],
A-BB and know for what END [PURPOSE] [LOOK FORWARD UNTO THE MESSIAH] the law [of Moses, TYPES OF THINGS TO COME] was given.
A-BA And after the law [of Moses, LOOK FORWARD UNTO THE MESSIAH] is fulfilled in Christ [the Messiah],
A-BB that they need not harden their hearts against Him when the law [of Moses, LOOK FORWARD UNTO THE MESSIAH] ought to be done away.
AA 28 And now behold, my people, ye are a stiffnecked people;
A-B wherefore, I have spoken plainly unto you,
A–C that ye cannot misunderstand.
A-B And the words which I have spoken shall stand as a testimony against you;
AA for they are sufficient to teach any man the right way;
A-B for the right way is to believe in Christ [the Messiah] and deny Him not;
AA for by denying Him ye also deny the prophets and the law [Torah].

3 Nephi (LDS 9:14-22) (RLDS 4:42-52)
AA 14 Yea, verily I say unto you, if ye will come unto Me
AB ye shall have eternal life.
A-B Behold, Mine arm of mercy is extended towards you,
AA and whosoever will come, him will I receive;
AB and blessed are those who come unto Me.
-BA 15 Behold, I am Jesus [Yeshua] Christ [the Messiah] the Son of God [Elohim].
-B-B I created the heavens and the earth,
-B–C and all things that in them are.
-B-B I was with the Father from the beginning.
-BA I am in the Father, and the Father in me;
-BB and in me hath the Father glorified His name.
–CA 16 I came unto My own,
–CB and My own received Me not.
—DA And the scriptures concerning My coming [TYPES OF THINGS TO COME] are fulfilled.
—D-B 17 And as many as have received Me,
—D–C to them have I given
—D—D to become the sons of God [Elohim];
—D–C and even so will I
—D-B to as many as shall believe on My name [authority],
—DAA for behold, by Me redemption cometh,
—DAB and in me is the law of Moses [TYPES OF THINGS TO COME] fulfilled.
—-EA 18 I am the light and the life of the world.
—-EB I am Alpha and Omega,
—-EC the beginning and the end.
—DA 19 And ye shall offer up unto Me no more
—D-B the shedding of blood [CARNAL COMMANDMENTS];
—DAA shall be done away,
—DA-B for I will accept none
–CAA 20 And ye shall offer for a sacrifice unto me a broken heart and a contrite spirit.
–CAB And whoso cometh unto me with a broken heart and a contrite spirit,
–CBA him will I baptize with fire and with the Holy Ghost [Torah],
–CB-B even as the Lamanites,
–CB-B because of their faith in me at the time of their conversion,
–CBA were baptized with fire and with the Holy Ghost, and they knew it not.
-BA 21 Behold, I have come unto the world to bring redemption unto the world,
-BB to save the world from sin.
AA 22 Therefore, whoso repenteth and cometh unto Me as a little child,
AB him will I receive, for of such is the kingdom of God [Elohim].
A-B Behold, for such I have laid down My life [TYPES OF THINGS TO COME],
A-B and have taken it up again;
AA therefore repent, and come unto Me ye ends of the earth,
AB and be saved.


00:00:02 so
00:00:04 um there’s an interesting idea that I
00:00:07 push a lot okay that
00:00:11 Torah is eternal and it’s the statutes
00:00:15 and judgments which is different than
00:00:18 law of Moses or as carnal Commandments
00:00:22 which was a punishment that end at the
00:00:25 cross okay right now this is a
00:00:30 very important um issue because there
00:00:33 there’s a a lot of Hebrew roers Pharisee
00:00:37 rooters who
00:00:39 don’t I’ll just say it most people don’t
00:00:42 understand this and a lot of people say
00:00:43 I’m a doctrinal innovator because of
00:00:45 this but it is something that yah gave
00:00:47 me and I see it all over the place okay
00:00:52 all right
00:00:53 um and there’s a lot of things that go
00:00:55 with this but law of Moses is also known
00:00:59 as the carnal
00:01:00 Commandments right and it’s primarily
00:01:03 the two daily Lambs there’s more but
00:01:06 that’s the most famous
00:01:08 part
00:01:10 um and those two daily Lambs when you
00:01:13 look at um Elma 34 let’s just show that
00:01:17 real quick it it states those point to Y
00:01:24 was great and last sacrifice okay right
00:01:28 now uh so just looking at this part just
00:01:32 real quick these things that it’s
00:01:34 bringing up are part of the law of Moses
00:01:36 right there okay and we we’ll get into
00:01:39 more details later for the carnal
00:01:41 Commandments but here’s the main point
00:01:44 this bottom one every
00:01:46 wit pointing to that great Mass
00:01:50 sacrifice so yeah I I Tor is great and I
00:01:55 seek to live it and it tells us how to
00:01:57 be like the
00:01:58 Messiah but Torah does not point to that
00:02:02 great and last
00:02:03 sacrifice okay law Moses does
00:02:07 okay well that’s and and that is
00:02:12 because the Hebrews needed to be kept in
00:02:16 remembrance
00:02:18 constantly yeah so of that great
00:02:22 sacrifice yeah so this gets into mosiah
00:02:26 13 I’ll just give a quick summary and
00:02:29 then go to the quote um but mosiah 13
00:02:34 this is a benad speaking right and
00:02:37 bringing out how the conditions how they
00:02:40 broke
00:02:42 Torah and that is why they got this
00:02:45 performances and ordinances which is a
00:02:47 key Point pointing to law of Moses okay
00:02:51 right right and uh another thing let
00:02:55 me find it because there’s lots of words
00:02:58 here but here it says
00:03:02 day yeah okay so
00:03:04 here yeah there’s lots of words sorry
00:03:08 so at times it calls it law Moses carnal
00:03:12 Commandments and day by day see that day
00:03:15 by day if I should make it bold so I can
00:03:18 find it again quicker so I’m gonna do
00:03:19 that right now day yep yeah day to day
00:03:22 now I’ll just show you real quick before
00:03:23 we get in the quote um you go to
00:03:28 Exodus um
00:03:30 okay right I’m going to bold it so I can
00:03:32 find it look day by
00:03:34 day by day yeah and it’s describing the
00:03:38 two daily Lambs right there and it’s
00:03:40 also litus that phrase morning and in
00:03:43 the evening yes because there’s between
00:03:46 the mornings and between the evenings
00:03:48 there were also law of Moses sacrifices
00:03:51 that were associated with the
00:03:53 Sabbath New Moon day and the uh and the
00:03:58 annual sabbaths oh right yes so that’s
00:04:02 why I say it’s primarily the daily Lambs
00:04:05 but there is more um and I just
00:04:09 generally don’t get into it but Ben is
00:04:11 correct there are ones that have to do
00:04:12 on the weekly Sabbath moonly Sabbath and
00:04:16 the annual sabath um so which there’s
00:04:20 some stuff that it’s specifically on
00:04:22 Passover without that knowledge it’s
00:04:24 very confusing and it’s in the uh
00:04:27 Passover uh recording that we did
00:04:29 recently that I I’ll notes that you can
00:04:32 look at okay okay
00:04:40 um but okay so that gives you a quick
00:04:42 overview and you see here I’m always
00:04:44 slightly improving things I bolded it so
00:04:46 in numbers 28 it talks about the day by
00:04:49 day the
00:04:52 Leviticus uh 61 does not but it is
00:04:55 talking about it but it it’s focusing on
00:04:58 some other aspects but we won’t focus on
00:05:00 that right now and then Exodus 29 day by
00:05:04 day now let’s go back so here it is day
00:05:08 by day right and that’s not my glyph
00:05:12 that is the words in the Book of Mormon
00:05:16 yeah yeah now they say day by day
00:05:20 instead of day to day but I mean come on
00:05:24 Anonymous it’s synonymous yeah anous
00:05:28 means the same thing I
00:05:30 know if if you’re going to if you’re
00:05:32 going to if you’re going to call if
00:05:34 you’re going to call it out based on
00:05:35 that you’re definitely splitting a hair
00:05:38 oh I I Amen brother
00:05:40 amen so yeah one tiny little hair
00:05:44 exactly now uh I will tell you Yahweh
00:05:48 taught me this long before I started
00:05:51 teaching it because I didn’t feel
00:05:53 qualified but then yah we told me get
00:05:56 over it and start teaching it so I did
00:05:59 um and I started finding more so quick
00:06:02 question for you have you noticed that
00:06:05 teaching it helps solidify yes it does
00:06:08 or okay all right yeah just just curious
00:06:12 about
00:06:13 your yeah if you have it correct it so
00:06:17 teaching will solidify wrongs or truths
00:06:21 yeah so you better make sure you have it
00:06:22 true before you start teaching it so
00:06:28 right the very least make sure that you
00:06:30 know that what you teach is true correct
00:06:34 um and that even goes along within the
00:06:37 DNC and and other places in the
00:06:39 scriptures but uh we we believe the
00:06:42 restoration here but multiple times
00:06:44 including hyam Yahweh told people first
00:06:48 learn it then teach it
00:06:53 right um to my word he said that on
00:06:58 several occasions right many occasions
00:07:02 that I can remember that I can think of
00:07:04 in the in the do that’s that’s the first
00:07:07 s to obtain my word right yes first to
00:07:11 secet to obame and then share it
00:07:14 so um I I I first saw this in the Book
00:07:18 of Mormon oh sorry go ahead no I’m good
00:07:23 okay so first I Yahweh taught it to me
00:07:27 and then I saw in the Book of Mormon
00:07:28 then I saw in the Old
00:07:30 Testament and then I don’t remember
00:07:33 order of this I saw in the New Testament
00:07:36 and Joseph Smith okay now this is the
00:07:40 first quote that I saw from Joseph Smith
00:07:44 um so uh Andrew or Josh would you guys
00:07:48 like to maybe do paragraphs at a time
00:07:51 and then we can talk or maybe read it
00:07:53 all and then we can go through and talk
00:07:54 about it and maybe you guys interchange
00:07:56 paragraphs or
00:07:58 something I I have go first because I
00:08:00 can’t see it yeah top one oh uh here
00:08:04 maybe oh I can make it a little it’s
00:08:07 just the the the screen or whatever like
00:08:11 okay so maybe Josh you read it then all
00:08:13 if that’s okay since you I’ll read it
00:08:15 I’ll go I’ll
00:08:17 go excuse
00:08:19 me now the purpose in himself himself
00:08:22 being Yeshua or Jesus in the winding up
00:08:26 scene of the last dispensation is
00:08:30 that all things pertaining to that
00:08:32 dispensation should be conducted
00:08:35 precisely in accordance with the
00:08:37 preceding dispensations oh wait not just
00:08:40 the not just the preceding dispensation
00:08:44 the preceding
00:08:46 dispensations yes all of them that’s
00:08:49 pretty darn clear yeah yeah so there’s
00:08:51 maybe I’ll I’ll make the S big and
00:08:56 high I’m just saying that’s that’s
00:08:58 extreme extremely clear yeah and again
00:09:03 God purposed in himself that there
00:09:05 should not be an eternal fullness until
00:09:08 every dispensation should be fulfilled
00:09:11 and gathered together in one so
00:09:14 fulfilled just FYI means taught and I
00:09:18 can show that Greek and Book of Mormon
00:09:22 that’s not always the case but that is
00:09:24 what’s going on here right and in order
00:09:26 and taught mean and taught means
00:09:29 uh preached and exemplified yes
00:09:34 now now let’s see if we can ever get num
00:09:37 skulls in do guys group to think
00:09:41 about I’ve given up on that you know so
00:09:45 let’s let’s Sidetrack just a
00:09:49 minute I have quit stirring the pot
00:09:53 sorry dude but like I can’t tell you how
00:09:56 many times I’ve tried to say that the
00:09:58 that the law is not done away oh it’s
00:10:01 not so if you want I have a recording
00:10:04 that I I did with Ben that goes over
00:10:09 many scriptures I found a few more since
00:10:12 then uh after yeshua’s resurrection
00:10:15 showing that Torah is still valid in the
00:10:17 Book of Mormon yeah right yeah so I’ll
00:10:22 put in the notes and you can watch it
00:10:23 after and I go over
00:10:26 multiple instances after after the
00:10:32 resurrection
00:10:33 um so um well here’s the here’s the main
00:10:37 thing right people
00:10:39 confuse
00:10:41 Torah with the law of Moses the law of
00:10:45 Moses yeah yeah they’re they’re
00:10:47 different um but this is where oh oh
00:10:51 here we go so to going off of what you
00:10:53 guys were just saying here are a couple
00:10:56 examples that I have handy that the
00:10:59 mighty and strong one will be restoring
00:11:02 all
00:11:03 things so no this is a slight srack but
00:11:06 it is going off of what you guys were
00:11:08 just talking about
00:11:10 so Ben you want to read the first
00:11:13 one and yahushua answered and said unto
00:11:16 them Elias truly shall come first and
00:11:20 restore all things okay so that is
00:11:22 mighty and strong one and by the by the
00:11:26 way in the in the Hebrew it’s not Elias
00:11:31 it’s yeah
00:11:33 there’s this word is the way it’s been
00:11:37 done through history makes it a little
00:11:39 more confusing but this is It’s Elijah
00:11:43 or Mighty and strong I mean Elijah sorry
00:11:45 or my strong yeah there you go I was
00:11:47 gonna say I said that wrong my bad um
00:11:51 yeah which in the Hebrew is
00:11:54 elishua Right which actually means that
00:11:58 yes which actually means means that
00:12:00 yahushua’s name is actually in his name
00:12:03 yeah
00:12:04 um which um FYI we won’t have to get
00:12:08 into it that has a connection to Second
00:12:11 Nephi 3 yeah so oh okay so yeah it’s
00:12:17 interesting when you start getting into
00:12:18 the Hebrew names it’s really cool truly
00:12:21 shall so
00:12:24 uh
00:12:26 so uh truly shall come first restore all
00:12:29 things as the prophets have
00:12:31 written and restore all things so all
00:12:34 things in a lot of cases sorry to
00:12:36 interrupt is a key phrase that means
00:12:39 Torah and I can I I I I’ll I’ll I’ll
00:12:43 just I won’t get into it I’ll just show
00:12:45 you so here’s it is in what I have so
00:12:48 far in the DNC I haven’t focused on
00:12:51 it but here it is in the
00:12:56 Bible yeah well the Bible’s full of it
00:12:59 not full of it but it’s full
00:13:03 yeah yeah yeah yeah but you see I I’m
00:13:06 not making this up I’ve done my research
00:13:09 these I’m not at another time we can go
00:13:12 through all these references don’t worry
00:13:13 about it Andy don’t worry
00:13:16 not that’ll be another time another time
00:13:19 yeah um so let’s go Ezekiel I’ve seen
00:13:24 about 9,000 references to Torah already
00:13:27 so oh yeah yeah yeah
00:13:30 so okay so it so let me let me let me
00:13:33 finish that first quote then and again I
00:13:36 say unto you that El yahu has come
00:13:38 already concerning it is Whom It is
00:13:41 written behold I will send my messenger
00:13:44 and he will prepare the way before me
00:13:46 and they knew him not and have done unto
00:13:49 him whatsoever they
00:13:50 listed so this is showing that ilahu is
00:13:54 not just one person it is a
00:13:57 pattern yeah it’s a recurring pattern
00:14:01 yeah interesting y likewise also
00:14:05 likewise shall also the son of man
00:14:07 suffer of them but I say unto you who is
00:14:11 elu behold this is
00:14:13 elu him whom I sent to prepare the way
00:14:17 before me then the disciples understood
00:14:19 that he spake unto them of yanan the the
00:14:21 immerser and of also of another who
00:14:24 should come and restore all things as it
00:14:27 is written by the prophet
00:14:30 so they understood that he was speaking
00:14:33 of a contemporary and also of another to
00:14:36 come that that was in the jst he he’s
00:14:40 speaking in jst he’s speaking in Cycles
00:14:43 yes yeah yes and and so the John the
00:14:47 Baptist was the mighty and strong one of
00:14:49 his day or in other words the
00:14:53 Elisha right well that kind of goes
00:14:55 along with the idea there’s nothing new
00:14:57 Under the Sun right everything happens
00:14:59 like things repeat
00:15:02 themselves okay there’s many examples of
00:15:06 Mighty and strong ones through the
00:15:07 scriptures um yeah and Elisha might be
00:15:12 the more famous One because it’s in in
00:15:16 today’s terminology it’s you his name is
00:15:18 used for it right so but
00:15:21 anyways um so uh Josh you want to read
00:15:24 the second one
00:15:27 sure and he confessed and denied not
00:15:31 that he was El Li but confessed saying I
00:15:34 am not the Christ do your medicine okay
00:15:38 let that they asked him
00:15:39 saying how art thou then Elias and he
00:15:43 said I am not that Elias who was to
00:15:46 restore all things and they asked him
00:15:49 saying art thou that prophet and he
00:15:52 answered no and they asked him and said
00:15:55 unto him why baptizes thou then if thou
00:15:59 be not the Christ nor Elias who was to
00:16:02 restore all things neither that
00:16:04 Prophet that’s four different
00:16:09 other references that they throw in
00:16:12 there oh yeah yeah different times
00:16:16 different
00:16:18 people yeah uh the people back then knew
00:16:21 the people back then knew yeah yeah
00:16:24 today and today PE and today
00:16:26 ignorant today ignorant people try to
00:16:30 insinuate that uh try to insinuate that
00:16:33 the restoration is something brand new
00:16:35 no no and we saw that the first little
00:16:38 bit of the Joe Smith quote that we’re
00:16:39 sidetracked from so uh Andrew are you
00:16:43 able to read or should I read DNC 27 you
00:16:48 he’s
00:16:49 busy kind of busy doing stuff as I’m
00:16:51 listening
00:16:53 so I just have one question for you
00:16:55 though sure how can you restore
00:16:57 something that has never
00:16:59 been uh I completely agree with
00:17:03 you um I mean I we could I I’ve tried to
00:17:08 uh explain the definition of restoration
00:17:10 with people in the eliest church and
00:17:13 yeah but Stephen you just don’t
00:17:15 understand I tried to explain
00:17:17 restoration to the doctrine of Christ
00:17:19 people and they told me to and they told
00:17:21 me where to stick
00:17:23 it well they told you you were a servant
00:17:25 of the devil or something to that effect
00:17:27 I believe but anyway yeah
00:17:30 mistake they’re they’re unless they
00:17:33 repent they’re going to be nashing and
00:17:34 nailing a tee sorry guys but this is
00:17:38 coming and it’s coming soon actually
00:17:41 it’s coming fast like things things are
00:17:44 gonna are are really close to going down
00:17:47 oh yeah yeah it’s and I’m not talking
00:17:50 about I’m not talking about Christ
00:17:52 coming I’m talking about the other the
00:17:54 oh yeah Christ coming is is the second
00:17:57 coming is like later but um anyways so
00:18:01 all the crappy stuff has to happen first
00:18:04 uh yes the crap that’s a good
00:18:06 description of all the crappy crappy
00:18:08 stuff is gonna go down very soon um okay
00:18:11 so even opened that door yet yeah we’re
00:18:15 getting close but so DNC 27 and also
00:18:19 with Elisha to whom I have committed the
00:18:23 keys of bringing past the restoration of
00:18:26 all things
00:18:28 spoken by the pro mouth of all the holy
00:18:32 prophets since the world began
00:18:33 concerning the last days concerning the
00:18:36 last last day restoration again key word
00:18:40 restoration yeah yeah restoration all
00:18:43 things last days and I don’t feel like
00:18:46 Joseph Smith was quite in the last days
00:18:49 no no he he was the messenger who uh
00:18:53 who uh is helping prepare the mining one
00:18:58 for what he’s going to be doing um yeah
00:19:01 but uh because Joseph Smith is the
00:19:04 modern day
00:19:06 Elijah yeah strong one is the
00:19:10 modernday um
00:19:13 Elisha of Smith is the messenger the
00:19:15 mighty and strong one is the
00:19:18 preparer and leading to the Advent
00:19:22 yahushua himself is the Redeemer yes
00:19:25 right yeah leading to the Advent of the
00:19:28 Redeemer yes yes all right moving on so
00:19:32 um with that little Sidetrack let’s go
00:19:34 back to this quote um I forget where you
00:19:37 were at Josh you remember I’m just gonna
00:19:40 start all over again because I have no
00:19:42 clue where I was at um I forgot as well
00:19:46 so we’re just gonna start over that’s
00:19:48 great we might never get anywhere no the
00:19:51 good news Well if we keep squirreling
00:19:53 there’s a very good there’s a very good
00:19:55 chance yes well the squirrel was on
00:19:57 point so so it was and it was very nice
00:20:00 it was very good yeah okay so let’s go
00:20:02 forward all right now the purpose in
00:20:04 himself Yeshua or Jesus in the winding
00:20:07 up scene of the last dispensation is
00:20:09 that all things pertaining to that
00:20:11 dispensation should be conducted
00:20:13 precisely in accordance with the
00:20:15 proceeding
00:20:16 dispensations plural and again God
00:20:19 purposed in himself that there should
00:20:21 not be an eternal fullness until every
00:20:23 dispensation should be fulfilled taught
00:20:26 or taught and gathered together in one
00:20:29 therefore he set the ordinances to be
00:20:31 the same forever and ever wow okay so I
00:20:37 just there’s just one thing I would like
00:20:40 to point out it doesn’t say until every
00:20:42 dispensation except the one the except
00:20:45 the one of the Israelites because they
00:20:47 were hard-hearted and
00:20:49 stupid yeah it does not say anything
00:20:51 like that no and
00:20:55 and therefore he set the ordinances to
00:20:57 be the forever and ever not until it’s
00:21:00 inconvenient and we feel like we need to
00:21:03 swap things
00:21:05 around because um I mean okay I don’t
00:21:08 believe in the brigite temple ceremonies
00:21:10 but if you do they shouldn’t be changing
00:21:14 right right but here’s the but here’s
00:21:16 the other thing the ordinances are set
00:21:18 to be the same forever and ever not uh
00:21:22 not or and that means forever and ever
00:21:25 not until you find a cooler ordinance
00:21:27 that might that sound that sounds like a
00:21:29 lot more
00:21:31 fun I mean we could look up what forever
00:21:35 means but hopefully people know forever
00:21:38 means forever yeah well you can’t Define
00:21:42 a word by using the word
00:21:44 itself okay Without End how’s that yeah
00:21:48 okay there we
00:21:50 go all right Eternal Eternal how about
00:21:54 that wow yes um hey Zach you want oh
00:21:57 yeah let’s see Zach you want to take a
00:21:59 turn uh actually maybe we go to there
00:22:01 that looks like that’s probably a good
00:22:03 spot yeah that’s that’s the break Zach
00:22:06 you want to take your turn reading for
00:22:07 us please sure can you um expand the
00:22:12 text uh I’m not sure what you mean by
00:22:17 expand make the text bigger make it
00:22:20 bigger I can make it bigger um zoom in
00:22:23 or zoom out yeah whatever yeah you yeah
00:22:27 they good or you need more Zach should
00:22:30 be good
00:22:33 okay th we behold keys of his priesthood
00:22:37 consisted in obtaining the voice of
00:22:40 Yahweh that he talk with him as he
00:22:44 knowah in a familiar and friendly matter
00:22:48 that he continued to him the keys the
00:22:50 covenants the power and the glory with
00:22:54 which he bu had him at the beginning and
00:22:57 the offering of
00:22:59 sacrifice which also also shall be
00:23:02 continued at the last
00:23:03 time for all for all the ordinances and
00:23:07 duties that ever have been required by
00:23:10 the priesthood under the directions The
00:23:14 Commandments of the almighty and any of
00:23:17 the
00:23:18 dispensations shall be had in the last
00:23:23 dispensation wait wait a minute so all
00:23:25 the stuff before yeah and yeah the blood
00:23:29 animal sacrifices yeah yeah yeah and
00:23:32 it’s gonna get more clear in just a
00:23:33 minute but I just want to make sure we
00:23:35 know this said all the ordinances in the
00:23:38 past but anyway regardless of how
00:23:40 barbaric you feel the animal sacrifice
00:23:42 is it will be returning right right and
00:23:45 it’s all over the place um when you know
00:23:48 what to look for uh and and Joseph Smith
00:23:53 is going to quote one of them which is
00:23:55 in two places in just a minute
00:23:58 and he’s going to clarify also so I’ll
00:24:00 I’ll shut up and let Jose Smith talk
00:24:03 sorry keep going
00:24:06 Zach if for all things had under the
00:24:09 authority of the
00:24:10 priesthood uh at any form of period
00:24:14 shall be had again bring to pass the
00:24:17 restoration spoken of by the mouth of
00:24:19 all the holy
00:24:20 prophets then shall the sons of Levi
00:24:23 offer an acceptable offering to the Lord
00:24:26 so I’m going to pause you a little bit
00:24:29 um so that has to go with where it’s
00:24:33 talked about in multiple places but
00:24:35 specifically
00:24:36 Malachi um that off and Daniel
00:24:42 12
00:24:44 13 oh okay um an animal sacrifice will
00:24:49 be done
00:24:52 again now I will
00:24:54 say um I do believe it’ll be the fing
00:24:58 strong his helper will uh help the
00:25:00 Levites get that going okay but it’s a
00:25:04 Sidetrack from here but it’s interesting
00:25:09 though here that Joseph Smith is
00:25:11 connecting to that to the
00:25:15 restoration and that hasn’t happened yet
00:25:17 which goes with the point that Joseph
00:25:20 Smith didn’t restore everything contrary
00:25:24 to what used to be taught in the brigite
00:25:26 church and what 13
00:25:28 claims 132 is false and I have a post
00:25:34 that goes over that on that exact point
00:25:38 was
00:25:39 continuing was continu well so we could
00:25:42 get into that uh Nelson doesn’t know
00:25:44 what he’s talking about and he’s trying
00:25:45 to uh come up with excuses to make his
00:25:48 perversions look okay um no I know I’m
00:25:52 just I’m just yeah yeah I know because
00:25:54 um I’m digging a pit for him because of
00:25:56 his words right now uh sure sure sure
00:25:58 sure sure but I do know a lot of people
00:26:01 will believe what Nelson’s teaching but
00:26:03 he’s going against scriptures including
00:26:06 the Book of Mormon on so many things
00:26:10 well so much of what so much of what
00:26:11 Nelson teaches is determined by licking
00:26:14 his finger and putting it up for the
00:26:17 wind uh you mean by every wind of
00:26:19 Doctrine going uh TOs and turned yes
00:26:24 yeah that one yes yeah youest the flip
00:26:28 floer no yeah I wonder if he wears slip
00:26:30 flops but anyways um anyway so Zach I
00:26:35 think you’re right
00:26:38 here and he shall sit as a refiner and
00:26:41 purifier of silver and he shall P purify
00:26:45 the sons of Levi and purge them as gold
00:26:48 and silver that they may may offer unto
00:26:51 the Lord G to be an excruciating
00:26:54 experience okay what he’s describing
00:26:56 here
00:26:58 what he’s describing here is
00:27:01 the is the
00:27:04 justification and sanctification of the
00:27:06 sons of Levi yes yeah justification
00:27:12 silver I find it interesting that he
00:27:14 equates it to the purging of precious
00:27:18 ores well because there’s a very a very
00:27:23 specific way that that is done no yeah
00:27:26 and in fact when you go talk to a silver
00:27:30 smith the the time that he knows that
00:27:32 the Silver’s done purifying is when he
00:27:35 can see his own image in it literally
00:27:38 yep yeah which goes along with the gold
00:27:41 that Ben was trying to say so I’ll let
00:27:43 Ben finish his statement yeah the silver
00:27:46 is the justification the gold is the
00:27:50 sanctification
00:27:52 um
00:27:54 uh this in reference to the fact that
00:27:57 the the
00:27:59 silver that silver is not as precious as
00:28:02 gold well and silver actually has to do
00:28:05 with judgment Y and um justification is
00:28:09 that you’ve been judged and found with a
00:28:11 broken art contrite spirit right and and
00:28:14 sanctification has to do sanctification
00:28:18 is also a level of judgment up past
00:28:21 justifica
00:28:24 justification which indicate which shows
00:28:27 that you have uh which shows that you
00:28:30 are now walking in the mind and will of
00:28:33 God you have fulfilled the uh
00:28:36 intercessory prayer you are one with the
00:28:39 father and the son yes um I I I I agree
00:28:45 there is some judgment that goes along
00:28:47 with that I
00:28:49 personally normally wouldn’t talk about
00:28:51 it that way but yes there is some
00:28:54 judgment going on there but it’s more to
00:28:56 the point where
00:28:57 where you are now keep the law has
00:29:00 actually literally well I don’t know
00:29:02 about literally but it’s been written on
00:29:04 your heart to the point that everything
00:29:06 that you do is being kept within the
00:29:10 bounds of Torah such that you can be
00:29:13 like him Yeshua so you can recognize him
00:29:17 the interesting thing is is that pure
00:29:20 gold is
00:29:24 impressionable your gold is
00:29:26 impressionable you can
00:29:31 engrave this right on you can you can
00:29:34 engrave you can engrave on
00:29:37 gold silver is hard silver is much
00:29:40 harder wow that that is a very good
00:29:44 point there Ben that is that’s that’s so
00:29:48 so this is why the gold is the
00:29:50 sanctification because you are soft
00:29:54 you’re softer more appliable the word
00:29:57 can be written impressed written and
00:29:59 impressed upon you right and so I’ll
00:30:02 just add one thing it’s purposeful the
00:30:05 The Book of Mormon is on gold
00:30:09 plates Hannah so that so um you want
00:30:15 anything else or you good to go
00:30:18 so just hey Andrew mute for a minute
00:30:21 okay um he did okay so here’s the money
00:30:26 quote Josh you want to read the money
00:30:28 quote or the whole quote’s good but this
00:30:31 is the money
00:30:33 portion okay it is generally
00:30:37 supposed that sacrifice was entirely
00:30:40 done away when the Great sacrifice the
00:30:43 sacrifice of the Lord Yahweh Jesus
00:30:46 Yeshua was offered up and that there
00:30:48 will be no necessity for the ordinance
00:30:50 of sacrifice in the
00:30:52 future but those who assert this are
00:30:55 certainly not acquainted with the duties
00:30:58 Privileges and authority of the
00:31:02 priesthood or with the
00:31:05 profits oh
00:31:08 so this is basically saying and it gets
00:31:12 even more clear as we go down that
00:31:15 animal sacrifice is still coming animal
00:31:19 sacrifice is a part of the mind and will
00:31:21 of part of the mind and will of God
00:31:23 right it’s coming back and when we read
00:31:27 about the coming Temple in
00:31:31 Jerusalem uh it it’s having blood
00:31:34 sacrifices within that and that’s talked
00:31:36 about in the Old Testament we can
00:31:38 Sidetrack on that if you want but I’d
00:31:39 rather stay on this quote
00:31:43 yeah Ben you want to read the next part
00:31:46 because this is another like money
00:31:48 portion the offering of sacrifice has
00:31:51 ever been connected and forms a part of
00:31:54 the duties of the
00:31:55 priesthood it
00:31:57 the offering of sacrifice began with the
00:32:00 priesthood and will be continued until
00:32:02 after the coming of the Messiah what wh
00:32:05 what
00:32:07 what and will be continued until after
00:32:09 the coming of the
00:32:11 Messiah so animal sacrifice is coming
00:32:14 back from generation to generation we
00:32:17 frequently have mention made of the
00:32:20 offering of the offering of Sacrifice by
00:32:23 the Servants of the most high in ancient
00:32:25 days prior to the law of Moses wait wait
00:32:29 what what
00:32:32 um this is like unless you know Torah
00:32:35 and law no law of Moses are different
00:32:37 this would be confusing
00:32:40 sacrifice of animals before the law of
00:32:44 Moses what
00:32:46 which oh yeah that that basically that
00:32:51 the fact the fact that that is clearly
00:32:53 represented in the Bible shows that um
00:32:57 the ceremonial the as the seventh day
00:33:00 Adventists like put it the ceremonial
00:33:02 law was uh not associated was not
00:33:06 associated with
00:33:09 Moses right and so they’re they’re kind
00:33:12 of on their own TR right track but
00:33:14 they’re wrong a lot about a lot of
00:33:16 aspects of it so one quick example Adam
00:33:21 uh who had two sons well he had more
00:33:23 than two sons but two famous Sons k
00:33:28 yep that
00:33:29 offering that was either accepted or
00:33:33 rejected was the Passover
00:33:37 offering oh that was Passover question
00:33:40 for you though if you don’t mind my
00:33:42 asking sure
00:33:45 um if there were certain
00:33:48 sacrifices that were
00:33:51 required but as of right now are not
00:33:55 required why would they not be required
00:33:57 now as opposed to or we just uh there’s
00:34:01 not the priesthood to do it right now
00:34:03 that’s that’s it okay yeah okay Joseph
00:34:06 Smith did not restore that part of the
00:34:09 priesthood the mighty and strong one in
00:34:11 his helper will okay which goes along
00:34:14 with Daniel 12 and some of the numbers
00:34:17 and the Malachi 3 um but anyways it’s
00:34:22 okay that makes sense that priesthood
00:34:24 was not restored that’s is a branch of
00:34:28 the ironic priesthood that was not
00:34:31 restored I see okay quick so anybody
00:34:34 anybody suggesting that well we already
00:34:36 know that anybody suggesting that all
00:34:38 the priesthood was restored to Joseph
00:34:40 Smith is full of it right correct Joseph
00:34:44 Smith restored much of the Gospel yes
00:34:49 and there and there’s a difference
00:34:51 between the gospel and the law actually
00:34:54 um but that’s a technicality but is an
00:34:56 important
00:35:00 technicality and so to go along with
00:35:03 this there’s a a group called The Temple
00:35:06 Institute that’s going to be doing
00:35:07 something this year they don’t have the
00:35:09 authority and they’re doing it wrong in
00:35:12 fact their
00:35:14 alter is not according to
00:35:17 Torah I’ve seen it everybody’s seen it
00:35:20 it’s out there on the the internet you
00:35:22 can go look at it it’s not a temple
00:35:23 Institute is that in Israel yeah Temple
00:35:27 Institute yes well anything that those
00:35:29 yahoos do I don’t I don’t I don’t trust
00:35:32 I I agree with you I’m just saying a lot
00:35:34 of restorationists like them but what
00:35:38 it’s it’s what happens when it’s what
00:35:40 happens when try to
00:35:44 youur yeah
00:35:46 yeah yeah for for those who know what
00:35:49 Torah says they should catch that uh
00:35:52 that altar was made with rocks cut with
00:35:56 human hands and yeah it’s supposed to be
00:35:58 UNH Stone right yes very good that that
00:36:02 that is a big key for people to see that
00:36:07 um that altar is not according to Torah
00:36:10 and thus uh
00:36:12 not th Yahweh is not going to accept it
00:36:15 plus they don’t have the priesthood
00:36:17 because it’s the might and strong one
00:36:18 it’s going to be bringing that back yeah
00:36:21 yeah you can’t you can’t you can’t uh
00:36:24 they don’t have the priesthood uh
00:36:29 for the
00:36:30 simp you can’t the
00:36:35 Yahweh rent rent The Veil at the
00:36:39 temple take which was a symbol that they
00:36:42 had lost their priesthood yeah U so a
00:36:45 lot of people think the running of the
00:36:48 temple veil meant that everybody had
00:36:51 access to
00:36:52 Yahweh it was like that before that
00:36:57 um and we could go over Mo many examples
00:37:00 um but I don’t know if you guys want to
00:37:03 because it’s another side but I’m happy
00:37:05 to the rending of the veil yeah uh is
00:37:10 wasn’t that more of a judgment than a
00:37:12 yes it was a judgment and it was taking
00:37:14 away the priesthood from the from the
00:37:18 Jews that’s what it was doing
00:37:21 suck um it’s not saying that there’s no
00:37:24 more temples because uh there’s prophecy
00:37:27 of at least two coming temples one Zion
00:37:31 and one in Jerusalem so um and there can
00:37:36 be more that’s another subject but
00:37:39 anyway yeah some of theary to know that
00:37:43 some of there’s some quotes that are
00:37:44 attributed to Joseph Smith regarding
00:37:47 Zion regarding the number of temples
00:37:49 that are there but
00:37:52 I’m I don’t know how I don’t know how um
00:37:58 I don’t know how true those are how
00:38:00 whether those whether he actually said
00:38:02 those vouch for their veracity got it
00:38:05 yeah yeah they’re they’re I don’t think
00:38:07 it’s going to be dotting the whole earth
00:38:09 like U the bites claim and but they
00:38:12 claim that’s from Isaiah and they can’t
00:38:15 um produce
00:38:17 those a cursory reading of Isaiah
00:38:20 indicates that that’s definitely not an
00:38:22 idea from Isaiah no I I completely agree
00:38:25 with you I’m just
00:38:28 this is what they do they if there’s if
00:38:32 there’s something they can’t really find
00:38:33 justification for they’ll say it’s an
00:38:36 Isaiah because most people have a hard
00:38:37 time understanding
00:38:39 it um yeah but I’m like fine show me the
00:38:43 the the verse and explain it to me
00:38:46 actually no that’s not what it’s talking
00:38:47 about but yeah anyways um so I do
00:38:51 believe there’s going to be at least two
00:38:53 temples right there can be more but
00:38:57 more are not talked about that I’m aware
00:38:59 of so right
00:39:02 anyways um Ben you wanna I that’s Pro so
00:39:05 we finished I think you I think I
00:39:07 interrupted you right there yes okay
00:39:13 uh okay we frequently have me we we
00:39:17 frequently have mentioned the RO have
00:39:21 mention made of the offering of
00:39:22 Sacrifice by the Servants of the most
00:39:25 high in ancient days prior to the law of
00:39:28 Moses meaning prior meaning before which
00:39:31 ordinances will be continued when the
00:39:33 priesthood is restored with all it with
00:39:36 all its Authority oh oh wait all not
00:39:39 some
00:39:40 all right power in
00:39:43 bless uh which goes along how Joseph
00:39:46 Smith did not restore everything if we
00:39:48 were if the early church was not
00:39:50 performing animal sacrifice all of the
00:39:53 authority was not there because not all
00:39:56 animal sacrifice points directly to the
00:40:00 atonement therefore it is not all law of
00:40:05 Moses for instance the peace offerings
00:40:08 are not NE they’re not pointing to the
00:40:12 act of the
00:40:14 atonement notos yeah they’re not a part
00:40:18 I was gonna say those aren’t necessarily
00:40:20 associated with the law of Moses are
00:40:22 they no they’re not they’re they’re in
00:40:26 uh well they’re Associated by being in
00:40:27 the same book uh
00:40:31 uh because people aren’t willing to go
00:40:34 put some effort and to find out when
00:40:36 what the law of Moses is and when it
00:40:38 happened and even to the point when the
00:40:40 Book of Mormon says they happened and
00:40:43 Paul Paul said it happened Paul and ab
00:40:48 says it happened at the same time yep
00:40:51 they sure didck question on Paul Paul if
00:40:55 you don’t mind me going off no no we’re
00:40:58 here to answer questions so yeah so like
00:41:01 um when he’s talking about the law and
00:41:05 um I’m sorry
00:41:07 ran what okay please repeat the question
00:41:10 when he’s talking about the law as if it
00:41:13 were like done away like in
00:41:16 Romans yeah I can’t remember so let me
00:41:18 go show you one where it has it he’s
00:41:20 talking about law of Moses yeah oh he’s
00:41:23 talking about law of Moses so I was
00:41:24 wondering if he was also talking about
00:41:26 like you know the rabinal law that he
00:41:29 kind of was brought up in as well well
00:41:33 that’s that’s oral law and that
00:41:35 shouldn’t never been there in the first
00:41:37 place um that is what some people who
00:41:41 don’t understand the law Moses and Torah
00:41:43 are different things will claim it’s the
00:41:45 oral law but the oral law has never
00:41:50 supposed to be there so the oral the
00:41:53 oral law was put forward by men who were
00:41:55 so AR an that they thought that they
00:41:57 could tell God what his law was oh
00:42:01 course and I have a a good recording
00:42:04 about that how it is in their the Jewish
00:42:09 oral law that God has to bow down to
00:42:14 them to their bad interpretation of what
00:42:17 God meant and also isn’t Jesus boiling
00:42:20 in some uh boiling excrement somewhere
00:42:23 according to
00:42:25 their yes well
00:42:29 yeah that that’s actually an incomplete
00:42:33 uh rendering of that argument that’s
00:42:35 just one side of the argument that is in
00:42:39 the oh so people just people just pull
00:42:42 that out of context and just throw it
00:42:43 out there
00:42:44 right but the talid has a lot of bad
00:42:47 stuff in it and I’d rather not Sidetrack
00:42:50 on a lot of that bad stuff yeah the the
00:42:53 talet has a lot of bad stuff in it
00:42:55 because these people Wicked people yes
00:42:58 of course and they’re prideful people
00:43:00 and they want and they believe and they
00:43:03 firmly believe to the to the bottom of
00:43:05 their soul that God bows to them
00:43:10 yeah so has a lot of bad things in it
00:43:13 that’s why they’re able that’s why they
00:43:15 will argue that’s why rabbis will take a
00:43:19 position as Extreme as that that yes
00:43:22 that yahushua is boil is boiling an
00:43:24 excrement somewhere in in the bowels of
00:43:28 gay um
00:43:32 yeah but that’s but that’s neither here
00:43:35 nor there compared to to what we’re
00:43:38 actually trying to talk about no I know
00:43:40 no just know that the talmud is not a
00:43:44 good source for Truth uh at least not
00:43:47 consistently and you’d have to read and
00:43:49 you’d have and it’s so long that you
00:43:53 have to come through so much crap to
00:43:54 even find one diamond
00:43:57 well my my question my question was was
00:44:01 was Paul referring to the law of Moses
00:44:03 or was he referring to like because he
00:44:06 would have been brought up in rabinal
00:44:07 law as well right he he he other time
00:44:12 Paul can be hard to understand and he
00:44:14 states that himself um but depends on
00:44:19 the letter that you want to talk about
00:44:21 there are times he says the oral law
00:44:23 should have never happened and was evil
00:44:25 in the first place and those are and
00:44:27 judaizers were trying to push the oral
00:44:29 law and uh circumcision okay that’s
00:44:33 another subject don’t want to Sidetrack
00:44:34 too much but he did
00:44:37 say two places that I have here that we
00:44:40 can go over on my Torah page that the
00:44:43 law of Moses was done away with right
00:44:46 but there’s other times that he says
00:44:48 Torah is still valid and we can look at
00:44:50 some of those if you want yeah because
00:44:53 like if you don’t know the difference it
00:44:54 seems like he’s kind he’s like double
00:44:56 speaking right and left correct that’s
00:44:59 why a lot of people without this
00:45:02 understanding they they actually go
00:45:05 atheist because when they start trying
00:45:06 to take some of these things serious
00:45:09 without the knowledge that these two
00:45:10 things are different Paul starts looking
00:45:14 like double speak as you put it Andrew
00:45:17 and they don’t know what to do with it
00:45:19 either they do that or they just
00:45:21 completely disregard the other
00:45:23 Technically when it comes to the law
00:45:24 Paul is actually
00:45:26 actually can sometimes seem like triple
00:45:28 speak because when it comes when it
00:45:31 comes to the law of Moses he simply is
00:45:34 talking about how it’s done away with
00:45:36 it’s obsolete when it comes to the oral
00:45:38 law he’s talking about how it’s a
00:45:40 travesty when it comes to uh when it and
00:45:44 when it comes to
00:45:46 Torah he extols it yeah correct and
00:45:50 without these understandings of these
00:45:52 different
00:45:53 laws um it causes much confusion right
00:45:58 yeah so here’s one uh colians I I said
00:46:03 that colos can someone say that colians
00:46:06 thank
00:46:08 you4 um where he’s saying that it was
00:46:11 nailed to the cross and he’s talking
00:46:13 about the law of Moses and we can talk
00:46:14 about why I say that some okay so I’ll
00:46:18 read this blotting out the
00:46:21 handwriting now when you go look at the
00:46:24 word behind it and I give the Greek um
00:46:28 word to it here it points to a legal
00:46:30 note legal notes are done because of
00:46:34 judgments right which goes along with
00:46:37 mosiah 13
00:46:40 okay um of here he only says ordinances
00:46:45 but ordinances go alongs with daily
00:46:48 performances and ordinances okay those
00:46:51 go together um of the law of Moses so I
00:46:56 I put that there with a glyph just to
00:46:57 help people understand what’s being said
00:47:00 here that was against us Tor is not
00:47:05 against us it’s for us it’s to lift us
00:47:07 up to be more like the Messiah where law
00:47:10 of Moses was against them because it was
00:47:13 a punishment in fact look right there be
00:47:15 given because of a transgression thus a
00:47:18 punishment and
00:47:20 also similarly
00:47:22 circumcision yes uh that was with
00:47:25 Abraham not Moses but yesion is also a
00:47:31 punishment which is brought out in jst
00:47:34 Genesis
00:47:36 17 um Moroni 8 and let me find the other
00:47:42 D and there’s other places was
00:47:46 that
00:47:47 polygamy sorry was that a punishment
00:47:50 because of Abraham’s polygamy or what
00:47:51 was it no it was because they weren’t
00:47:54 baptizing it was because Abraham’s it’s
00:47:59 because it’s because Abraham’s
00:48:02 um ancestors and people were baptizing
00:48:07 infants yes it it directly states that
00:48:11 in jst Genesis
00:48:13 17 okay take a look at that so we we can
00:48:16 look at that later but let’s not
00:48:19 Sidetrack on but you have the reference
00:48:20 to go look at it so dc74 says it’s done
00:48:24 away with I got a sorry I gotta jump
00:48:26 they just got back sorry see you no
00:48:30 that’s fine you can listen to the rest
00:48:31 after we’re done we’ll do so John 7 acts
00:48:36 15 acts
00:48:38 16
00:48:40 um uh 1 Corinthians 7 Colossians
00:48:45 2 uh anyways there’s a lot oh Dean
00:48:50 c84 y so oh and then here just briefly
00:48:54 here’s jst 7 team we’re not going to
00:48:56 Sidetrack on it but there it is it does
00:48:59 make it clear that it was a punishment
00:49:02 because they weren’t baptizing at the
00:49:03 correct time at eight years
00:49:06 old colian oh I’m showing the wrong
00:49:09 screen I’m sorry
00:49:13 guysin itself is probably one of the Mis
00:49:16 most misunderstood and most often
00:49:20 misquoted um letters of Paul oh yeah uh
00:49:26 Colossians Colossians yeah uh I I I
00:49:30 don’t know which one’s the worst but
00:49:32 Paul’s just Twisted everywhere and I’ll
00:49:36 just show one verse for that real quick
00:49:38 and then we’ll go back to um these other
00:49:42 things uh oh yeah Paul called out false
00:49:45 teachers there’s verses anyways um
00:49:49 so uh Ben you want to read that real
00:49:53 quick just the verse and then we’ll go
00:49:55 on
00:49:56 oh yes one of my favorite
00:50:00 verses as also in all of his in all his
00:50:03 Paul’s Epistles speaking in them of
00:50:07 these things in which are some things
00:50:09 hard to be
00:50:10 understood which they that are unlearned
00:50:13 and unstable rest as they do also the
00:50:17 other scriptures unto their own
00:50:19 destruction therefore beloved seeing ye
00:50:22 know these things before you knew the
00:50:25 you know these things before beware lest
00:50:28 ye also being led away with the error of
00:50:30 the wicked fall from your own
00:50:35 steadfastness yeah call
00:50:38 those who generalize on
00:50:41 Paul unlearned and
00:50:46 unstable y ignorant and
00:50:51 insane yeah
00:50:54 well he saysed and unstable yes and so
00:50:58 here we’re trying to go over one of the
00:51:00 keys to make Paul more understandable
00:51:03 that Torah law Moses and oral law are
00:51:09 three different things right right right
00:51:13 uh we’re not doing much focus on the
00:51:14 oral law but that is one of the things
00:51:16 that been brought up so I I am
00:51:19 confirming and supporting B on that
00:51:21 because I wholeheartedly agree with that
00:51:24 statement so the oral law the oral law
00:51:27 is abomination oh yeah it’s false
00:51:30 tradition where they’re proof
00:51:32 texting uh Torah to justify their Pagan
00:51:36 practices um so well and here’s the
00:51:39 thing you if you read if you’ve if
00:51:43 you’ve read much of the talmud and I
00:51:46 have read some of it I’ve read some too
00:51:50 I don’t think anybody you’ll realize the
00:51:52 first thing you notice is there’s a
00:51:54 difference between the talud
00:51:57 and the Torah oh big
00:51:59 difference one has thus sayith the
00:52:03 Lords the other one has and this Rabbi
00:52:07 said to this
00:52:12 Rabbi and there it is yeah and they
00:52:16 claim it’s from Moses but nowhere in the
00:52:19 oral law telled are they ever quoting
00:52:24 Moses they’re quoting other rabbis yeah
00:52:27 yeah well most of it is showing how
00:52:29 arguments that these rabbis are
00:52:33 having which if you understand that part
00:52:36 how in the hell would you one think that
00:52:38 it’s
00:52:39 law I just or that it’s in any way
00:52:43 settled
00:52:46 yeah but
00:52:49 anyways so uh let’s go back to that um
00:52:53 yeah yeah so I think we’re on the first
00:52:55 B now uh so this law of Moses was given
00:52:59 because of transgression which was
00:53:01 contrary or here I’m giving the link to
00:53:05 the Greek word behind it set over
00:53:07 against us as a
00:53:11 punishment now I do want to
00:53:15 say punishments don’t have to be
00:53:19 Eternal no if they were I’d be going to
00:53:24 hell but because they’re not I can go be
00:53:28 with
00:53:29 Yeshua right and law of Moses was given
00:53:33 as his punishment and thus it does not
00:53:35 have to be
00:53:37 Eternal it’s like circumcision let get a
00:53:41 punishment but if Torah but if Torah
00:53:45 itself if Torah is done away with then
00:53:48 the mind and will of God has done away
00:53:50 with correct and then we cease to be yes
00:53:56 correct um so going on to the next B and
00:54:02 it and took it out of the way it was
00:54:07 removed so you’ll see here that uh being
00:54:11 and B go together the punishment the
00:54:13 punishment was taken away and a and a go
00:54:16 together and it’s telling us when it was
00:54:19 taken away nailing it to yeshua’s cross
00:54:24 death Yeshua died physical death at the
00:54:27 time of his physical death correct which
00:54:31 um if I remember the chap I think that’s
00:54:34 even talked about in first Nephi I mean
00:54:36 sorry third Nephi one um let me pause
00:54:40 and we can find it because that that’s
00:54:41 another instance that kind of supports
00:54:43 that
00:54:45 right okay so I believe the uh versus
00:54:51 2425 talk about this I don’t I this is
00:54:54 cold so I don’t know if we yeah it’s 24
00:54:56 and 25 it’s 24 and 25 okay uh Josh you
00:55:00 want to read those
00:55:02 sure and there were no contentions say
00:55:06 it were a few that began to preach
00:55:08 endeavoring to prove by the scriptures
00:55:11 that it was no more expedient to observe
00:55:13 the law of Moses now I want to say this
00:55:16 they were teaching this after yeshua’s
00:55:19 birth not his death okay
00:55:23 correct now in this thing they did erir
00:55:26 having not understood the scriptures but
00:55:29 it came to pass that they soon became
00:55:32 converted and were convinced of the
00:55:34 error which they were in for it was made
00:55:37 known unto them that the law was not yet
00:55:40 fulfilled the law of Moses because that
00:55:43 one law points to the previous one of
00:55:45 law of Moses right right which is
00:55:48 different than
00:55:49 Torah yes and that it must be fulfilled
00:55:52 in every wit which it had
00:55:56 so I I I just want to I know I’m
00:55:58 sidetracking but let’s go look at
00:56:00 another spot that has that phrase okay
00:56:04 as in to give support of what that
00:56:07 actually is that it’s the law of
00:56:11 Moses let’s go back to Elma
00:56:18 34 elma’s after mosiah uh 34s after 25
00:56:23 right anyways
00:56:26 I’ve heard I’ve heard every
00:56:30 wit y okay uh pointing to that great
00:56:35 last sacrifice okay
00:56:37 anyways it’s giving multiple aspects
00:56:41 including I I don’t want to focus a
00:56:43 whole bunch infinite meaning nothing
00:56:46 else is needed among some other things
00:56:48 but we’ll just leave it at that for now
00:56:51 okay meaning you you don’t have to do
00:56:55 it his atonement is sufficient to cover
00:56:58 everything okay I’m going to leave it at
00:57:01 that um but let’s go finish the first
00:57:05 third Nei one sorry about I sidetracked
00:57:08 you but I think that was an important
00:57:09 one so you’re right there all right
00:57:12 um yay the word came unto them that it
00:57:16 must be
00:57:18 fulfilled yay that one jot or tit should
00:57:21 not pass away till it should all be
00:57:24 fulfilled
00:57:25 therefore in the same year they were
00:57:27 brought to a knowledge of their error
00:57:29 and did confess their faults so here is
00:57:35 some of the
00:57:36 Nephites thought that the daily
00:57:39 performance and ordinances law of Moses
00:57:42 or carnal
00:57:43 Commandments was done away at yeshua’s
00:57:45 Birth and then they realized the air
00:57:50 from people who completely
00:57:52 understood such the prophet because
00:57:55 that’s part of the prophet’s job is to
00:57:57 keep Doctrine and practices correct yep
00:58:02 they did that here and they realized the
00:58:06 err and were converted to the truth but
00:58:09 it but you know this
00:58:12 is there all while this also shows us
00:58:16 that um the law of Moses was not
00:58:18 fulfilled until the death of Christ it
00:58:22 also gives us a pattern for for how we
00:58:24 should accept
00:58:25 correction yes that’s true that’s true
00:58:28 and this scripture kind of gives me
00:58:34 the the idea just from the way that it’s
00:58:37 written that they confess their faults
00:58:40 publicly oh yes yeah well they had
00:58:43 taught publicly they taught publicly as
00:58:47 public as you push your erors is is the
00:58:51 same publicity that you have to do your
00:58:55 confession right yeah so if it was in
00:58:57 private with just one person guess what
00:59:00 your confessions only to that one
00:59:03 person Society what I told you was
00:59:06 completely
00:59:08 wrong and I’m sorry if I confused you if
00:59:13 however you make a if however you make a
00:59:15 video which you encourage everybody to
00:59:19 share and uh thus make it make your
00:59:22 errors public could could you be
00:59:25 referring to a post we did word I I I
00:59:30 might
00:59:31 be well I just know that they got mad at
00:59:35 us because we shared it despite the fact
00:59:38 they even told everybody to make it
00:59:40 public and share it and that’s in the
00:59:43 recording right right and but that’s my
00:59:46 point is therefore you make your error
00:59:49 public you but my point isn’t just to my
00:59:52 point isn’t to humiliate it’s to simply
00:59:55 state that if you make your error public
00:59:56 in such a manner then you need then your
00:59:59 repentance needs to be public um and
01:00:01 that your confession needs to be public
01:00:04 uh that you your confession that you are
01:00:06 in error needs to be in public not just
01:00:08 in a private group of friends okay I
01:00:11 guess we got it wrong folks now we’ll
01:00:13 just hush hush about that move on to the
01:00:15 next
01:00:17 thing we cannot by any stretch of the
01:00:20 imagination look bad right and then I
01:00:24 just because we this situation Ben and I
01:00:27 did a post on it and how they treated us
01:00:30 about it but then it came out to be true
01:00:34 I bet they never said anything uh
01:00:37 repented and how what they said about
01:00:39 Ben Andi about calling it out and
01:00:40 showing how it was false before it was
01:00:43 proven
01:00:46 false oh yeah I’m sure uh so they have
01:00:50 not
01:00:52 repented sorry
01:00:55 um anyways all right
01:00:57 so
01:00:59 uh okay so that’s another case uh
01:01:02 showing in the Book of Mormon the same
01:01:04 thing we just read in CL I can’t say it
01:01:09 but so this is so but this is again
01:01:12 while it’s proving that the that the law
01:01:14 of Moses was still in effect until his
01:01:16 death it is Al it also shows how we
01:01:19 should accept correction when it is
01:01:22 given um so here’s a longer one uh
01:01:27 Galatians 312 through and especially the
01:01:31 jst 12-19 shows us the same thing and it
01:01:35 even gives the timing from Abraham of
01:01:39 430 years which points to the time of
01:01:43 Moses so
01:01:46 uh Zach are you willing to read this uh
01:01:50 kism that we have
01:01:53 here
01:01:58 and the law is not of
01:02:00 Faith but the man that doth them shall
01:02:02 live in
01:02:06 them the Messiah has redeemed us from
01:02:08 the curse of the law so that’s atonement
01:02:12 so oops I’m GNA interrupt a little bit
01:02:14 but that’s the atonement there right
01:02:19 y being made a curse for us for it is
01:02:23 written Cur is everyone that hang on a
01:02:27 tree so this also goes along with the
01:02:31 atonement how he hung on a tree and then
01:02:33 how the law how that’s pointing to the
01:02:36 law and how Yeshua took our sins upon
01:02:40 himself
01:02:43 okay that The Blessing of
01:02:45 Abraham might come on the Gentiles
01:02:49 through Yeshua the Messiah so that’s
01:02:52 pointing to the 70 weeks of Daniel
01:02:57 12y so and there’s and then there and
01:03:00 it’s in the tan also or Genesis
01:03:03 specifically but it’s in symbolic
01:03:06 language but when you know the symbols
01:03:08 and how to read things it it’s there
01:03:11 also there’s tons of Prophecy in Genesis
01:03:13 when you know how to
01:03:18 understand so just real quick
01:03:21 um Jacob’s daughter Diana did I remember
01:03:25 correctly Dina Dina so I was close Dina
01:03:30 um she got involved with the prince of
01:03:35 Sodom and gomorra what Prince no the
01:03:38 prince of sheam oh sheam sorry uh I’m
01:03:41 getting a little confused but got the
01:03:43 involved with the princess sheum and
01:03:46 because of that um so the the prince of
01:03:50 sheum did not rape her as a lot of
01:03:52 people claim
01:03:55 yeah they claim that because that’s what
01:03:57 the King James version of the Bible
01:03:59 States well yeah but King James has
01:04:02 problems but
01:04:03 anyways yeah my my my troubled history
01:04:06 with the King James version of the Bible
01:04:08 is pretty apparent on a lot of these
01:04:10 recordings sure sure sure well anyways
01:04:14 um what would happen is two t I don’t
01:04:17 know their ages but I’m just going to
01:04:19 liken it to teenagers who are dating
01:04:21 that went a little too far okay
01:04:25 it was
01:04:26 uh it was a mutual issue and that’s why
01:04:30 Abraham didn’t do anything about it okay
01:04:32 Jacob didn’t do anything oh yeah sorry
01:04:34 Jacob didn’t do anything about it um but
01:04:38 then the brothers did something about it
01:04:40 and made them all go circumcised okay
01:04:44 now this is a prophecy of the Gentiles
01:04:46 and the
01:04:48 judaizers the genti so Israel got
01:04:52 involved with the Gentiles
01:04:55 yep di the um Jewish Church got involved
01:05:00 with the prince of sheum the Gentiles
01:05:03 they screwed around as in you know
01:05:06 converting and there
01:05:08 was uh some bad converting and all that
01:05:11 stuff going on okay and then the
01:05:15 judaizers come and say everybody has to
01:05:17 be
01:05:18 circumcised okay and so that’s a lot
01:05:22 going on with the Gentiles so I’m just
01:05:24 giving a quick example quick briefly
01:05:27 showing this stuff is in Genesis when
01:05:29 you know how to read it I mean it’s not
01:05:31 a perfect example because the Gentiles
01:05:34 complained about it well the Shadows are
01:05:38 not perfect Shadows not
01:05:40 even whereas she whereas Sheck the
01:05:44 prince of sheam was like oh does that
01:05:46 mean I get to be does that mean I get to
01:05:48 marry her okay right it’s it’s not a
01:05:52 perfect Shadow but it is thing there
01:05:54 okay right um but anyways so I think
01:05:57 we’re
01:05:59 here um okay sorry Zach I I I I have a
01:06:03 problem with interrupting sorry oh good
01:06:07 but they might receive the
01:06:09 Promise This Promise goes back to
01:06:12 Genesis 228 which we probably should go
01:06:15 over but it’s about the Messiah okay
01:06:18 we’ll just leave it at that okay
01:06:21 y oh I need to go up more sorry about
01:06:23 that oh I need to go up more
01:06:28 or uh I think I went too far oh there we
01:06:31 go okay okay here we are here we are
01:06:36 sorry uh CB promise
01:06:40 yeah they might receive the promise of
01:06:42 the spirit through
01:06:44 faith Breen I speak after the manner of
01:06:48 men though it be but a man’s
01:06:51 Covenant yeah it so so this is pointing
01:06:54 to law of Moses
01:06:56 okay yeah when it is
01:06:59 confirmed no man this an know us or at
01:07:03 us there too so that’s pointing to the
01:07:06 atonement right and Torah actually so
01:07:10 but anyways because no man disen knowth
01:07:12 or or adth right right you’re not
01:07:15 supposed to add to take away from Torah
01:07:16 right uh oh uh say goodbye to your oral
01:07:20 Torah
01:07:21 folks yeah yeah and and how people like
01:07:25 to claim that they’re getting their
01:07:27 personal Revelations through uh or their
01:07:30 personal Commandments through personal
01:07:32 revelation right uh there’s yeah there’s
01:07:36 a difference doesn’t doesn’t Torah say
01:07:38 thou shalt not receive thy personal
01:07:40 Commandments
01:07:42 anyways in so many words in so many
01:07:44 words uh it’s in the doc not exactly but
01:07:48 yes and it’s that’s also taught in the
01:07:50 Book of Mormon and the DNC which I’m
01:07:52 bringing out in a a current post that
01:07:54 hopefully I don’t get sidetracked from
01:07:56 because I have a problem with squirrels
01:07:58 anyways squirrel
01:08:02 squirel okay so I think you’re right
01:08:04 here Zach now to Abraham and his Seed
01:08:08 where the promises made he sayith
01:08:13 not into seeds as of
01:08:17 many but as of one and to thy seed which
01:08:22 is side
01:08:24 and this I so just just just a uh just
01:08:30 real quick I this is one of these things
01:08:33 that we were talking about I believe
01:08:36 yesterday um Stephen this says now to
01:08:40 Abraham and his seed were the promises
01:08:43 made uh he saith not and to seeds as of
01:08:46 many but as of one to thy seed okay and
01:08:50 the seed of course which he’s speaking
01:08:51 of is Christ but at the same time
01:08:54 there’s section part of this seems to
01:08:56 intimate that that’s that the Covenant
01:08:58 is through Abraham and his seed right
01:09:01 right and this also goes points to what
01:09:04 the title page from The Book of Mormon
01:09:06 States also so yeah anyways so that’s
01:09:10 and and that’s and that’s primarily what
01:09:13 I see what I’m what I’m establishing
01:09:15 with what I’m trying to establish with
01:09:17 people is that the Covenant is through
01:09:19 Abraham and his seed um Gentiles are
01:09:23 adopted in
01:09:24 correct and uh a little more background
01:09:27 of what we were talking about how why I
01:09:31 believe why Abraham is the one that’s
01:09:34 the Focus right now because there were
01:09:36 other righteous people than one
01:09:38 mzc and and a
01:09:42 DNC 84 or 88 I get those two mixed up
01:09:46 gives a priesthood genealogy that is
01:09:48 completely devoid of Abraham’s descent
01:09:51 right which that’s 84 I’m just
01:09:52 remembering right now
01:09:54 and so there’s two examples from
01:09:56 scriptures that aren’t through Abraham
01:09:59 but the focus one of the reasons that I
01:10:02 believe the focus is on Abraham and not
01:10:04 these other two examples among others is
01:10:09 because Abraham crossed over meaning
01:10:13 he grew up in a world where he was not
01:10:17 taught the truth and he had to come to
01:10:19 the truth just like what’s going on now
01:10:21 and has been going on for very long time
01:10:25 and so that yeah and so the Gentile and
01:10:28 just like Abraham the Gentiles have to
01:10:30 cross over right and I think another
01:10:33 reason why there’s a focus on Abraham is
01:10:35 because that is the line that the
01:10:37 Messiah comes
01:10:40 through
01:10:41 um the genealogy of the Messiah is
01:10:45 important um and it’s through men even
01:10:48 Matthew 1 shows that although at times
01:10:50 it does mention
01:10:52 women uh it’s in relation how they’re a
01:10:56 wife of someone right it’s not that it’s
01:11:01 through the wife it’s through the man
01:11:04 but because of the important figure that
01:11:07 that woman is they’re bringing them up
01:11:09 how they are a wife I will also say that
01:11:13 there’s two cases of lever law that the
01:11:17 genealogy does not go through the first
01:11:20 husband it’s going through the second on
01:11:22 the love on the leveret sun and because
01:11:26 it’s only the first is the leverate Sun
01:11:29 and it’s going through the biological
01:11:32 line but anyways um I don’t want to
01:11:35 Sidetrack too much on that just some
01:11:37 little little interesting tidbits right
01:11:42 so I think we’re here now yeah one of
01:11:45 those things when you’re discussing the
01:11:46 Lord of the Rings and going into history
01:11:48 in depth oh yeah yeah uh we we’re
01:11:51 working on exposing lord of the ings and
01:11:54 in doing so sometimes s subjects comes
01:11:57 up right and so we talk about various
01:12:00 things oh one thing before we go off
01:12:02 this C goes along with the c that’s in
01:12:04 Genesis okay yes yes all right okay um
01:12:09 anyways okay so moving on Zach right
01:12:12 there in this is say that the Covenant
01:12:16 which was confirmed before of Elohim and
01:12:20 Messiah the law
01:12:22 of
01:12:24 which was 430 years
01:12:28 after so 430 years after Abraham which
01:12:33 points to when
01:12:35 Moses uh did his restoration and also
01:12:39 here as I’m bringing up to help make
01:12:42 this more understandable because of the
01:12:44 Disobedience that they did at Mount
01:12:47 Si yeah the 430 years is between Abraham
01:12:50 and Si right which goes along with what
01:12:55 uh abinadi stating in mosiah
01:13:00 13 so anyway sorry Zach I I have a
01:13:03 interrupting
01:13:07 problem um you know this all that it
01:13:11 that it should make the promise of none
01:13:14 effect or if the inheritance is of the
01:13:17 law of
01:13:18 Moses and
01:13:20 it the law of Moses is no more of
01:13:23 promise right it’s no longer in effect
01:13:27 when Paul wrote this law Moses was uh in
01:13:30 his own words nailed to the cross right
01:13:34 uh right there nailed to the cross it’s
01:13:37 gone it’s th
01:13:40 away Happ L happy
01:13:43 Lambs oh yeah yes the Lambs are very
01:13:46 happy
01:13:47 now as in this is part of the re so one
01:13:51 of the definitions of carinal is death
01:13:54 right yep and the law of Moses was
01:13:58 killing two Lambs there’s a lot of death
01:14:02 that the Levites had to do because of
01:14:05 that now that’s another law is the law
01:14:08 having to deal in death and blood
01:14:11 because circumcision doesn’t kill but
01:14:13 there’s a lot of blood
01:14:16 correct
01:14:17 um anyway another key to the uh law of
01:14:22 Moses is that only the Levites did
01:14:26 it it was not the general public now the
01:14:31 general Israelites or general Believers
01:14:34 could bring offerings that went along
01:14:38 with the law of Moses when it was being
01:14:41 enacted but the Levites had to enact it
01:14:45 so you’ll see for example even in mosiah
01:14:50 2-5 they brought things for the law of
01:14:53 Moses but it it was the levitical
01:14:56 priests that enacted it that’s because
01:14:59 they had the authority and the
01:15:01 priesthood to do it correct the general
01:15:04 membership did not right um and I
01:15:10 I I don’t know if this is fully correct
01:15:13 now mezic
01:15:14 priesthood um holders can do other sacri
01:15:19 did other sacrifices that the Levites
01:15:22 were allow to do because those in the
01:15:24 restoration know that the mezic
01:15:27 priesthood holds all of the priesthood
01:15:30 and the ironic is an dependence of the
01:15:32 mezic yeah so Mak sense and that and
01:15:35 that in that in essence all priesthood
01:15:38 is mesic correct now I don’t know of any
01:15:43 instance there could be but I don’t know
01:15:45 of one where a mezic priest did the
01:15:49 levitical duty of the law
01:15:54 Moses yeah I’m not sure they did it for
01:15:57 other offerings that I know of but I
01:15:59 don’t know of any that they did it for
01:16:02 the um law of Moses that is that is
01:16:06 because the levitical priesthood is all
01:16:08 about binding the curse correct
01:16:12 because uh and this is my reasoning
01:16:15 belief of why this is not scriptural
01:16:18 this is me Aaron helped cause it to
01:16:22 happen
01:16:23 yeah and so it’s all upon his posterity
01:16:27 to
01:16:30 very so anyways um sorry about the
01:16:34 Sidetrack but hopefully that’s helpful
01:16:40 uh we’re somewhere we’re at 18 eight oh
01:16:45 okay all right there we go okay thank
01:16:52 you actually
01:16:56 19 right
01:16:58 here no 19 oh 19 okay all right that’s
01:17:02 fine right there yes yes that’s correct
01:17:05 actually wherefor then the
01:17:08 law of Moses was added because of
01:17:11 transgressions oh look at this so This
01:17:14 although this is Ved this is this was
01:17:18 something was added because of
01:17:20 transgression it states it right there
01:17:22 in the
01:17:27 J which goes along with uh mosiah 13 but
01:17:32 then it gives a time
01:17:35 frame right time frame of the 430 years
01:17:38 which goes to SI which is when which
01:17:41 says yes but it says but it says then
01:17:44 till the seed Yeshua should come yeah I
01:17:48 I I put in Yeshua but if you know what
01:17:52 the seed is is the seed that’s right yes
01:17:57 yes to the Cross duration that was to be
01:18:00 the duration of this punishment yeah
01:18:04 most that’s when Yeshua died on the
01:18:06 cross right most of us qualify as a seed
01:18:10 there is only one the seed well I I do
01:18:14 know it says the but I do think A Better
01:18:16 Way putting is the but anyways either
01:18:19 way I know Ben and I mean the same
01:18:21 thing we just have might have a
01:18:23 different preference of saying it right
01:18:27 wait look guys air okay there we
01:18:35 go but I mean right there that is
01:18:39 clearly stating what I teach which I
01:18:42 found after Yeshua taught me and I
01:18:45 listened to him in starting to teach it
01:18:48 myself after he told me to start
01:18:50 teaching it after I thought I wasn’t
01:18:53 qualified but anyways but it’s right
01:18:56 there was added because of the
01:19:00 transgression yes at sin yeah and till
01:19:05 meaning this till means there’s an
01:19:07 ending point yes also goes through the
01:19:10 book I have tons of Book of Mormon
01:19:11 verses that goes over that and I’ll I’ll
01:19:14 put in the notes recording that I did uh
01:19:18 with Ben a while ago but I’m happy to go
01:19:20 over it
01:19:21 again uh so anyway sorry Zach I think um
01:19:26 I don’t know if you were there or here
01:19:28 but either
01:19:31 way yeah I was about to read maybe
01:19:36 okay till the seed should come is
01:19:40 sure and to whom the promise was made
01:19:44 and in the law given to
01:19:46 Moses so that’s talking about Torah
01:19:49 because Torah talks about how the
01:19:50 Messiah will come okay
01:19:55 yep who Yeshua was ordained by the hand
01:19:58 of of angels to be
01:20:02 imediator of this first Covenant now so
01:20:06 that part might sound kind of weird but
01:20:08 um let’s go off of one example that we
01:20:11 have in Restoration History that
01:20:13 confirms that
01:20:14 pattern Joseph Smith was the first Elder
01:20:18 the one in charge but guess what it was
01:20:21 uh hopefully I remember my history it
01:20:22 was Oliver calary that set him aart by
01:20:25 the laying on of
01:20:26 hands yes it
01:20:28 was so it’s it’s following a pattern
01:20:32 well at least that’s what’s recorded in
01:20:34 in in in brigite church history yeah oh
01:20:37 I think that’s in the DNC but I I
01:20:39 actually I I think that that is actually
01:20:43 a it’s not until after it’s not until
01:20:48 right around 1831 is that you really
01:20:51 have to start questioning The Narrative
01:20:54 right right and that’s in the
01:20:57 1833 DNC which that’s in yawe’s own
01:21:01 mouth so I I do believe that’s accurate
01:21:03 I’m just the only thing is sometimes I
01:21:06 I’m not the best history guy so anyways
01:21:10 yeah in terms of the in terms of the
01:21:13 just historical documents where you
01:21:15 really have to start worrying about
01:21:17 tampering is from 18 really pretty much
01:21:20 uh though the Joseph Smith history was t
01:21:22 tampered from front to back tampered
01:21:25 with from front to back they can’t get
01:21:27 all the document they couldn’t get all
01:21:28 the documents there are docu there are
01:21:30 other do historical documents that uh up
01:21:33 until 18 things that are recorded up
01:21:36 until 1831 that are outside of the
01:21:38 Joseph Smith history um Joseph Smith
01:21:41 written church history that was
01:21:43 thoroughly doctored by Brigham Young uh
01:21:46 yeah
01:21:47 um th those documents are largely are
01:21:52 are largely reliable unless they were
01:21:55 unless they were presented by fast HL
01:21:58 but so in this post I have last stream I
01:22:03 have tons of quote of Brigham Young oh
01:22:06 look here we go uh admitting he changed
01:22:09 the history so I I really don’t want to
01:22:12 spend the time counting it but you can
01:22:13 see there no it’s yeah that’s a lot yeah
01:22:17 so anyways okay so I think it’s time to
01:22:21 go back to reading some more of Joseph
01:22:23 Smith’s quote okay yes but we can see
01:22:26 here that Paul himself when understood
01:22:30 shows that there’s a difference between
01:22:33 Torah and law of Moses right yes
01:22:35 absolutely yes yes okay so uh let me
01:22:40 change
01:22:42 screen well you know it’s it it’s it’s
01:22:45 absolutely insane to me
01:22:47 how Christianity argues that Paul was
01:22:51 anti- Torah then um the book of Acts
01:22:55 talks incessantly of things that he did
01:22:57 to observe
01:22:59 Torah right right I mod the Mind well uh
01:23:04 they’ve inherited lies um so uh let me
01:23:09 find this real
01:23:13 quick if I
01:23:17 could oh no no no that’s not what I
01:23:20 that’s Lord of the Ring stuff sorry guys
01:23:24 I was gonna
01:23:25 say this one okay so uh Josh you want to
01:23:29 read that well actually let’s have oh no
01:23:32 Zach just right so Josh you want to read
01:23:33 that sure let you probably want to see
01:23:37 all of it there you go yeah yeah yeah
01:23:40 Jeremiah 16:19 oh Lord my strength and
01:23:43 my Fortress and my refuge in the day of
01:23:46 Affliction the Gentiles shall come onto
01:23:48 thee from the ends of the Earth and
01:23:50 shall say surely our fathers have
01:23:53 inherited lies wa wait wait wait what
01:23:56 yeah Lies We inherited lies inherited
01:24:01 lies vanity and things wherein there is
01:24:04 no profit there has been no fulfillment
01:24:07 of this prophecy to this
01:24:10 day right so and when Zion comes that
01:24:15 we’ll start realizing that and
01:24:17 especially and on top of that with the
01:24:18 mining strong and his helper being
01:24:20 Apostles going and doing missionary work
01:24:23 after Revelations 11 um right uh which
01:24:27 is stated in Isaiah
01:24:30 52 um fact let’s just since I said it
01:24:34 let me just show you and I’ll show you
01:24:35 in the kism I I don’t like KMS um at all
01:24:40 no so there it is right there so
01:24:44 um uh we’ll just focus on this part
01:24:46 he’ll go sprinkle many nations which
01:24:48 he’s going to go teach these things to
01:24:49 many nations Nations the king shall shut
01:24:52 their mouth at him for they have not
01:24:54 been told the things that they see that
01:24:56 they had not heard they shall consider
01:24:58 because he and his
01:25:01 partner um will be out doing missionary
01:25:04 work after um Revelations 11 but okay
01:25:09 well and Performing signs and wonders
01:25:11 yes yes and the kings of the nations are
01:25:16 going to be sitting there saying oh such
01:25:18 things I never have before supposed
01:25:21 right right and this can’t be the
01:25:22 Messiah because the Messiah during his
01:25:24 first coming didn’t go to the Gentiles
01:25:27 he didn’t go to the Nations no he did
01:25:29 not he went to the Jews and he got
01:25:32 rejected completely correct some
01:25:35 Gentiles went to him but it was rare and
01:25:38 that cannot be counted of him going and
01:25:40 sprinkling the Nations and the Kings
01:25:43 shut their mouth at him Kings didn’t go
01:25:45 to
01:25:46 him the Kings didn’t shut their mouths
01:25:49 at the apostles either no and on top
01:25:52 Apostles the Kings the Kings did
01:25:55 unmentionable atrocities to the
01:25:58 apostles yes um and on top of that yeah
01:26:03 when Yeshua comes back guess what he’s
01:26:07 not going to the world he’s going to
01:26:08 stay in Jerusalem or
01:26:11 Zion yep he’s not going out to the Kings
01:26:14 and the Nations so this is not about the
01:26:16 Messiah some people oh my goodness do
01:26:18 you mean do you mean to say that uh do
01:26:20 you mean to say that uh Yeshua is not
01:26:23 all
01:26:25 inclusive
01:26:26 uh he well it depends on what you mean
01:26:29 by that he has the same law for
01:26:30 everybody he’s inclusive that
01:26:32 way no I mean you mean you mean he’s not
01:26:36 his he’s not um yeah it’s uh well it’s I
01:26:41 I think I know where you’re going with
01:26:43 this yeah the current it’s the current
01:26:45 Christian thing he’s the god of love he
01:26:48 loves everybody he’s all inclusive gonna
01:26:52 walk he’s going to walk with the uh
01:26:55 lgbtq folks he’s going to walk with the
01:26:59 oh sorry at this point lgbtq I A plus
01:27:04 plus plus plus plus plus yeah so let’s
01:27:07 go get the songs verse um let so let me
01:27:10 pause for a
01:27:12 minute um oops wrong button
01:27:16 sorry
01:27:18 uh
01:27:20 okay okay so here’s one that shows that
01:27:25 Yahweh Elohim hates the Sinners uh Ben
01:27:29 you want to read it okay this is Psalms
01:27:32 55 but anyway the foolish shall not
01:27:35 stand in thy sight thou hatest all
01:27:37 workers of
01:27:39 iniquity workers of iniquity indicates
01:27:42 an unrepentant sinner
01:27:45 yep now do you want to show some others
01:27:47 or is that good enough no that’s I mean
01:27:49 that’s that’s sufficient but uh as
01:27:52 Johnny and I were going through the
01:27:53 Psalms and his reading comprehension as
01:27:57 part of his reading comprehension we
01:27:59 found another I can I can tell you there
01:28:02 are at least three or four more verses
01:28:04 in Psalms that um something reiterate
01:28:09 this idea that the uh the God hates
01:28:14 those who work in who work iniquity oh
01:28:16 yeah it’s so those who those who wish to
01:28:20 say that those who wish say that
01:28:23 uh five those who wish to say that five
01:28:28 you know it’s one thing to say that one
01:28:30 verse is a bad translation but when it’s
01:28:33 consistently said in roughly the same
01:28:36 way in four or five
01:28:38 verses oh yeah separate places yeah yeah
01:28:43 um sorry people but uh God hates the
01:28:46 sinner
01:28:48 so if you I think it’s I think it’s best
01:28:52 to Define that as the unrepentant center
01:28:54 I I would say workers iniquity because
01:28:58 that is uh that is more specific way of
01:29:01 saying it so that thank workers of
01:29:03 iniquity have no intention of repenting
01:29:06 corre they enjoy the sin and they’re
01:29:08 going to keep doing it no matter what
01:29:11 right right and but I do think Ben’s
01:29:13 bringing out a very important
01:29:14 clarification there which is kind of
01:29:16 what I meant but it’s good to make it
01:29:18 obvious right right right uh because
01:29:22 when when you
01:29:25 U because when uh you if you just say
01:29:28 that God hates Sinners God hates all of
01:29:30 us then correct because we all have
01:29:33 sinned right
01:29:36 right so that that is a very important
01:29:39 clarification so I think with that let’s
01:29:42 go back to the Joseph Smith quote
01:29:44 because we’re not done yet right yeah
01:29:46 yeah well we might finish that sometime
01:29:49 before
01:29:50 midnight
01:29:52 anyway okay that’s possibility that’s a
01:29:54 possib we’re just Welling in the Realms
01:29:56 of possib very small
01:29:59 possibility in the Realms of possibility
01:30:02 here no I’m just well this is the first
01:30:04 one I if there’s time I have many other
01:30:07 quotes from him but this this is um one
01:30:12 that’s more known though it’s not very
01:30:14 known but I have others in these tabs up
01:30:17 or other I guess tabs I don’t know the
01:30:21 proper name for them here so but so
01:30:24 here’s another money
01:30:26 portion um I forget whose turn so I just
01:30:30 read the
01:30:32 um read the previous one I just read
01:30:35 okay so Josh you want to read this
01:30:38 one um these sacrifices as well as every
01:30:43 ordinance belonging to the
01:30:45 priesthood there it is again will when
01:30:50 the Temple of the of Yahweh shall be
01:30:52 built so this goes along with I’m going
01:30:55 to interrupt sorry Andrews earlier was
01:30:58 asking why not now here’s why not
01:31:03 now Joseph Smith is telling us it’s when
01:31:06 the temple comes and that
01:31:08 Temple uh although it’s going to be the
01:31:10 leites doing it the mighty and strong
01:31:12 one’s going to be help directing it and
01:31:15 is the one that has the authority to
01:31:16 make it happen and I shoulding but he’s
01:31:19 referring to something in the future yes
01:31:22 not I and I should like to point out
01:31:25 that every um building that was erected
01:31:30 in Joseph Smith’s lifetime that the
01:31:34 church presently has called temples in
01:31:36 the revelations they are only referred
01:31:38 to as houses correct uh except in
01:31:43 non-authentic or or except sections that
01:31:46 were not from Joseph Smith or Yahweh uh
01:31:50 which we have notes on some of those
01:31:51 that I’ll put in the notes that people
01:31:53 can go look
01:31:55 at because we’ve gone over more we’ve
01:31:59 gone over a good amount of them uh Ben
01:32:01 and I are almost done with the one for
01:32:03 DNC 126 but we have others to do also so
01:32:07 we’re working on slowly but surely so it
01:32:11 takes time to do good notes in fact DNC
01:32:14 126 is only three verses but the last
01:32:17 time I looked so far are what we have
01:32:19 written is uh 30 pages to expose it
01:32:24 being wrong yeah no big deal yeah it’s
01:32:28 it’s yeah only 30 only 30 pages yeah
01:32:31 only 30 pages on three
01:32:34 verses yeah three verses yeah yeah no
01:32:37 big deal yeah I’m just so anyways okay
01:32:41 so but this goes along with the
01:32:43 prophecies and what the Bing strong we
01:32:46 will do including Daniel 12 okay with
01:32:48 the timings okay anyways and the
01:32:53 sons uh let’s see sacrifices as well as
01:32:55 every ordinance belonging to the
01:32:56 priesthood will will when the temple the
01:32:59 of Yahweh shall be built and the sons of
01:33:01 Levi be purified be fully restored and
01:33:05 attended to in all their powers
01:33:07 ramifications and
01:33:09 blessings this ever did and ever will
01:33:12 exist when the powers of the milisic
01:33:15 priesthood are sufficiently
01:33:18 manifest mic priesthood which is through
01:33:21 yahweh’s voice correct else how can the
01:33:26 restitution of all things spoken of by
01:33:29 the holy prophets be brought to pass
01:33:31 sorry this is moving it is not to be
01:33:34 understood that the law of Moses which
01:33:36 was the daily performance and ordinances
01:33:39 will be established again oh what what
01:33:42 what what what sorry I’m stuttering but
01:33:45 any what what did he say he just said
01:33:47 the law of Moses is not going to be
01:33:49 established again yes yeah that’s
01:33:52 blatantly clear right there right right
01:33:55 right and everything we’ve read
01:33:57 scripturally uh agrees with that yeah
01:34:01 yeah and it’s just a sampling yeah as
01:34:04 you can see here I have a lot of notes
01:34:07 on law of
01:34:08 Moses yes you
01:34:10 do should
01:34:14 uh okay 622 no big deal yeah no big I
01:34:19 mean I’m just making this up right it’s
01:34:22 not that it’s being said none of this
01:34:25 has any basis in scripture at
01:34:31 all no I’m just kidding I know you are
01:34:34 but it’s good that you’re we’re just
01:34:36 doctrinal we’re just doctrinal
01:34:37 innovators over so I I I I want to say
01:34:40 something on doctrinal innovating okay
01:34:44 so yah
01:34:45 way Yahweh actually stated that
01:34:49 if that it is a SLO lawful servant that
01:34:52 needs to be directed in all things yes
01:34:55 it’s slothful and unwise yes so Yahweh
01:34:59 wants us to innovate within the bounds
01:35:01 of his law his Torah his ways of doing
01:35:04 things
01:35:06 yeah so as long as the Innovations is
01:35:09 within the law it’s good and it means
01:35:12 we’re not being a lawful servant which
01:35:14 is thrown down to
01:35:16 Hell right yeah all right so maybe
01:35:22 others should be innovating within the
01:35:24 law also yeah but they have to be within
01:35:26 the law first Stephen you got oh good
01:35:29 point sorry yeah valid that is a valid
01:35:33 point very good point
01:35:37 yeah it it is not to be understood that
01:35:40 the law of Moses which is the daily
01:35:42 performance and ordinances will be
01:35:43 established again with all its rights
01:35:45 and variety of Ceremonies that has which
01:35:49 see how there’s multiple as in where I
01:35:52 will say it’s primarily the two daily
01:35:55 Lambs but as other stuff brought up
01:35:58 their stuff on the daily there’s stuff I
01:36:01 mean sorry um weekly Sabbath the moonly
01:36:05 Sabbath and the annual
01:36:07 Sabbath right
01:36:11 honies it’s not just the D but
01:36:14 anyways this has never been this has
01:36:17 never been spoken of by the prophets but
01:36:20 those things which existed prior to
01:36:22 Moses’s day namely
01:36:25 sacrifice will be continued uh and
01:36:29 that’s specifically animal sacrifice but
01:36:32 yes yeah so those three paragraphs are
01:36:36 like or three or I forget somewhere
01:36:39 around there right yeah our money quote
01:36:45 right um so let me just read the last
01:36:48 one it’s not saying too much but it is a
01:36:50 nice little closing statement it may be
01:36:52 asked by some what necessary for the
01:36:56 sacrament since the great sacrifice uh
01:37:00 that goes back to Elma 34 that we looked
01:37:03 for right which is talking about the
01:37:05 atonement yeah and answer to which if
01:37:09 repentance baptism and Faith existed
01:37:13 prior to the days of the
01:37:15 Messiah oh he he’s he’s saying that the
01:37:19 gospel was before the days of the Messi
01:37:21 right there
01:37:24 yes it it’s it’s always been the same oh
01:37:27 wait a minute because it’s a restor
01:37:29 sorry every time it’s a restoration yes
01:37:32 and I have a recording that shows all of
01:37:36 this is from the time of Adam you going
01:37:39 through the Book of Mormon to show that
01:37:41 yep okay uh what necessaries them uh
01:37:46 what necess necessity necessity yeah
01:37:49 necessity for them them since that time
01:37:53 yeah that’s always been the same except
01:37:57 for two things law of Moses which has
01:37:59 been the focus on this quote and then
01:38:03 also
01:38:06 um circumcision which has to do with uh
01:38:10 JC Genesis
01:38:12 17 uh mosiah I mean sorry Moroni 8 which
01:38:16 is
01:38:18 why jst 177
01:38:21 is explains why infant
01:38:25 baptism and um circumcisions are
01:38:28 mentioned
01:38:31 together because circumcisions happen
01:38:34 because of that according to jst Genesis
01:38:37 17 oh if you’re gonna do that I’m gonna
01:38:40 give you this right so um let’s uh pause
01:38:44 for one second okay y okay so um we’re
01:38:51 going to do we decided to do some more
01:38:53 about law of Moses stuff okay um so
01:38:59 primarily I want to focus on some things
01:39:00 from Joseph Smith but there’s two that I
01:39:03 want to talk about from The Book of
01:39:06 Mormon but I I will show you and and I
01:39:08 have we’ve gone over most of these in
01:39:12 another recording that I’ll have in the
01:39:13 notes there’s a lot in the Book of
01:39:15 Mormon on this subject and you can also
01:39:18 see I’m addicted to Bringing is Ms out
01:39:22 okay um but first one I want to bring
01:39:25 out that comes up on occasion is second
01:39:28 Nei
01:39:30 25 um and look I have my addiction
01:39:34 problem uh coming forth on that one even
01:39:39 um so
01:39:42 um Kesley are you able to see that is
01:39:45 that big enough where you could read
01:39:47 through this and then we could I I and I
01:39:49 I will probably have show for my problem
01:39:51 interrupting but are you okay reading it
01:39:54 yeah okay sorry you won’t to start right
01:39:57 there at the top half yeah yeah we’ll
01:39:59 start the talk for we labored diligently
01:40:02 to write to persuade our children and
01:40:04 also our Brethren to Believe In Christ
01:40:07 the Messiah and to be reconciled to
01:40:11 Elohim for we know we so for we know
01:40:16 that it is by grace that we are saved
01:40:19 okay so I mean love have that as an
01:40:21 individual line because that is the
01:40:24 truth right right we are
01:40:28 saved this is not well so this is
01:40:32 actually related to law of Moses because
01:40:34 the law of Moses points to the
01:40:36 atonement and it’s because of the
01:40:38 atonement that we are saved nothing that
01:40:43 we ourselves do other than coming to
01:40:47 him
01:40:49 yeah and so there is work that we need
01:40:53 to do to be saved by his
01:40:56 grace and that
01:41:00 is going to him
01:41:04 repenting that is all we can do is
01:41:06 repent so I I I I I’m horrible on
01:41:16 sidetracks what Kelsey you thought you
01:41:18 gonna get through this tonight oh yeah
01:41:23 okay so uh Zach you want to read Elma
01:41:27 2411 that tells us what all we can do is
01:41:31 which is what Ben just said but I’m
01:41:32 going to show up from the
01:41:38 scriptures you there Zach yeah okay and
01:41:43 now behold my brethren since it has has
01:41:47 been all that we could
01:41:49 do as we were the most lost of all
01:41:52 mankind to repent of all our sins and
01:41:56 the many murders which we have
01:41:59 committed and to get God to take them
01:42:01 away from our hearts for it was all we
01:42:04 could do to
01:42:06 repent sufficiently before God that you
01:42:09 would take away our
01:42:13 stain so all we can do isce he says it
01:42:17 twice all we can
01:42:19 do all we can do is repent and then
01:42:23 there’s two parts of that part of
01:42:25 repentance is coming to Yeshua because
01:42:27 without Yeshua there is no
01:42:32 repentance take care of the trash before
01:42:34 what did he mean in that verse when he
01:42:36 said repent
01:42:39 sufficiently before God so I think our
01:42:43 stain I think that goes along with how
01:42:46 Nephi says he strives to keep
01:42:49 Torah
01:42:54 um I repenting is is is is of course
01:42:59 turning to Yeshua right so and and then
01:43:03 embracing Torah and striving to live
01:43:06 Torah walking and walking in the mind
01:43:08 and will of God walking in Torah so here
01:43:11 is something that Ben helped me
01:43:13 understand okay I so in the
01:43:17 DNC it does bring out how Joseph
01:43:22 Smith uh got this second comforter which
01:43:27 is being told you’re going to have
01:43:28 eternal life
01:43:31 okay and that’s that’s the definition
01:43:33 from the DNC which we could get into if
01:43:35 you want but we’ll just go with that
01:43:36 unless you want to see
01:43:38 it and and Joseph Smith did not restore
01:43:43 everything right and he wasn’t keeping
01:43:47 everything
01:43:48 right that’s what it goes to to right he
01:43:52 he was doing everything that he knew and
01:43:54 he was trying like heck to keep it
01:44:01 okay it’s a lot of it is not giving
01:44:05 excuses let’s do this let’s go look at
01:44:07 the dictionary on that okay all right
01:44:10 yeah uh I I like the 1828
01:44:14 dictionary I know you do I do too it
01:44:19 clears up it actually clear up a lot of
01:44:22 stuff
01:44:24 yeah
01:44:27 um in fact here here’s I’ll just say
01:44:31 this I was talking to Ben the other day
01:44:33 that never happens right no never never
01:44:37 um but you know Ben knows more words
01:44:39 than me
01:44:41 okay uh but since he threw a Latin word
01:44:44 at me I I threw a word an English word
01:44:47 at him and see what if he knew what it
01:44:48 meant though I will say before I looked
01:44:50 at the dictionary I didn’t know I had
01:44:52 the same basic definition he did declare
01:44:55 fact who knows what declare
01:45:01 means well now that you say that I
01:45:03 probably don’t know what it
01:45:06 means
01:45:09 go your
01:45:13 conversation clear to GL yeah to be
01:45:17 clear to free from obscurity to make
01:45:20 plain it’s not about boldness at all
01:45:23 it’s
01:45:24 simply well but if you state things
01:45:27 plainly you are
01:45:29 being right it’s plain and clear uh goes
01:45:34 the same thing but most I I thought
01:45:37 declair meant just to say it but that’s
01:45:39 not the case but um oh there you go to
01:45:43 make known to tell
01:45:45 explicitly yeah to manifest to
01:45:47 communicate plainly by to others by
01:45:50 words
01:45:51 so Josh if I told you it was my other
01:45:54 addiction you’d probably know what I was
01:45:56 why I looked it
01:45:58 up right might a strong one but anyways
01:46:01 yeah yeah um because KMS and and him are
01:46:05 probably my two obsessions right your
01:46:08 biggest Obsession yes all right so but I
01:46:11 do study other things you love squirrels
01:46:14 oh yeah and I have problems with
01:46:16 squirrels um
01:46:18 so uh
01:46:21 yeah remember how to spell it that’s s u
01:46:25 FF i
01:46:27 c i NT okay all right so uh Ben you want
01:46:34 to read
01:46:35 it equal to the end
01:46:38 proposed adequate to
01:46:41 wants
01:46:43 competent oh that’s definitely not
01:46:46 qualified competent possessing adequate
01:46:49 talents are accomplished ments bit
01:46:52 able of competent power or ability in
01:46:57 other words to repent sufficiently is to
01:47:01 repent
01:47:03 enough uh I I will I agree with Ben and
01:47:06 but I will clarify repent in everything
01:47:08 that you know that you’re doing wrong y
01:47:12 it’s not then you find out and then when
01:47:14 you find out that you’re doing something
01:47:15 else wrong you repent again yep now uh
01:47:20 on the name of Yeshua yes
01:47:24 so it’s not that necessarily you’ve
01:47:27 repented everything because I think
01:47:28 Joseph Smith is an adequate pitcher here
01:47:31 because he didn’t restore everything
01:47:33 means he didn’t know everything what he
01:47:36 need to everything if he didn’t restore
01:47:38 everything he can’t be keeping
01:47:40 everything correct but he did never made
01:47:47 excuses and he was praying all the time
01:47:49 what AM I need to do more in fact DC 59
01:47:53 he God tells them go read the
01:47:56 Commandments yeah he does but he’s
01:47:59 constantly being called to
01:48:00 repentance by the same token as well
01:48:03 Joseph Smith was called to repentance
01:48:05 quite a number of times correct and so I
01:48:08 I I would propose that sufficient
01:48:11 repentance is to the point is
01:48:15 going how you are a new person and when
01:48:19 you learn of something knew that you
01:48:20 need to repent of you will repent of it
01:48:23 it’s a change of
01:48:25 heart right is what I would propose
01:48:28 you’re changing you’re changing from a
01:48:30 worker of
01:48:32 iniquity to a follower of righteousness
01:48:35 of
01:48:36 righteousness just as it talks about in
01:48:39 Abraham chapter
01:48:40 one let’s let’s go there let’s go to
01:48:43 Abraham chapter
01:48:46 okay you mean I can’t become an old a uh
01:48:50 new creature with old
01:48:53 excuses uh you’re reading the wrong
01:48:55 Bible
01:48:57 again cut it out take don’t even use
01:49:01 that b do not even use that Bible for
01:49:03 toilet paper anyway
01:49:06 um let’s see okay so here it is Abraham
01:49:11 in chapter one he’s talking about
01:49:13 himself about what motivates him what
01:49:16 what uh what he is in pursuit of in the
01:49:20 land of starting in verse one in the
01:49:22 land of the Chaldeans at the residence
01:49:24 of my fathers I Abraham saw that it was
01:49:27 needful for me to obtain another place
01:49:29 of residence and finding there was
01:49:31 greater happiness and peace and rest for
01:49:34 me I sought the blessings of the fathers
01:49:37 and the right where onto I should be
01:49:39 ordained to administer the same having
01:49:42 been myself a follower of
01:49:45 righteousness Desiring also to be one
01:49:47 who possessed great knowledge so he’s a
01:49:51 follower of righteousness he is repented
01:49:54 of the previous of he is repented of
01:49:57 what he knows he’s doing wrong now he
01:50:00 wants more knowledge to be a greater
01:50:02 follower of righteousness and to possess
01:50:05 a greater knowledge beyond that and to
01:50:07 be a father of many
01:50:10 nations a prince of
01:50:13 peace a man of
01:50:17 Shalom and Desiring to receive
01:50:20 instructions and to keep the
01:50:22 Commandments of
01:50:24 God I became a rightful Heir the high
01:50:27 priest a high priest holding the right
01:50:31 belonging to the fathers and if you want
01:50:33 the mesc priesthood right there is a
01:50:36 blueprint for how to do it if you want
01:50:39 the mlisc priesthood if you want God to
01:50:41 take notice of you become a follower of
01:50:44 righteousness now I I know I already
01:50:46 said this earlier today but I’m going to
01:50:49 say it again
01:50:52 the full mesic priesthood is not given
01:50:55 by laying on of hand it’s given by y’s
01:50:58 own voice yeah yeah and that that
01:51:02 doesn’t that doesn’t go against anything
01:51:05 that’s actually written here no no I I I
01:51:08 I I’m just bringing out how some people
01:51:11 will probably claim well I have it I got
01:51:13 was given it to me just before I went on
01:51:15 my mission by the lane on of h no that
01:51:18 that’s yeah that’s not how it happened
01:51:20 having so first we make ourselves a
01:51:22 follower of
01:51:24 righteousness then
01:51:25 we get more
01:51:27 knowledge so that we can become a
01:51:29 greater follower of righteousness that’s
01:51:31 why we obtain the knowledge so that we
01:51:33 can actually oh I don’t know
01:51:36 change be transformed yet again you mean
01:51:39 like a new creature yes become
01:51:42 transformed yet again become a greater
01:51:44 follower of righteousness and then we
01:51:46 seek more knowledge so that we can
01:51:48 become even more
01:51:50 sure sure and then I’m going to use
01:51:52 another image that’s in Genesis and in
01:51:54 Lex on faith 5 to be made in His image
01:51:58 from the dust we’re Tak we’re taken out
01:52:02 of’s domain and made to look like him
01:52:05 such that we will recognize him and this
01:52:08 is actually what he’s talking a rightful
01:52:11 Heir then you become a rightful Heir
01:52:15 then you become a high priest by his
01:52:18 voice right coming as him becoming as
01:52:22 the father becoming as becoming one in
01:52:26 the mind in the mind and will of God
01:52:28 With God is what it is what it means to
01:52:31 become a father of many nations a prince
01:52:33 of peace right right and I will also say
01:52:37 um if you have a requirement to receive
01:52:41 the full mezic priesthood not just an
01:52:43 office in it where you have the sealing
01:52:46 power to the point you say something it
01:52:48 happens like Joseph Smith did did and
01:52:50 other prophets including
01:52:53 Yeshua you first must be
01:52:55 Sanctified which is the baptism of the
01:52:58 holy spirit that which is becoming a
01:53:01 prince of peace yes the sanctification
01:53:04 that’s what it means to be a prince of
01:53:06 peace is the and part along to go along
01:53:08 with that part of the reason you’re a
01:53:10 prince of peace is because you go around
01:53:12 preaching how to re to show others how
01:53:16 they may receive peace through Yahweh
01:53:18 and that’s through repentance
01:53:20 and and this Al this actually highlights
01:53:23 the difference between
01:53:25 Commandments and those things which
01:53:28 Yahweh and those instructions which
01:53:30 Yahweh gives to us as we’re keeping his
01:53:33 Commandments Desiring to receive
01:53:36 instructions comma and to keep the
01:53:39 Commandments of God right instructions
01:53:42 are not Commandments I love his
01:53:44 motivators his his initial motivators
01:53:47 right yeah he wanted to find greater
01:53:50 happiness and peace and rest now uh so
01:53:55 in the book of Abraham it brings out
01:53:58 that Abraham saw God face to face now
01:54:02 the reason this is important is because
01:54:03 of this point of instructions which goes
01:54:06 along
01:54:07 with I always get this little mixed up
01:54:10 was it second Nephi
01:54:14 32 or is it 33 I always get those two
01:54:16 mixed up um but on the
01:54:20 32 it 32 or is it 31 no it’s 32 okay um
01:54:26 no I think it’s 31 it’s actually 32 the
01:54:29 instructions the it’s in 32 well behold
01:54:33 this is the doctrine of Christ and there
01:54:35 shall be no more Doctrine given until
01:54:36 after he shall manifest himself unto you
01:54:38 in the flesh this is verse six oh okay
01:54:41 yeah yeah that’s what I’m going for so
01:54:42 go ahead yeah and when he shall manifest
01:54:45 himself unto you in the flesh the things
01:54:47 which he shall say unto you shall ye
01:54:50 observe to do uh those are those
01:54:52 instructions so here Abraham is doing
01:54:55 that same thing that’s going on right
01:54:57 there and in the account of Abraham I I
01:55:00 can find the verses if someone’s worried
01:55:02 about it um he saw God face to face
01:55:05 which Nephi right here is stating as a
01:55:07 requirement which I will also say goes
01:55:10 against these groups who think they’re
01:55:12 getting their personal Commandments they
01:55:14 have not seen God face to
01:55:17 face they’re Liars
01:55:20 and there it is right there in the Book
01:55:21 of Mormon among many other
01:55:23 places yeah for most people it’s for
01:55:26 most people it’s challeng for most
01:55:28 people it’s become obvious that it’s
01:55:30 challenge enough just to keep the
01:55:32 Commandments yeah in fact so much for it
01:55:35 so they try to say they’re not valid but
01:55:37 anyways you know speaking for myself
01:55:39 that is that I mean for me that is CH I
01:55:42 mean being honest that is a challenge
01:55:45 right that’s it’s challenging I try I
01:55:49 try every day every day well I I I I
01:55:54 would assume and I and just from
01:55:57 watching you I would say that it’s
01:55:59 getting easier and easier it is oh it is
01:56:02 yeah so and it’s getting easier to talk
01:56:04 about it to okay so and that’s fine it’s
01:56:09 you’re you’re going through it and as in
01:56:10 second Nephi two brings out and we could
01:56:13 look but I we’re already sidetracked
01:56:16 enough God will give everyone enough
01:56:19 time to repent that they
01:56:21 need which I will also say gets rid of
01:56:24 the need of baptisms for the debt but we
01:56:25 won’t go there too much yeah no no no no
01:56:28 need to go there
01:56:30 today uh yeah it’s just there’s so many
01:56:33 connections to these things so but
01:56:34 anyway so Ben you want to go back to
01:56:36 Abraham one that you were doing I that’s
01:56:39 those were the points that was the
01:56:41 connection that I was making between oh
01:56:44 the desires of
01:56:46 Abraham the becoming a follower of
01:56:48 righteousness
01:56:50 as opposed to a worker of iniquity which
01:56:53 um which is something that Josh said
01:56:56 based on the scripture that we were
01:56:58 reading okay so I think we can probably
01:57:02 go back to Second Nephi 25 right yes I
01:57:05 believe so I think well got we got
01:57:08 through one line that’s good that’s good
01:57:11 that’s a good start watch out folks
01:57:14 watch out we’re speeding along now well
01:57:16 I told you I like squirrels I I need
01:57:21 actually I should buy a Lego squirrel
01:57:23 huh anyways so uh we did more oh no
01:57:26 actually we
01:57:29 um we we I got to remember where we’re
01:57:32 at okay we’re
01:57:33 here
01:57:36 um we already read all that we’re back
01:57:39 to second e525 right yep yeah okay so I
01:57:44 think we did more than one line though
01:57:45 but uh kelsley do you remember where
01:57:47 we’re at because I don’t yeah we got
01:57:49 down to after all that we can do oh yeah
01:57:53 oh yeah yeah that makes sense oh okay
01:57:55 all right so good someone’s we did get
01:57:58 through one verse okay we got through
01:58:00 one verse all right all right all right
01:58:03 good stuff good stuff good
01:58:06 stuff well the reason I’m bringing this
01:58:08 up this verse or this passage because
01:58:11 there’s multiple verses is important
01:58:13 regarding the law of Moses okay right
01:58:15 right
01:58:17 right and notwithstanding We Believe In
01:58:20 Christ the Messiah we keep the law of
01:58:22 Moses daily performances and ordinances
01:58:25 and look forward with steadfastness unto
01:58:28 Christ the Messiah until the law of
01:58:30 Moses types of things to come shall be
01:58:33 fulfilled there we so here’s a here’s
01:58:36 one of the key points here and this goes
01:58:38 along with other things that we’ve said
01:58:41 earlier we keep the carnal Commandments
01:58:45 daily performances and ordinances un
01:58:50 till the law was done
01:58:53 away fulfilled until till the cross as
01:58:58 it right right
01:59:01 so goad now the there are some people
01:59:05 who will mistakenly include stoning with
01:59:07 this law of Moses saying that it was
01:59:09 done it was done away because of the
01:59:11 atonement this is not
01:59:14 true uh stoning was not done away
01:59:16 because of the atonement stoning is a uh
01:59:21 stoning is a capital punishment and
01:59:23 could only be inflicted by the temporal
01:59:27 judge uh correct and uh one proof that
01:59:31 it hasn’t gone away otherwise Yeshua
01:59:33 would be a sin he’s going to cause that
01:59:35 to happen before his second
01:59:37 coming on top of that um this is another
01:59:41 one of those doctrinal innovations that
01:59:43 people claim for me but it does it it
01:59:47 fits hell
01:59:50 you’re stoned forever you’re stoned in
01:59:53 the center of the Earth
01:59:57 forever so showing that stoning never
02:00:01 goes away so that’s actually where uh
02:00:05 that is actually according to
02:00:08 um according to
02:00:11 um and I know that this is tradition so
02:00:14 I’m going to say this that is where Gom
02:00:16 is the center of the earth well no
02:00:18 that’s that’s actually in the Bible yeah
02:00:21 okay but so it’s more than tradition
02:00:24 some people I will say this tradition
02:00:26 when they don’t know where it’s coming
02:00:27 from but the Bible actually does
02:00:29 directly state that the center of the
02:00:31 earth is Hell okay so it’s more than
02:00:35 just
02:00:36 tradition that’s where that’s where uh
02:00:39 that’s where hell hot comes from okay
02:00:41 right well and then and part of this
02:00:43 actually goes the point how the
02:00:46 prophecy that Yer was in the center of
02:00:49 the earth for three days and three
02:00:54 nights as soon as he died he went to the
02:00:57 heart or center of the Earth because
02:00:59 that’s where people
02:01:01 go um that’s another subject and and I
02:01:06 recently came across I’ll just say Moses
02:01:08 7 that gives some
02:01:10 interesting uh support of other things
02:01:12 that I’ve said about uh when doing
02:01:15 commentary on 138 which I’ll put a link
02:01:18 to so you guys can go look at it later
02:01:22 um but anyways because that goes along
02:01:25 baptisms of the dead and we’re don’t
02:01:27 want to Sidetrack on that much but no
02:01:30 not not today okay but anyways so this
02:01:33 is going along the lines how the law of
02:01:36 Moses which is primarily the two daily
02:01:40 Lambs is done away at the cross right
02:01:42 there that that pretty it’s pretty
02:01:44 explicit right there if you ask so
02:01:48 anyway so then the next I think we’re
02:01:50 here
02:01:51 now 25
02:01:53 yeah or for this end or purpose looking
02:01:57 Forward Unto the Messiah was the law of
02:02:00 Moses the daily performances and
02:02:01 ordinances given now uh I’m going to
02:02:04 Sidetrack just a little bit uh Elma 34 I
02:02:08 know I said it before but I’m going say
02:02:10 it
02:02:11 again every wit pointing to that great
02:02:15 and last sacrifice yep Torah does not do
02:02:19 that Torah teaches us how to live such
02:02:22 that we can be holy like Yahweh is Holy
02:02:26 LA mosus on the other point does every
02:02:30 wit point to the great and last
02:02:32 sacrifice I know that on some points not
02:02:34 all Point yet so that’s another
02:02:36 discussion um but it is valid that
02:02:40 statement when you go look at the
02:02:42 correct law law of Moses which was a
02:02:44 punishment
02:02:46 okay uh we’re
02:02:49 uh I I don’t remember exactly where do
02:02:51 you C
02:02:53 sorry now oh yeah right right there okay
02:02:57 so here wherefore the law of Moses types
02:03:02 of things to come hath become dead unto
02:03:04 us and we are made alive in Christ the
02:03:07 Messiah because of our
02:03:10 faith and uh oh yet we keep the law of
02:03:14 Moses to the so yet is like saying
02:03:20 oh we’re doing it despite the fact we
02:03:23 know it’s going to go
02:03:25 away which kind of what’s going on right
02:03:28 here right and the reason because they
02:03:31 were commanded to do it
02:03:34 correct and if they didn’t do it now
02:03:36 they’re no longer walking in Torah
02:03:39 correct uh because this as we talked
02:03:41 about earlier with Paul this was a a
02:03:45 temporary law or a note or Judgment of
02:03:49 the law because of a
02:03:51 punishment uh because of their sins
02:03:54 right
02:03:55 transgression transgression which same
02:03:58 thing but yes yeah
02:04:01 which
02:04:03 the I can’t remember if that was jst or
02:04:05 King James probably jst we could go
02:04:08 double check if you guys wanted to but
02:04:10 it explicitly States it’s because of
02:04:12 transgression sense it was J yeah we
02:04:16 just read we read it not too long ago
02:04:19 Yeah well yeah but I I I I’m not showing
02:04:22 what parts are jst or which one’s King
02:04:24 James but I can I can believe that’s jst
02:04:27 but anyways so yeah it’s too plain it’s
02:04:29 too plain for the King James uh that’s a
02:04:32 good point
02:04:35 there
02:04:36 sorry sorry I just have absolutely no
02:04:39 respect for the King James yeah I I I do
02:04:42 understand you’re concerned with it and
02:04:44 uh I I am agreeing with you here because
02:04:47 the JSC does if one knows how to read it
02:04:52 and has the keys it does make the
02:04:54 difference between Torah and law of
02:04:56 Moses much more clear and that is one
02:04:58 example right right
02:05:00 yep all right ver
02:05:03 26 okay and we talk of Christ or the
02:05:07 Messiah we rejoice in the Messiah we
02:05:09 preach of the Messiah we prophesy of the
02:05:12 Messiah and we write according to our
02:05:15 prophecies that our children may know to
02:05:18 what source they may look for a
02:05:20 remission of their
02:05:23 sins um wherefore we speak one thing
02:05:27 that’s interesting I’ll say something
02:05:28 right here up here they’re talking about
02:05:31 law of Moses and they’re talking about
02:05:33 it to point people to Christ and Elma 34
02:05:36 talks about how the law of Moses points
02:05:39 to the atonement or that great last
02:05:42 sacrifice such that our children may
02:05:46 know to what source they may look for
02:05:48 remission of of their sins yep because
02:05:50 that is the atonement that yes formed
02:05:53 because he was sinless he could do that
02:05:57 yes and I I mean this is we could get in
02:06:00 today or another time because there’s a
02:06:04 lot to does with the subject Hebrew
02:06:06 brings out
02:06:08 how Yeshua took upon himself our sins
02:06:13 and that goes along with things of the
02:06:15 law of Moses MH um
02:06:19 including the red heer
02:06:22 so start getting into it yeah or and
02:06:26 also the sacrifices of the day of
02:06:29 atonement wherein the sins of the people
02:06:31 are passed onto the heads of the animal
02:06:34 and then it is
02:06:35 slain yeah and on that point since been
02:06:39 bring it up the reason it’s a goat
02:06:41 because goats are sinners Yeshua took
02:06:43 our sins upon him that’s why it’s
02:06:45 represented as a goat in the day of
02:06:47 atonement because both those goats are
02:06:50 aspects of him and what he did for us
02:06:53 and the reason it’s a goat is because he
02:06:55 took our sins upon
02:07:01 him
02:07:02 so all right sorry um okay continue
02:07:07 Kesley wherefore we speak concerning the
02:07:10 law of Moses looking Forward Unto the
02:07:13 Messiah that our children may know the
02:07:15 deadness of the law of Moses that
02:07:20 um deadness yes deadness it’s not alive
02:07:23 like Torah it’s a
02:07:25 punishment it’s dead when we sin we are
02:07:29 dead it’s it’s dead Works unless you are
02:07:32 uh observing it looking forward to
02:07:36 unless you were in that time looking
02:07:38 doing it observing it looking forward to
02:07:40 Yeshua I agree with Ben uh but I I would
02:07:44 add I I believe part of the reason
02:07:46 they’re calling it deadness is because
02:07:48 when we sin we’re dead and it was given
02:07:51 unto them because of sin oh yeah yeah I
02:07:55 I I I won’t argue with that so um I I do
02:07:58 think both points have some validity
02:08:00 there but yeah um because I would say
02:08:04 though if they didn’t do it back then it
02:08:07 was a sin yes yeah yeah yeah and so this
02:08:11 is uh this gets into an interesting
02:08:14 thing I’ll just say it’s uh the children
02:08:17 of Israel that needed to do it no one
02:08:19 else and and right we don’t unless you
02:08:22 guys want to get into that portion of it
02:08:24 we’ll just and my well in my whole thing
02:08:26 is is that if we were if anybody were to
02:08:29 attempt to bring back the law of Moses
02:08:31 now that would be the very definition of
02:08:32 dead works well right and Paul um
02:08:36 actually States in one of his letters
02:08:39 that if you do that you’re rejecting
02:08:41 yeshua’s
02:08:43 atonement yeah he States it rather
02:08:46 clearly actually but yeah
02:08:49 right so I I I will tell you don’t do
02:08:53 that um because then you’re going to try
02:08:55 you’re trying to make it so you depend
02:08:57 upon your own righteousness instead of
02:08:59 yeshua’s and if you’re anything like me
02:09:02 you’ve sinned and deserve death and you
02:09:04 can’t save
02:09:06 yourself oh I know that I know I can’t
02:09:09 save
02:09:11 myself
02:09:14 so anyways uh you want to continue
02:09:19 yeah
02:09:20 um okay so the deadness of the law and
02:09:23 they by knowing the deadness of the
02:09:26 law um may look Forward Unto that life
02:09:29 which is in Christ the
02:09:32 Messiah and know of what end or
02:09:37 purpose um look Forward Unto the Messiah
02:09:41 the law of Moses types of things to come
02:09:43 was given so this goes back to Elma 34
02:09:46 we don’t have to go back there again but
02:09:51 okay and after the law of Moses look
02:09:54 Forward Unto the Messiah is fulfilled in
02:09:56 Christ the
02:09:58 Messiah and they need not Harden their
02:10:00 hearts against him when the law of
02:10:03 Moses
02:10:06 um sorry I’m losing my spot ought to be
02:10:09 done
02:10:10 away what what it’s supposed to be done
02:10:15 away gone not done anymore completely
02:10:19 done yes so I I there
02:10:22 are there there are others who believe
02:10:25 Torah is still valid and believe the
02:10:26 Book of Mormon other than our group here
02:10:30 but these other groups push that law of
02:10:32 Moses is still supposed to be done so
02:10:35 they they they push that the daily
02:10:37 performances and ordinances should still
02:10:39 be
02:10:41 done the this is a misunderstanding of
02:10:45 scripture right but here I mean even
02:10:48 just second Nephi 25 unless they are
02:10:51 trying to twist The Words which I’ve
02:10:52 seen how they’ve tried to twist those
02:10:54 that
02:10:55 phrase it plainly states that uh law
02:11:00 Moses should not be done
02:11:02 anymore which goes along with what Paul
02:11:04 says too and other Book of Mormon verses
02:11:07 yeah well it it should be done done
02:11:11 away right because it points to that
02:11:13 great last sacrifice which
02:11:15 is and since it’s already been
02:11:19 performed oh yeah yeah I guess it should
02:11:22 be done away right right in fact Paul
02:11:25 even brings out how when the Levites
02:11:28 doing it they had to do it
02:11:31 daily and then when Christ did it he
02:11:33 only had to do it
02:11:35 once right pointing to how it’s
02:11:40 done yep and it just that daily goes to
02:11:44 how it’s talked about what I showed
02:11:47 earlier in in Torah
02:11:51 right so anyways I’m just trying to give
02:11:54 some connections from other scriptures
02:11:56 that goes along with what we’re saying
02:11:58 here so anyway well and well and I let’s
02:12:03 just get into verse
02:12:05 28
02:12:07 okay now behold my people ye are stiff
02:12:10 neaked people wherefore I have spoken
02:12:12 plainly unto you that you cannot
02:12:15 misunderstand wait apparently they can
02:12:18 well yeah yeah well it’s interesting so
02:12:22 um since I it started talking about this
02:12:25 earlier just as a side note um the the
02:12:28 word that the CLA is associated with as
02:12:32 a mighty and strong one and how it is to
02:12:35 make it clear now
02:12:38 Nephi is a mighty and strong one of his
02:12:42 day his father was the Elijah his
02:12:46 brother was the Redeemer
02:12:49 Jacob and you go look at the patterns
02:12:52 they’re both
02:12:53 fulfilling those roles okay and their
02:12:56 duties um here is another Mighty and
02:13:00 strong one making it clear what he’s
02:13:05 saying unless you have a stiff neck and
02:13:08 you don’t want to look because you’re
02:13:10 too tied to your false Traditions from
02:13:15 Satan all right any anyways did you want
02:13:18 say some more on that b no I was just
02:13:20 like I was just like well apparently
02:13:22 they
02:13:24 can yeah because they do because uh in
02:13:27 fact uh mosiah 13 which we’ve talked
02:13:30 about abidi is chewing them out for it
02:13:33 right yeah for this exact thing because
02:13:36 they thought the law of Moses was going
02:13:39 to give them
02:13:41 salvation yeah they points to the source
02:13:44 of Salvation it’s not salvation itself
02:13:47 the you still today think law Moses is
02:13:51 salvation yep they sure do anyways they
02:13:55 say and they’re permitted to be and
02:13:57 they’re permitted to be as wrong as
02:13:59 about that as they are about the
02:14:01 calendar uh yes um and I have quotes
02:14:05 from them that states how they’re doing
02:14:07 the calendar currently is wrong but
02:14:08 anyways that’s another subject oh that’s
02:14:11 funny no no I I I I well I think you
02:14:16 know by now I have research on lots of
02:14:19 things right I mean it’s it’s it’s sad
02:14:23 but it’s also a little funny at the same
02:14:26 time uh yeah it’s it’s some of both but
02:14:29 anyway so I think I think you’re right
02:14:31 here kessley if I remember
02:14:33 right okay and The Words which I have
02:14:37 spoken shall stand as a testimony
02:14:39 against you for they are sufficient to
02:14:41 teach any man the right way for the
02:14:44 right way is to believe in I will say
02:14:46 any man who doesn’t want to twist words
02:14:49 well act the way that I I agree with him
02:14:52 the way that he wrote it these words are
02:14:55 sufficient to teach any man the right
02:14:57 way right unless why they stand as a
02:14:59 testimony against those who quote
02:15:01 unquote misunderstand them sure sure
02:15:06 right um for the right yeah for the
02:15:08 right ways to believe in the Messiah and
02:15:10 deny him not for by denying him ye also
02:15:14 deny the prophets of and the law so this
02:15:17 is talking
02:15:19 about a lot of people claim that Torah
02:15:22 doesn’t talk about the Messiah this is
02:15:25 um this is stating because that law is
02:15:28 Torah there I’m G to clean that up a
02:15:30 little bit
02:15:32 um and even supposedly people who
02:15:35 believe in the Book of Mormon and Torah
02:15:37 think it doesn’t but here the Book of
02:15:39 Mormon here is one of many instances
02:15:42 that states otherwise well I have a I
02:15:45 have a question based on that he’s
02:15:48 giving a you know if you if you deny
02:15:52 Christ you deny the prophets and the law
02:15:55 does it also follow that If you deny the
02:15:56 prophets and the law that you deny
02:15:58 Christ yes yeah they go together and uh
02:16:03 Nephi kind of goes along that logic in
02:16:06 second Nephi 33 if you don’t believe me
02:16:09 then Believe In Christ but when you
02:16:10 believe in Christ you’ll believe in me
02:16:12 or what I’m saying sorry yeah if you
02:16:15 don’t believe what I’m saying then Focus
02:16:17 On Believing on Christ and when you
02:16:18 actually believe in Christ you will
02:16:21 believe what I say say because I’m not
02:16:23 going to go against what he’s told me to
02:16:26 say right well because the Messiah was
02:16:28 his leader so
02:16:31 right it was a question that I kind of
02:16:33 knew the answer to but I just wanted to
02:16:35 pull that out that right uh and also I
02:16:39 will say this goes along with Torah
02:16:42 being the Holy Spirit and part of that
02:16:45 is denying Christ he’s talking about
02:16:47 deny the Holy Spirit yeah right yep um
02:16:53 which I highly recommend you don’t do
02:16:55 because then you’re son of predition and
02:16:58 nashing is
02:17:00 awful yeah yeah so uh I hopefully that’s
02:17:06 pretty clear what’s going on second
02:17:07 Nephi 25 now I like it I love it uh I I
02:17:12 do want to show a a at least a little
02:17:15 bit of third Nei not we don’t have to do
02:17:18 all of it because it goes on for a while
02:17:23 yeah I’ll read it uh okay well one thing
02:17:27 I I the one thing I do want to at least
02:17:30 let Ben see I made a small adjustment in
02:17:34 my notes I used to put those types of
02:17:36 things to come but recently I changed it
02:17:39 to carnal Commandments because that is
02:17:41 what they said the blood which I think
02:17:44 it just came to me while I was working
02:17:46 other things that makes more sense there
02:17:48 because that is the daily uh um two
02:17:52 Lambs that’s going on right there which
02:17:54 is a lot of shedding of blood which is a
02:17:56 lot of death which is carnal fact let’s
02:18:00 Sidetrack and go look at the word carnal
02:18:02 in the dictionary yeah let’s take a
02:18:05 quick look at
02:18:06 that a quick
02:18:12 Gander Zach you want to read carinal for
02:18:16 us
02:18:21 yeah pertaining to flesh fleshly sensual
02:18:25 opposed to
02:18:27 spiritual as caral
02:18:30 pleasure being in the Natural
02:18:33 State
02:18:34 un unregenerate
02:18:39 generate pertaining to the Ser
02:18:42 ceremonial law as cronal ordinances now
02:18:46 that’s the main one right there I mean
02:18:48 we can look at four uh less full right
02:18:52 but here’s the one that’s permitting or
02:18:55 pertaining to what we’re talking about
02:18:56 right now pertaining to the ceremonial
02:18:59 law as Cardinal ordinance
02:19:03 ordinances and we can go look at this oh
02:19:06 that Link’s not I don’t think that’s oh
02:19:08 there we
02:19:10 go uh and so this is actually talking
02:19:13 about things that goes along with the
02:19:15 daily performance and ordinances okay
02:19:17 okay for those who know what they
02:19:19 are yep um so just FYI we can get into
02:19:23 that more later but um and that we can
02:19:27 get uh from Exodus 29 Leviticus 6 and
02:19:32 numbers 28 are the main ones for that
02:19:36 okay um but now I’m gonna I I’m full of
02:19:41 s trcks let’s
02:19:43 um
02:19:46 uh
02:19:47 yeah let me just do just briefly
02:19:50 something and then we can go back to
02:19:52 this uh and and we’ll see here
02:19:56 in
02:19:57 jsts and um DNC there’s reference to
02:20:04 carnal Commandments was pointing to the
02:20:06 point of what happened
02:20:10 that uh Galatians 3 points2 and mosiah
02:20:15 13.2 to the time
02:20:17 it’s carnal Commandments it’s another
02:20:19 name for the law of Moses which goes on
02:20:22 with Exodus
02:20:23 34 that’s another 34 here’s it in the
02:20:26 New Testament jst
02:20:29 1 DNC 29 DNC
02:20:33 84 uh that’s another 80 so you can see
02:20:36 my notes need to get cleaned up a little
02:20:38 bit um yeah okay so that’s you can see
02:20:44 it’s
02:20:46 uh my I not has some validity there it’s
02:20:49 talked about other places it goes along
02:20:51 with when uh for the reasoning of Exodus
02:20:56 I mean sorry yeah Exodus 29 Leviticus 6
02:20:59 and numbers 28 was given okay uh which
02:21:02 it has to do with death in fact a lot of
02:21:05 death yeah poor Lambs
02:21:08 um okay so with that I I think that’s
02:21:11 probably a
02:21:13 good intro um to help us better
02:21:16 understand some things okay so all right
02:21:18 so third Nephi 9:14 starting in verse 14
02:21:22 ye verily I say unto you if ye will come
02:21:25 unto me ye shall have eternal
02:21:29 life behold my arm of Mercy is extended
02:21:31 towards you and whosoever will come him
02:21:36 will I
02:21:37 receive and blessed are all those are
02:21:40 those who come unto
02:21:43 me that’s a very that’s very nice I do
02:21:48 like the way that that kaym section Kay
02:21:51 asmic section breaks down there oh I I
02:21:54 think these poetries that these prophets
02:21:57 put in are beautiful which is part of
02:21:59 the reason I bring them out um and I
02:22:02 will also say they
02:22:05 add they make it easier to
02:22:08 understand behold I am
02:22:11 yosua hamashiach the son of Elohim I
02:22:16 created
02:22:17 the heavens and the Earth and all things
02:22:20 that in them are I was with the father
02:22:22 from the beginning I am in the father
02:22:27 and the father in me
02:22:30 modalism and in me hath the father
02:22:34 glorified his
02:22:39 name I came unto my own I came unto my
02:22:42 own and my own received me not and the
02:22:46 scriptures concerning my coming oh oh
02:22:49 that’s types of things to come like uh
02:22:51 Elma 34 and second Nei 25 and Isiah 13
02:22:57 and many others in the Book of Mormon
02:22:59 but any and so and so you can see
02:23:01 already here that this is speaking that
02:23:05 the the large part of this uh especially
02:23:08 the cessation of sacrifices is referring
02:23:11 to the law of Moses types of things to
02:23:13 come right so and also I’m gonna add to
02:23:16 that
02:23:17 uh the here’s where the beauty of kism
02:23:20 comeing in scriptures con concerning my
02:23:23 coming let’s go look at the other
02:23:26 D carnal command da
02:23:30 yeah yeah the other D and you shall
02:23:32 offer up unto me no more the shedding of
02:23:35 blood caral
02:23:37 Commandments sacrifices and your burnt
02:23:40 offerings types of things to come the
02:23:43 scriptures ConEd my coming types of
02:23:45 things to come are fulfilled and as many
02:23:46 as have received me to them have I given
02:23:48 to become the sons of
02:23:50 Elohim and even so will I to as many his
02:23:54 Shall Believe on my name for behold by
02:23:57 me Redemption cometh and in me is the
02:24:01 law of Moses
02:24:02 fulfilled so here here is a wonderful
02:24:06 example why I’m anal about doing KMS ask
02:24:10 Ben I’m anal about it especially
02:24:13 nowadays in sometimes he gets a little
02:24:15 irritated because he wants to get more
02:24:17 things done I’m like no I want KMS
02:24:19 here’s a beautiful example am I I’m
02:24:22 telling the truth right yeah yeah I’m
02:24:25 anal about it nothing it’s nothing it’s
02:24:27 nothing we haven’t hashed out before
02:24:30 yeah yeah no it’s fine if anything I’m
02:24:32 talking bad about me
02:24:35 um this is a wonderful example of it it
02:24:39 points to his coming to the law of Moses
02:24:42 and it makes this so clear that is what
02:24:45 goes away
02:24:47 yeah not
02:24:49 Torah I am the light and the life of the
02:24:52 world this is the center of
02:24:57 everything so Center
02:25:00 amms are very important so are the
02:25:04 edges but the centers are more important
02:25:06 than the edges I am the light and the
02:25:09 life of the world that light that he
02:25:11 called into creation on the second day
02:25:15 was Torah he’s saying I am
02:25:18 Torah I am the
02:25:23 life so uh Ben just since you’re
02:25:26 bringing it up pick your favorite one
02:25:28 and then then we’ll just do one pick
02:25:29 your favorite and then we’ll go
02:25:33 ons because it is so simple Psalm 119
02:25:39 105 Thy
02:25:42 word is a lamp under my feet a light to
02:25:46 my
02:25:53 um so here light this is and the word is
02:25:58 Torah um
02:26:00 yeah and it’s uh the point and so this
02:26:05 is the light that was brought into the
02:26:07 world on the first day of creation God
02:26:11 said let there be light there already
02:26:13 was a sun and the moon or else there
02:26:15 couldn’t have divided night from day
02:26:20 he had this the light he calls into
02:26:23 being on the first day of creation is
02:26:25 Torah all things are running according
02:26:28 to his Torah all things were created
02:26:30 according to his Torah what he call was
02:26:33 I always get these two mixed up it’s 84
02:26:35 88 actually explicitly states that I
02:26:38 always get those two mixed up yeah it’s
02:26:40 um yeah that uh it’s one of those two
02:26:45 but yeah that’s that’s
02:26:47 that is the light I am the
02:26:51 light and the life of the
02:26:53 world I am Alpha and Omega the beginning
02:26:57 and the
02:27:01 end and ye shall offer up onto me no
02:27:05 more the
02:27:08 shedding of blood carnal Commandments
02:27:12 that is carnal sacrifices and your burnt
02:27:14 offerings which were types of things to
02:27:17 come shall be done away for I will
02:27:20 accept none of your sacrifices and your
02:27:23 burnt offerings types of things to come
02:27:27 no more and in Paul’s word words if you
02:27:30 think they’re needed now you’re denying
02:27:34 yeshua’s atonement and you’re going off
02:27:36 of your own righteousness which are
02:27:38 filthy rags during a woman’s period
02:27:42 you’re just denying God is what you’re
02:27:45 doing you’re denying yeah
02:27:47 and ye shall offer for a sacrifice unto
02:27:49 me a broken
02:27:52 heart and a contrite
02:27:56 spirit and who so cometh unto me with a
02:27:59 broken heart and a contrite spirit him
02:28:02 will I baptize with fire and with the
02:28:06 Holy
02:28:08 Ghost even as the lamanites because of
02:28:11 their faith in me at the time of their
02:28:12 conversion were baptized with fire and
02:28:15 with the Holy Ghost and they knew it not
02:28:18 so uh you can say something if you want
02:28:21 but I want to Sidetrack on some other
02:28:23 Scriptures it shows how broken heart
02:28:25 contrite spirit have always been a
02:28:27 requirement yep they it’s always and
02:28:30 they it’s uh
02:28:33 Psalms David spe in Psalm 51 David
02:28:38 specifically refers to that as what God
02:28:42 has always required of those who follow
02:28:44 him yeah uh I’m I’m going to go to the
02:28:47 posts that were page I mean that we’re
02:28:50 both working on together yeah just
02:28:53 because there’s some good ones there we
02:28:55 we so we’re working exposing 126 but
02:28:59 there’s some
02:29:00 good there’s a good part yeah so here’s
02:29:03 my kism addiction you can see um
02:29:09 anyways
02:29:11 um there we go so here’s the ones on
02:29:13 some there we go
02:29:19 uh
02:29:21 okay uh Psalm 51:17 the sacrifices of
02:29:25 Elohim are a broken heart a broken and a
02:29:28 contrite heart o Elohim thou Wilt not
02:29:35 despise uh Second eepi 2 I’ll read that
02:29:37 one
02:29:39 wherefore redeth coming in and through
02:29:43 the holy Messiah for he is full of grace
02:29:46 and TR truth behold Yeshua offer himself
02:29:51 a sacrifice for
02:29:53 sin to answer the ends of the law unto
02:29:56 all
02:29:58 those here here’s giving a requirement
02:30:01 um which is something we have to do who
02:30:05 have a broken heart and contrite spirit
02:30:07 which are idioms for repenting okay
02:30:09 which we talking about early for for
02:30:12 walking in the and for repenting and
02:30:14 walking in the mind and will of God
02:30:17 go to repent means returning to the law
02:30:21 so if you think you’re repenting and
02:30:23 you’re not walking in the law you
02:30:24 haven’t repented just if it’s repenting
02:30:27 literally means returning to Torah so
02:30:30 how great the goodness of our God for
02:30:33 giving us a means whereby we can know
02:30:37 that what we do pleases him
02:30:41 yes um okay so and unto none El unto
02:30:45 none else unto none else can the ends of
02:30:49 the law be answered wherefore how great
02:30:53 the importance to make things known unto
02:30:55 the inhabitants of the earth so go tell
02:30:58 everyone that they may know that there
02:31:01 is no flesh so nothing we can do
02:31:04 ourselves that can dwell in the presence
02:31:06 of Elohim save it through the
02:31:08 merits mercy and Grace of the Holy
02:31:12 Messiah who layeth down his life
02:31:15 according to the flesh FL the atonement
02:31:18 and taketh up again by the power of
02:31:20 Torah that they may bring to pass the
02:31:23 resurrection of the Dead brth being the
02:31:27 first that shall rise so this is uh 359
02:31:30 that we’ve gone over uh Josh you want to
02:31:33 read one from modern modern modern
02:31:36 scriptures showing it’s
02:31:39 still for behold Yahweh I Yahweh will
02:31:44 bless all those who labor
02:31:47 in my vineyard with a mighty blessing
02:31:51 and they Shall Believe on his words that
02:31:54 I presume referring to Joseph
02:31:57 Smith which are given him through me by
02:32:02 the comforter which manifestes that
02:32:05 Yeshua was crucified by sinful men for
02:32:09 the sins of the world yay for the
02:32:11 remission of sins onto the contrite
02:32:15 heart
02:32:17 so there it is in modern modern verses
02:32:20 that we need a broken heart and contrite
02:32:22 spirit yeah the mighty
02:32:26 blessing is only given to those the cont
02:32:31 cont
02:32:35 heart so
02:32:38 um let’s go back
02:32:44 to 3i no I I I you’re somewhere around
02:32:48 here I don’t remember exactly uh it’s
02:32:52 uh uh and one other thing one other
02:32:57 thing the lamanites because of their
02:32:59 faith in me at the time of their
02:33:00 conversion were baptized with fire and
02:33:02 with the Holy Ghost the baptism of fire
02:33:05 is what happened at the time of their
02:33:06 conversion and is what is described in
02:33:08 the Book of Mormon the Holy Ghost the
02:33:11 baptism of the Holy Ghost happens later
02:33:14 correct there there the end there with
02:33:18 baptism of fire and the Holy Spirit are
02:33:21 the end there is showing its two
02:33:23 different
02:33:24 things and they knew it not that’s
02:33:27 that’s all over the place so
02:33:29 anyways uh behold I have come unto the
02:33:33 world to bring Redemption onto the world
02:33:37 to save the world from sin therefore who
02:33:40 so repenteth and cometh unto me as a
02:33:43 little child him will I receive for of
02:33:46 such is the kingdom of Elohim behold I
02:33:50 have for such I have laid down my
02:33:54 life fulfilling the types of things to
02:33:58 come for such so this is saying he’s
02:34:02 laid down his lies for those with a
02:34:03 broken heart and contrite spirit yep
02:34:05 which actually goes along I’m
02:34:15 sidetracking
02:34:21 there we go so I I have a kais of Isaiah
02:34:24 53 what a surprise hasn’t been published
02:34:28 but
02:34:30 um here Yeshua states that his atonement
02:34:33 will justify many not
02:34:35 all
02:34:37 yeah yeah going along with what we just
02:34:40 read yep okay I know this is confusing
02:34:45 for many but his atonement is for those
02:34:49 who come unto him and no one
02:34:51 else he did not atone for the sins of
02:34:56 everyone no but the because his
02:34:59 atonement is infinite it will handle
02:35:01 everyone if they will
02:35:03 come showing it’s not I always get a
02:35:07 hard time PID PID
02:35:10 quot quid proquo it’s not
02:35:14 that yes pro quo right uh because if it
02:35:19 was that it couldn’t be infinite but
02:35:21 anyways that’s another subject but I
02:35:22 just wanted to say that real quick uh
02:35:26 because it was related let’s go back
02:35:28 sorry it sometimes it doesn’t remember
02:35:30 okay here we
02:35:31 go okay so let’s see um and have taken
02:35:36 it up again therefore repent and come
02:35:38 unto me ye ends of the Earth and be
02:35:44 saved
02:35:48 I concur repent come not unto a man not
02:35:53 unto someone that says he knows the way
02:35:56 but doesn’t point to the Messiah but
02:35:57 says follow me don’t go to
02:36:01 him go to someone like John the
02:36:04 Baptist
02:36:07 yes you need said I must decrease that
02:36:12 you will get closer to the Messiah John
02:36:17 knew that he was not to make people
02:36:19 dependent upon him he was to get people
02:36:21 ready to go to the Messiah in fact some
02:36:23 of his 30 disciples he told them to go
02:36:28 to the Messiah and be his disciples well
02:36:33 and here’s and this this reminds me of
02:36:36 the um of the Insight that I had the
02:36:40 other day
02:36:42 um you know the objective for each of us
02:36:46 who are learning the law yeah is that we
02:36:49 may become
02:36:50 Kim kesim followers of the spirit or the
02:36:55 law the law dictates our actions or
02:36:59 behavior because spirit means Behavior
02:37:01 but right and the law teaches us how we
02:37:03 are to behave holy right right that’s
02:37:06 the
02:37:07 objective when we do not know the law
02:37:10 when we are young in the law when we are
02:37:13 not educated in the law
02:37:17 we need a talit or
02:37:23 teacher and therefore we are
02:37:27 talmidim yeshua’s yahushua’s Apostles
02:37:30 began as
02:37:31 talmidim they were not kishin until they
02:37:35 were first initially called Disciples
02:37:37 and then later called Apostles because
02:37:39 it was the scriptures when you know how
02:37:41 to read them are showing the process
02:37:43 that they went through y
02:37:47 Shalom Zack shalom shalom uh take care
02:37:53 Zack and so the
02:37:56 um and
02:37:59 so when you are young and inexperienced
02:38:02 and not knowledgeable in the
02:38:05 law pick your teachers
02:38:09 wisely uh in fact I I will say uh Elma
02:38:14 The Elder gives this require ments for
02:38:16 the teachers that they should be keeping
02:38:19 Torah yeah striving to keep Torah as
02:38:22 they go along with and some other things
02:38:23 we already said and de and in what we
02:38:27 have read today we’ve received further
02:38:30 instruction as to how those what those
02:38:32 talit should
02:38:34 teach and that is that it is only
02:38:39 through the merits mercy and
02:38:44 Grace
02:38:46 of our holy of our holy
02:38:49 Messiah that we can enter into his
02:38:53 presence that we may see his face is
02:38:56 only by his merits mercy and
02:38:59 Grace after all that we can do that we
02:39:02 can be brought back to him and this is
02:39:04 what the teacher should teach and all
02:39:08 that we can do is come under the Yeshua
02:39:10 the Messiah and repent to become like
02:39:14 him fact that’s part of going to the
02:39:17 Messiah going to is getting closer to
02:39:20 him and becoming like him which is
02:39:24 repenting
02:39:26 so for the town
02:39:28 medim the choice of the teacher the
02:39:31 choice of the tment is very important
02:39:33 choice yes crucial it’s very
02:39:37 crucial
02:39:38 um so uh I’m going to pause for a minute
02:39:42 um because we did finish those two book
02:39:44 more ones I wanted to do Sidetrack on
02:39:47 they took a while but I’m sadly not
02:39:50 surprised I I’m I’m getting a I’m
02:39:53 getting a little tired okay so we may
02:39:56 have to do more uh on because I I we I
02:40:00 do have as I showed lots of jsts and
02:40:04 dnc’s I also have lots of words from
02:40:07 Joseph Smith oh and Moses we’ll have to
02:40:11 do more another time because it is
02:40:13 getting kind of late I’m sorry nothing
02:40:16 comes up if nothing comes up next week I
02:40:17 would love to talk on this subject again
02:40:19 sure sure um so hopefully if nothing
02:40:23 else uh people are getting starting to
02:40:25 get a better understanding and that it’s
02:40:27 not something that only Stephen has
02:40:31 taught no no no no no yeah no no it’s
02:40:34 this this has been very helpful it’s
02:40:37 helped clear up a lot of things lot of
02:40:40 confusion yeah okay so let me pause for
02:40:43 a
02:40:44 minute